Any experience with Ovarian Cysts?


I was told about 4 yrs ago I have an ovarian cyst, when I complained of VERY low (almost in my groin) right sided abdominal pain. It wasn't horrible pain, and it kind of went away.

The last month I've gotten it back, and WORSE. It got VERY bad for 2 weeks, but then right when I was going to have an appt with my GYN , it went away and I canceled my appt. But of course, it's come back. Intermittantly and not as bad.

I just wonder what others have experienced with ovarian cysts?

I am going to call and have it evaluated, but curious if this is "typical" of ovarian cysts.
I didn't know cyst come and go.
I don't have any first hand experience, but my 16 year old niece had one the size of a grapefruit. It wasn't cancerous, but she lost one ovary because it cut off the blood supply.
My niece's symptoms were irregular and painful periods, low back pain.
I'm having the same problem. I didn't notice the pain before my gyno felt it during an exam. I had a scope done and they confirmed that I had a cyst that looked like it was collapsing, and I also had scar tissue in many areas where cysts had come and gone. Apparently, three months later, that cyst wasn't collapsing after all. I have an ache in that area constantly, but on the 2nd or 3rd day of my period, it becomes excruciating pain. I spent 3 hours yesterday on the floor sobbing because it was so bad and just wouldn't subside. I don't have health insurance anymore, so I can't figure out what to do.

I was told that they tend to go away, but I feel like this one might not. If it's bothering you, I'd recommend getting it checked out. Your gyno might have good advice.
When I started perimenopause I had a pain so bad in my side I could barely walk. The doc did an ultra sound and said it was a cyst. They told me they are common when your hormones are fluctuating and they will just go away. I feel the pain now and then but have not had one as painful as the first one.
I have one on my left ovary discovered before I had my MEA done. I need a hystercomy because I also have fibroids.
I had a persistent ovarian cyst on my left ovary the size of a softball. It did not cause me any pain but would not go away. It was discovered during a routine exam. I went for regular transvaginal ultra sounds. When it did not go away after 2 years of watchful waiting it was recommended that I have the ovary removed. Persistant cysts can burst and then it becomes emergency surgery . I stressed alot at every ultra sound because the dr. would not guarantee that it was benign although it was believed to be. it turned out to be a mucinous adenoma (benign) I ended up doing my research and visiting 4 different doctors. Because I also had 2 very large uterine fibroids several doctors recommended doing a total hysterectomy. Since firbroids weren't causing me any severe problems and I went with the doctor who would only remove the ovary. That was my case, most ovarian cysts go away on their own and aren't anything to stress about. Worst case scenario is having the ovary removed. It was really not a big deal at all. In and out surgery, one ovary is enough to keeep everything working as before. No big recovery. Worrying about it was worse than the surgery. HTH
I was told about 4 yrs ago I have an ovarian cyst, when I complained of VERY low (almost in my groin) right sided abdominal pain. It wasn't horrible pain, and it kind of went away.

The last month I've gotten it back, and WORSE. It got VERY bad for 2 weeks, but then right when I was going to have an appt with my GYN , it went away and I canceled my appt. But of course, it's come back. Intermittantly and not as bad.

I just wonder what others have experienced with ovarian cysts?

I am going to call and have it evaluated, but curious if this is "typical" of ovarian cysts.

I've had problems since I was 17, and I'm now 41. Now obviously you need to see your doc and get a second opinion as well. If you get it taken out, it's possible to go through your belly button depending on details the doc would have to go over. That is the quickest way. You can also be put on birth control and that is suppose to shrink it, but I was not a fan of birth control and didn't go that route. They can give you pain med's like anaprox which helped me for years. It's a muscle relaxer. You can put a warm compress to the area and that helps.

After years of pain and problems and infertility (due to endometriosis, not the cyst) & a few surgeries, I had a hysterectomy a year ago. I never dreamed life w/out pain could be so good. I'm so sorry to hear about your pain, but there is hope. Just take care of it now so it doesn't get worse. btw, diet and exercise (after it's taken care of) can only improve your life and I believe help with prevention of more cysts in the future. It can't hurt, right? Good luck - autumn
I was told about 4 yrs ago I have an ovarian cyst, when I complained of VERY low (almost in my groin) right sided abdominal pain. It wasn't horrible pain, and it kind of went away.

The last month I've gotten it back, and WORSE. It got VERY bad for 2 weeks, but then right when I was going to have an appt with my GYN , it went away and I canceled my appt. But of course, it's come back. Intermittantly and not as bad.

I just wonder what others have experienced with ovarian cysts?

I am going to call and have it evaluated, but curious if this is "typical" of ovarian cysts.

I definitely know what you are talking about. About a year ago I started having pain in my low right side. I ignored it for a very long time (at times it felt like a "catch" in my side, other times it was a dull throbbing pain). Well, I was scheduled to go to Cathe's RT last summer in July and the pain had gotten really bad, so I went to the doctor a couple of weeks before because I was afraid it was something serious and I didn't want to go to NJ and something go wrong. Well, after a CAT scan, they found only that I had an ovarian cyst on the right ovary. The regular doctor said that was common and it would probably go away. I went to my gynecologist in late August and he said the same thing. So I didn't worry, but I still have pain in my right side (sometimes bad!). Sometimes it's bad for a few days, then okay for a while. I do think it might have something to do with me being pre-menopause because prior to having these problems, I went off the birth control pill after being on it for 20 years and it messed me up real bad (hot flashes, night sweats, pimples breaking out in weird places, etc.) after three months I went back on the pill. My doctor said that probably I'm going through menopause (I'm 45 -- it can last up to 10 years!) and with me stopping my BC pills, that made my menopause symptoms more "clearer". My doctor said that if he was treating a woman with menopause symptoms, he would put them on estrogen, which is what my BC has. So -- long story short, I'm back on my BC pills and menopause symptoms have subsided. But I still have intermittent problems with right side pain (sometimes really bad!). So apparently my cyst is still causing problems -- haven't gone back to the doctor yet, but will soon!
I get cysts almost every month. It usually happens a week after my period. Thankfully, I only have pain for a day or two and then they dissolve/burst and go away until the next month.
I had one that grew to be the size of a football--without me ever knowing it. Crazy, huh? I didn't have any symptoms. No painful periods, no abdominal pain, nothing. The only thing that was symptomatic (but that I didn't think to attribute to a cyst) was that I had to go to the bathroom every hour or so. That was because the cyst had grown so big that it was pressing up on my bladder.

I ended up having surgery to get it removed and unfortunately, it had practically swallowed up one of my ovaries. That ovary is still there, but it's basically non-functioning at this point :(. I also had to lose one of my fallopian tubes because it got tangled up in this monstrosity.
In 1992 I woke up one night in excrutiating agony. I was in agony all night long. It turned out that the pain resulted from an ovarian cyst which had burst, I had been haemorraging internally and the pressure of the blood upon my diaphragm caused such intense pain in my shoulders, I could not sleep. I had surgery to cauterize the cyst, did not lose the ovary and became pregnant some 6 months later.

I have short, sharp burst of pain at the ovary site each month on the side where an egg is released but it lasts but a minute and is done.

My sister in law had a cyst as large as a football which had to be surgically removed and she lost the ovary.

That's all I can say! So, what's your experience?

I had a ruptured ovarian cyst last year (had an ultrasound). It was so painful, the worst cramps and lower abdominal pain I've ever had. :eek:Luckily after two weeks it went away and I haven't had any problems since, but I'm concerned since I've already gone through menopause and that's usually not a good sign (since I'm not ovulating anymore). Definitely follow up with your doctor, better to be safe!
The concerning thing to me is that I am on the Pill. And the pain supposedly gets worse with hormones and ovulating, which I don't do. So why am I having it?

I had a cyst that burst YEARS (15 or 16?) ago, and they did nothing for me then.

I have an ultrasound and appt booked for tuesday, so I guess I'll find out then!

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