Any Canadians get their dvds yet?

Recieved DVDs today - Nov 3

I am in Mississauga and I picked up my package from the post office today. I ordered the LIS Deluxe with the slide discs. I did not have to pay an taxes or extra fees - YAY!

So far everything looks good.

Is anyone thinking of ordering the calendar and taking advantage of the FREE shipping to Canadians? There is also a 20% discount on any other items if you get the calendar.

Since I am on a thread related to fellow Canadians, I just wanted to mention that in Mar 2012 I will be opening a full size natural grocery and health food store in the GTA and offering some VIP discounts to fellow cathletes. So far a few people have emailed me privately for more information. If you are interested please email me at [email protected] to get the sneak preview of what's coming.

Marissa (TwinkleTwinkle)
I'm in southeastern Manitoba & nothing yet!!:( Getting too excited about the wait!! I hope LIS doesn't take as long as my STS! That was almost a month!!!Hopefully next week:)
Still no in NS . I never wait this long with other deliveries. I'm so depressed to see people across the planet getting them before us when we're actually closer than some states. Sigh again. I was a very early order number too!
Just checked the mail and NOTHING:(. I thought for sure they would be in today seeing as so many others have gotten theirs. I do know it takes 2-3 weeks and its just coming into the 3 weeks.

I came home from work early as I'm not feeling well so I was of two minds of getting them today. I really want them but with being sick I wouldn't be able to do any of them:eek:

Yes, just received them this morning. I had to pay an extra 13.60 in fees, which I haven't done before. I just completed Afterburn and loved it. I have a Zumba class tonight, and I think I might be needing an Advil at bedtime!!
Yes, just received them this morning. I had to pay an extra 13.60 in fees, which I haven't done before. I just completed Afterburn and loved it. I have a Zumba class tonight, and I think I might be needing an Advil at bedtime!!

I am so jealous!

I can't wait to get home to check the mailbox. PLEASE let today be the day!!! I've never been this excited for a series before...I'm going coocoo waiting.
Nothing today - it's hard to believe people across the ocean have faster delivery than to Canada. Oh well - they HAVE to come sometime this week.(or so I tell myself):(
My dvd's finally arrived today!!:D:D I'm in southeastern Manitoba. However, I did have to pay the customs handling fee plus the PST & GST for a total of $20.74:( Now it's of to preview!!:)
cbillekop said:
My dvd's finally arrived today!!:D:D I'm in southeastern Manitoba. However, I did have to pay the customs handling fee plus the PST & GST for a total of $20.74:( Now it's of to preview!!:)

Yah and Boo! So glad they are finally there! Let us know what you do first. Wow, I can't believe some of you are still waiting. I can only imagine your disappointment with each day that comes and goes. Good Luck and hope you get them TOMORROW!!!

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Glad to hear that a Manitoban got their dvds maybe I can hope to see them soon in Winnipeg! I've been ordering Cathe's for years and don't think I've ever paid customs.
Well another day gone by and nothing in my mailbox. Crossing my fingers and my toes that they will be in my mailbox tonight.

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