Any diet book ideas

I really like the website SparkPeople - as a tool for losing weight and getting healthier. It has lots of recipes, and a nutrition and fitness tracker and the people are on the boards I have found to be overwhelmingly friendly and supportive. On this website there is a team for clean eating & recipes and they team leaders have compiled a lot of recipes into a "book". I find having the daily (or whatever amount you put into it) of a website helps keep me on track. There is also a spark people recipe book that has just come out

The SparkPeople Cookbook from Chef Meg Galvin: Order Now!

- sarah
You might want to try The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. My library has copies of a few of her books. She has several cookbooks out as well.
I highly recommend The Paleo Diet with a little tweaking. I add a very small amount of cooked Steel Cut Oats and some Greek yogurt that is not on the plan. Paleo mainly consists of the leanest protein, fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts and the healthy oils. It is restrictive, but very worthwhile. The book I have is by Dr. Loren Cordain. He seems to me the better expert.

I don't agree that you can eat as much as you like. If you go beyond your calorie intake you will gain weight. A pound is a pound is a pound. Also since you will be eating a lot of protein the body dosen't seem to be as hungry and three portioned size meals (you will have to figure that out) a day is sufficient.

As you can see on my slider, I started eating this way in January and now have lost 33 pounds.

What ever you decide, put your whole heart into it and work very hard on exercising, find motivation where ever you can find it. If you haven't already, join in a forum group. There really is no other way and never ever give up.

Cheering you on! Keep us in the loop on how you are doing. There are a lot of knowledgeable wonderful ladies here that will help with motivation and advice.

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Fit - Thanks for the Primal book recommendations. I will check those out.

Janie - Congratulations on your success! So glad it's working for you!

Here's another recommendation for Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet books. I have all but the Vegetarian one. I'm sure I'll buy it soon - just haven't yet. I have such a girl crush on Tosca, and my family loves her recipes.

According to April's Oxygen interview with Tosca, she has turned to the Paleo lifestyle. Like JanieJoey, she tweaked the diet by adding some soaked oats. She posed in a bikini @ 50 on the cover of that issue. :cool::cool:
I actually really like Jillian Michael's book 'Unlimited' its not really a dieting book per se but it is a life book. I found it to be more inspiring than a strict dieting book.

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