Any Cathe beginners?

Hi all! thanks for the feedback on the Workout Manager. I've started to log my workouts. Next I'll enter my inches.

Phoenix - thanks for pointing out where to find the weight loss ticker. I may use that too. But right now, I don't want to get on the scale - lol!

Betterallthetime - get well wishes!

Bridget - glad to hear First Communion went well! At what age is First Communion? When I was little, I think mine was in 2nd grade.

Jennifer - Congrats on the weight loss!!!! That's inspiration for me.

Yesterday was home stuff for me. On tap for tonight is Body Fusion.
Glitter- I can totally relate to hiding from the scale. I did it myself for the first 4 weeks of my "plan" and can only guess now at my starting weight. I do think I would have been completely demoralized and might have thought my total weight loss was unfathomable if I'd weighed in on day one. I say do what feels right for you.

Jennifer-Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss success. It is inspiring!

Bridget- So glad to hear that your daughter's First Communion went well. I would not worry about having some goodies. I totally cheated on Easter and got right back to my plan the next day. It did not seem to affect the scale on weigh in day.

Nancy (Phoenix) - Glad you are on the mend. I am hoping that I am just a day or two behind you.

I did absolutely nothing on Saturday. I actually slept for 20 hours. I think the Zyrtec knocked me out. I am also developing a nice laryngitis, which points to a virus. I felt better yesterday and did Low Intensity Step from 4 Day Split in the morning and then took my daughter shopping in King of Prussia, which is 90 miles away. In the evening I did Low Impact Step. I woke up this morning with a killer sore throat, but I think it is from sleeping and post nasal drip (I know- way TMI- sorry!). I am sipping green tea and trying to figure out what I can handle today, besides the 3 loads of laundry I have done so far. I looked at Cathe's May Rotation and I don't have all of the discs and I'm not sure I can do it. I think I may stick to my own mini plan, moving everything up to 6" step.

What do you all think you'll do this month?

Nancy (betterallthetime)
Hi Glitter,
My daughter is 8 and in the 2nd grade. We had a beautiful weekend, perfect in fact!

Nancies- take care of yourselves! Chicken soup your way!

I may add a weight loss ticker if I become so motivated, just not now.
Tomorrow morning, I am in the mood for some cardio. Low Max really kicked me into gear last week, I may do that one again, or step blast, haven't decided yet- keeping it on 4" for now- will let you all know of course!

Nancy (betterallthetime): Definitely hope you get rid of the killer sore throat. You are an inspiration to me if you can even think about doing any type of a workout when you are feeling so lousy! When I feel like crap, my workout is crap! I haven't seen Cathe's May rotation, but if you don't have all of the disc, I know I won't have most of them . . . I think for May I will continue on my same routine, just move my step to 6" starting tonight. Still waiting for my Kick, Punch & Crunch though so I may incorporate that into the month once I get it.

Do you all find that you switch your exercise routine from week to week using different Cathe discs or do you stick with one disc for a while and then work on to something else? I'm still doing Basic Step and Body Fusion Add-ons and was thinking in June I would start the actual step routine on Body Fusion with the Add-ons. But, I think it would be fun to have a variety of Cathe's DVDs and be able to pop anything in the player depending on how I felt each night--I'm just afraid if I get off of my set routine, I won't see improvement and right now, I am looking for improvement because I have a lot of weight to get rid of!
betterallthetime and jatbdp -
Here's what I'm trying to do for the month - because I think I have more improvement if I stick to something for a few weeks and progress on it. I plan to select workouts for the week, and use the same ones for 4 weeks. I plan to progressively go heavier throughout the month:

Week 1 - choose my workouts; try them out. Don't worry about what weight I use. Write down the flow. Easy week.
Week 2 - use my best guesstimate for weights now that I know the pattern and moves. Moderate week.
Week 3 - go heavier. Heavy week.
Week 4 - go as heavy as I can, with good form.
Week 5 - start all over again, selecting a new batch of workouts and having a "light" week. As I need to, I'll extend the "week" to make sure I have enough recovery before starting the next rotation.
My workouts have fallen by the wayside the past couple of days - just too much other stuff going on that has to be taken care of first. But it's all done and I can focus on me again so back on track with the workouts again tomorrow. Here's my plan for the next four weeks:

Wednesday - Low Impact Circuit
Thursday - Kick Punch & Crunch
Friday - Pyramid Upper Body
Saturday - Low Max
Sunday - REST or Sretch Max
Monday - Pyramid Lower Body
Tuesday - Low Impact Step
Glitter: I basically did the same thing, but I had a very limited supply of Cathe DVDs, so I worked out a month-long routine using Basic Step and the Add-ons. This allowed me to pick everyone's brains in here to find out what everyone else was using and then check them out of Cathe's site to decide which DVDs I wanted to purchase. Since I ended up starting mid-month in April, the past two weeks were basically my "trial" period to get use to Cathe (as I had never used her before) and the routines and now that I have started my new 4-week series, I have increased from 4 inch step to 6. Provided all goes well in May, I will begin a new 4-week series using the step routines from Body Fusion and the Add-ons at 4 inches and progressively increase the step height.

I do Basic Step and one section of the Add-ons on Mon, Wed & Fri and only do Basic Step on Tues & Thurs. I do Stretch Max on Saturday and take Sunday off to try to re-coup for the next week. Plus, if I am feeling really good, I have been walking 2 miles on my lunch period at work. I'm hoping as I shed the weight and become progressively more coordinated that I will be able to keep up with everyone here and attempt to do some of the routines they are doing as I purchase the DVD's.

Nancy: I understand having way too much to do and trying to find time to workout. I have to do it as soon as I get home from work before I eat or I end up getting caught up in other family obligations and I find the later at night it gets, the more difficult it is for me to fully complete the planned routine for that day. Although, I did just get my Kick, Punch and Crunch DVD today, so I may have to throw that into my mix just to spice it up a bit.

Bridget: Good for you, at least you did something!! Usually when I can't get motivated, my workout goes into the toilet! : )
I am really hoping to feel better soon, but it is SLOW! I went back to bed after the kids left for school yesterday at 7am and slept in past 11. Then I had to go in for a breast MRI, which is really a treat. No results yet, but I am not too concerned. I did PUB/PLB bonus premix and about 30 minutes of the LIC Cardio premix. I had not done any weights since Thursday and I was afraid that if I waited any longer I would go back to the ultra-soreness. I still hate the calf section, but according to Dr. Oz, if you build up your calf, it helps your cankles! Need I say more?

Nancy (betterallthetime)

BTW- My Rhythmic Step came. I could not even get through the warm-up :(
Hi Everyone,
Are you still accepting new members?

I just started Cathe's beginner rotation Monday after an extended vacation from her workouts. I figured it would help ease me back into the swing of things without being too hard or overwhelming.

I'm planning on doing the workouts for week 1,2,3 for only two weeks and then i'm moving on to the workouts for weeks 4,5,6 for only two weeks as well. I think i would get bored doing three weeks of Basic Step variations and ANOTHER 3 weeks of Body Fusion variations. 2 weeks of each and i should be ready to move on.

Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day but i decided to do Stretch Max in case i can't do it on Thursday since i'll be getting home late that day. It worked out well since my legs were sore from Monday's workout: Basic Step + Lower Body Add On.
Looks like I'm starting tomorrow instead of today - too many things going on at the end of the day and just no energy for a workout. It just seems to so much going on all of a sudden both at work and outside of it but it should be settled now. So no more excuses! Tomorrow it is.

I sometimes like to have a set routine for about 4 weeks where I do the same workouts each week. It is a lot easier to keep track of when life gets busy! I like to change them every month and use a different set of workouts or mix them up a bit more. Eventually, I will start doing rotations like Cathe posts where it is always different each day and week.

And definitely let me know how you like Kick Punch & Crunch when you try it out!

Great job completing Timesaver #1!

Nancy (betterallthetime):
Hope you feel better very soon! Hope the MRI results come back ok too!! Great job with the PUB/PLB bonus premix and LIC cardio premix. Don't worry about the Rhythmic'll improve faster than you think. I think the workouts are always much harder the first time.

Welcome! Glad to have you join us! Your plan sounds good - I did a similar thing trying to get back into Cathe's workouts. I like Basic Step but it gets boring fast!
Elle_P: Welcome to the group - I think I everyone here has used Cathe in the past and are just trying to get back into the swing of things except me! I truly have never done a Cathe workout before. Its always great to have another person to bounce things off of!

Nancy: Understand busy life, I am beginning to wish there were 72 hours in a 24 hour day then maybe I could actually get something fully completed and still have some time to myself . . .

Nancy (betterallthetime): Keep us posted on the MRI, hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the results. At least you tried Rhythmic Step--good for you!

Through all the illnesses, family and personal obligations, medical problems and plain just having a bad day, I wanted you all to know that I think you all are awesome--you always help each other keep our spirits up and you continue to workout no matter what is going on in your lives--you all inspire me to keep going and not give up and I just wanted to tell you Thank You!
Hi everyone! May I join you, too?

My name is Pam and I've been a long time user and fan of Cathe. I am just getting back into the groove of regular, daily exercise and I was happy to find your thread.

I started this basic rotation and I am happy to say that I am almost finished with week 2! Go me! I'm really pleased with that, since I have never fully completed a rotation of any sort. Right now, I'm working on getting through the first 4 weeks, and then I will probably move on to more of a fat burning rotation.

I'm currently doing WW and working on losing a significant amount of weight. I'm calling it my "LifeStyle Over Haul";)

I look forward to supporting you all!
Good Morning and thanks for the warm welcome!

Last night i completed my scheduled workout: Basic Step + Upper Boddy Add On. For week two i'm planning on adding a riser to Basic Step to change it up a little and keep things interesting.

Pam: Welcome! That rotation looks great. The only problem i have with a lot of these rotations is that i don't have every single Cathe DVD and i find it hard sometimes to figure out what i could substitute.

Phoenix130: I like your current rotation (I saw it on your blog). Once i've completed my first four weeks i'm going to incorporate LowMax and KPC into a rotation.

Jatbdp: I agree with you! Having a group of likeminded people really helps to inspire and motivate. That's why i'm back here on the forums. It's easier to stay on track.

Have a great day Everyone! :)

Good morning!

Thanks for the welcome, Elle! I just finished Total Body Sculpting this morning, and though it's a pretty short and light video, I am feeling great. This marks the end of my second week on the rotation. Tomorrow is a rest day and Rhythmic Step is up for Saturday morning. It's been a while since I've done that one! I previewed it a little bit this morning and I know that it's going to be fun, but tough!:confused:

I know what you're saying about the rotations. I'm lucky that I have so many Cathe DVD's. I've been collecting for a while now. I think the only ones I don't have are the STS strength ones. I got the cardios, but I haven't even taken the wrapping off of them yet.

Anyway, I've been doing all of my step work on just the platform and that's working me pretty good. But I do think it's almost time to add a set of risers. Good luck to you!

Well, better got get this day started. Have a great day, everyone!
Checking in tonight with Low Impact Circuit done! I got home late again but since I don't have to work tomorrow (we're moving offices and there's nothing to do with the servers being down and moved too so I took the day off), I figured I could squeeze it in since I will be able to sleep in tomorrow. My poor legs and calves were feeling'd think they'd be all rested after all these days of rest but no! Felt good though.

There are definitely not enough hours in the day sometimes. Too bad we have to sleep...those 7 or 8 hours could be useful. :) I think it's great that everyone here is really supportive and motivated too. I think we are all inspiring each other!

Please do join us! Welcome!! That rotation looks like a great one - I think you will definitely see a lot of improvements when you finish. Love the 'lifestyle overhaul'! :)

Great job with Total Body Sculpting. Let us know how you like Rhythmic Step - I have yet to try it. :)

Great job with Basic Step + Upper Body! And that's great that you are looking to increase the step height next week too.

I really like the rotation I'm doing now. I've switched the order of some workouts so that the longer ones are on days where I know I will have time. Low Max and KPC are two of my favourite workouts. I think you'll really enjoy them too.
Good Morning Ladies!
I've been checking in early this week which is not like me since i'm so not a morning person!:p

I got home very late last night due to my Step-son's confirmation so i did not do my scheduled workout (Stretch Max). The good news is i had planned for this earlier in the week and completed Stretch Max on Tuesday which was supposed to be a rest day. So i'm still on schedule for the week's planned workouts. :D

Phoenix130: Good job on getting in the late workout. I also really enjoy LoMax so i'll be looking forward to adding it in once i've completed my break-in period with BS & Body Fusion.
As for KPC, i'm really going to have to give this one another shot. I think i only ever attempted one of the pre-mixes. I've never really done Kick Box type workouts and even though there is a short tutorial at the beginning, i'm really not sure how to do all the kicks correctly.:confused: I'm always worried about my form and if my knee is facing the right direction. It's really hard to see on Cathe since they move really quick and they are wearing black pants. I'll give it another looksy!

Hello to everyone else! Hope you all have a great Friday.

Good morning! I'm so happy it's Friday.

Today is a rest day for me, but I will probably squeeze in a segment of Stretch Max later on today. And then tomorrow morning, it's Rhythmic Step. I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks for the welcome, Nancy. I am glad to be able to participate in the group. It's very motivating.

Have a wonderful day.
Checking in today with Kick Punch & Crunch completed. Love it! I'm able to do a bit more of the higher intensity moves but still have to modify a lot. But I still get an amazing workout. I think it will be awhile before I can do those planks and pikes on the stability ball - I have zero balance as it is. I keep trying. :)

I'm not sure if I'm always doing the kicks correctly - especially when it goes fast. For front kicks, your knee is facing front and if it is a push kick, it's like you are pushing through a door and striking with your heel (foot flexed). If it is a snap kick, your foot is pointed and it's more of a snap than a push. Same for the side. Don't know if that helps but watching the tutorial a few times might help.

I'm so glad it is Friday too! Hope you enjoy your rest day!
Hello everyone! I'm checking in early this morning. I just finished Rhythmic Step! Whew!:eek: It's been a LONG time since I've done that work out. I did it on the platform alone and I had to modify here and there. There's a lot of fun and fancy foot work in this one, but I'm planning on doing it again next week to see if I can nail down some of the moves.

Nancy-I have to say that I don't think I've ever completed KPC. Some day, though! I will definitely have to modify it though, for sure. Congratulations on the pounds you've lost! My goal weight is right around where yours is, too.

Well, better get this day moving. Have a good one!

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