Any Forty somethings wearing bikinis?

44 here and unfortunately nowhere near bikini-ready myself, but the suit looks great and definitely not too young. Wear it proudly and look beautiful!
I am 46, 47 in November, and yep, I do wear a bikini and have belly button pierced. Nope if you have it might as well show it off....

Good for you ladies! Unfortunately, I've never worn a bikini in my life and probably never will. Any extra weight I have always gathers right around my midsection. It makes no sense for me to draw attention to that area. I look a thousand times better in a one piece that camoflages my midsection. However, that has nothing to do with my age, just my build.

For those over 40 who wear bikinis, more power to ya!
Cute suit!!! Go for it..I'm 47, and just ordered 3 more bikinis from VS. I have really flat abs, so I echo what Diane said....maybe it draws attention away from the thighs, which you would see in a one piece anyway. I dread the day when I have to put that one piece on because I'm too old for a bikini. I guess age doesn't matter, if you look good, you look good!!! I figure, we all work so hard for our physiques, why not show it off!!!! I recently tried on a tank top in a store where someone I knew in HIgh School works. She said, "You've got GREAT should wear tank tops all the time!!! Do you work out a lot?" So there you have it....a colleague of mine here said that after a certain age, no one should go sleeveless. I think she's dead wrong, and jealous!

Have a great trip!
I am a fifty something, and I still wear one. I don't pick out the teeniest tiniest bottoms, but, as other has saed, we work so hard to get in shape.
Nice to see some many of us "older" ladies still wear them.

It's nice to see we have done so much for the concept of what old is!

I dont really go anywhere in a bathing suit but I'm with you guys in thought!
I'll be 42 in June and still wear a bikini. Loved those. My husband always tells me how I look good in my bikini, I guess he doesn't see the cellulite on my thighs.

By the way I love the bikini you are picking up.
I am 35 and I wear a BIKINI. As long as I workout to Cathe I will continue. I just got my pool end of last year and I am so enjoying it already. The next few days here will be kinda chilly.

When I do laps, i wear speedo or tyr tanks. But i got a bikini on my husband's advice. . .I'm 49!! I got one that has a skirted bottom since my thighs are my "problem" area.

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