Any Lap top suggestions?


Hey all, I was wondering, does anyone know what is the best brand for a lap top that isn't super expensive, say 1000$ or less? ALso, it has to come with some kind of windows XP kind of thing, so I can do school work on it. Any input would be great! Thanks all!:)
I've got a Dell Latitude D505. I got it through school. I was expecting it to be about $800 since it was a "school discount," but it was almost $2,000!!!! I got all the software for law school on it, though. It was a deal, believe it or not.

If you're a student, maybe your school has a program. You can also get any software you need with an academic discount- try for software.

I know Dell has an academic discount, and I believe Apple still does, too. A lot of students in my class have a Dell, unless their jobs gave them something different. HTH
Definitely recommend a Dell. Had mine for 4 years and it's still going strong. I'm a gamer and I've had no problems with it not being able to run anything. And if you can game on computer, that typically makes it over qualified for the basics! lol ^^
I have a Dell as well (Inspiron 2200) and I love it. Mine cost around $1600, but I got mine off of QVC. Yeah, I know, crazy, but it came with a great package, and I get Dell Support. If you don't need it right away, you may want to watch for some holiday deals. Dell usually runs some good specials after Thanksgiving. You'll see a lot of commericals for them soon and the deals they are running.
I've had good success using a Dell workstation so I'd imagine their laptops are a good bet too. The biggest complaint I have with Dells is that you HAVE to use Dell parts to replace/fix if something has to be repaired.

I've been using an IBM Thinkpad for work (don't know how much they run, it's a work provided laptop) and haven't had problems with it. I've had it for a year or so. I know my company plus several others I've worked with while working for my company also use Thinkpads. They seem pretty popular in the corporate world.

Good luck and hope you enjoy your new computer!
I also have a Dell laptop. The cheapo one - Inspiron 1200, and I love it. I paid $600 at the time. My husband uses the desktop exclusively and I recently purchased by 15-year old daughter the same laptop as mine and it works fine for her schoolwork. We have wireless now so we can all be online at the same time. This is the best purchase I have ever made. I can sit on the couch all night and "surf the web."

My two older daughters (in college) both have Dells also. They have a 2000 model or something. More expensive because I thought they needed a better quality but, now in retrospect, these small laptops probably would have been good enough.

They advertise this laptop now for about $500. You can find the offer almost every Sunday in the magazine portion of the newspapers. There was something wrong with the first laptop I received (I couldn't fit the wireless card in it properly) and Dell shipped me a new one immediately and THEN sent a box so I could send back the defective one. I love Dell.:)
I have a Gateway laptop. I bought it at Best Buy with the 4 year contract. I don't have any complaints. It has an internal wireless internet card, so I am able to pick up internet signals in hotels and in offices. It has an extra-wide screen, plays DVDs, and has a 60 GB hard drive. If you plan to travel or do large projects, you may want to get a more expensive laptop. I liked the idea that I was able to look at and touch the computer before I purchased it. My laptop was about $1200 plus the contract (and tax).
I bought a Dell at the shop last year.I got it off e-bay. This thing rocks.It is loaded, gig memory, cd+dvd RW. 60 hd.
Pent 4 . I think 3.2
I did pay 1600. for it though. It was brand new . Dell warranty
Go pentium. It makes a difference. No celleron. I saw a huge difference. I also like Gateway. But the support isn't as good as it used to be.
I do alot of picture editing. Unless youn are needind a big processor and lots a memory. You should easily find one. Also check best buy.
Selling gateway now.
WOW! Thanks all! I think I figured out what brand to buy! ha! The input is great! I do have another question buying a REFURBISHED lap top a bad thing? THanks again ladies!
Another owner of a Dell desktop and laptop (Inspirion 9300). I recommend checking out this site: for additional discounts on Dell products. I used a coupon code that was listed on this site in addition to the current offers from Dell and saved over $1200 off the unit price.


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