Any Canadians get their dvds yet?

I can't believe I still haven't got mine either! :eek: And I'm in the city of Toronto, not in any boondocks like you Bubachick!;) Waa!! I want mine NOW!!:p
BTW I found a Jillian Kettle bell work out in Zellers it's called SHRED-IT with weights. Any one tried this? Can't do KB right now (SI joint injury) bought it any way:rolleyes:


I don't believe the reviews on VF are any good on this. Mainly due to her form.
Hi every one, My Cathe package just arrived :D:D:D !!!!

Thanks dixidog it did fit in my mail box, just barely though had to tug a little to get it out. So glad my mail lady made the extra effort.

Thanks mamapew I'll check out the reviews on it, I did watched some of it the other day, I really don't need any injuries, I'm still recovering from my fall.

Hey Twinkletoes,

I going to start pre-viewing right after the dogs go for a run in the woods, they will be very quiet while I watch Cathe :p:p:p

I picked mine up from my post office last night. (I'm in Toronto). And I previewed some of Intensity and some of Lower Body Blast.

AND, OH MY FLIPPING SNAP!!:eek::eek: I nearly had a conniption just watching INTENSITY!!:eek::eek::p:D It left me breathless and I couldn't even finish watching the step section!! (mind you it was really late when I previewed BUT STILL!!) My gosh Cathe believes in us!! I personally think the step section is her own personal workout to her lungs of steel's self that she's sharing with the rest of us mere mortals!! It goes from power moves to power moves to OH MY FLIPPING SNAP to BLASTS!!:eek: I thought the power moves WERE the blasts!! Is she kidding me!! This makes her Imaxes look like child's play!! She's AWESOME!! I can't wait to be well enough to work up to this. This will be something to look forward to.

Stebby, did you get yours yet? Everyone keep us posted on your previewing. Bubachick have you come up for air yet in your previewing? Let us know how your enjoying them.:D:D
I don't have mine yet. I met the postman this morning as I was leaving for work - all he had for me was a Christmas card from a company I've dealt with! I'm starting to get worried now. :(

I haven't gotten mine yet either - the mail has already been delivered today, but nothing.

I am starting to get a little worried too...

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