Antidepressants and Sex Drive


Recently I started on Lexapro, 10mg. It seemed to work for about a week but then I really didn't notice anything "spectacular" and overall have been disspointed with its effectiveness. My doc told me to go up to 20 mg. but if it made me really tired then to switch to Prozac. Well.........suprise! made me really tired, much like when I started on 10mg. Also, my sex drive has suffered.

Is Prozac going to be the same? Honestly, if these drugs are not going to do much I don't think this experimenting is worth the side effects. I thought you were really supposed to notice something with taking these meds, a BIG change. What gives?

If I take the Prozac I risk totally killing off the sex drive. I don't know what I want more right now, sex drive or a better mood. Being in nursing school I feel now that stress is inevitable and maybe I am fighting somewhat of a losing battle??? Right now, I feel that my stress is as high as ever, but I started with the meds at the same time I started school. So, could be that w/o the meds I could be in panic attack mode?? LOL. I just don't feel these meds are worth the side effects. I have been on the Lexapro for about six weeks now and no miracles....And if Prozac is going to make me even MORE tired, well I don't want it. I have to be alert and productive after all..

Thanks for any input..:)
You really need to be patient with antidepressants. The full effect takes about 4-6 weeks to develop. From what I understand, both Lexapro and Prozac have sexual side effects. I was on Wellbutrin for several years with no sex drive problems. You may want to mention to your doctor that the sexual side effects are an issue for you so maybe he/she can adjust your meds accordingly.

I have taken Lexapro and prozac and experienced the same thing. I think they say that Welbutrin actually increases you sex drive. Nothing wrong with that huh?

Have you tried celexa? That didn't give bad side affects.

Hope you find something that can treat you and not be aggravated by those stupid side affects.

Well, my psych thought it should have kicked in by now (Lexapro 10mg). Like I said, she wanted me to up to 20mg for a week, but I did that one day and fell once again into zombie land. In addition, Prozac comes generic which is WAY cheaper, so I figure if both are going to kill your sex drive and make you a zombie, what do I care?

Except now I am rethinking them all together. She won't put me on Wellbutrin because of my anxiety....she feels it would worsen, even though I was on the generic Wellbutrin before (PCP prescribed) and did not notice worsening anxiety (that was the one that made me itch). I haven't even taken the Prozac yet, I am scared!:eek:
naughtoj -

My experience with Prozac: it killed my sex drive and at higher doses, screwed up my ability to think straight, and even talk straight.

My experience with Wellbutrin: no sexual side affects, but I turned into a tempermental raging bitch, so I quit it.

I haven't taken any meds for my dysthymia in years, have had a few serious funks, and sought therapy as I felt I needed it. I was able to make it through the depression without going back on any meds.

Prozac works, but it takes a lot of fiddling with the dose to find the magic recipe. Truth be told, I didn't like taking Prozac because I hated how it made me feel like an emotional flatliner - no ups or downs, or highs or lows. Everyday was the same.

I've only ever taken Wellbutrin and Prozac.
I took prozac before lexapro and it is one of the main antidepressants to have the sexual side affect. Don't be scared,just try it and if it doesn't work out see if there is something else to take. Have you taken celexa before? I did not recall having any bad affects from that. Although I don't know whether it is something that you can take. But it wouldn't hurt to ask your physician.

Good luck!

Chiming in to agree with Bobbi, 240 mgs. of ginkgo biloba is recommended. Also recommended is Arginmax (vitamin and herbal dietary supplement) with extra L-Arginine (the main ingredient of Arginmax) on the side. Also recommended is increasing your omega-3 complex from the recommended 1 softgel per day to 4 softgels per day.

I have taken Effexor, Lexapro, Celexa and Wellbutrin. The only negative side effect i experienced was weight gainx( Effexor was the only one that i had NO side effects on. I lost weight on that one. I know it is a frustrating place to be and i hope you find the right pill/dosage soon. Have you tried low dosages of xanax/alprazolam for your anxiety WITHOUT ant-dep meds? good luck!

Thanks for the ideas.

No Jes, no Xanax here, truthfully I am scared of that brother is illegally addicted to it and being that addiction runs so strong in my family, that scares me. In addition, I was diagnosed depressed as well as GAD so I don't think she would want to go that route alone.

Maybe I can do this w/o meds? Maybe I should read up on that if I can fit it in? I have noticed no "emotional flatlining", I have been crying about everything! LOL
Zanax is great for anxiety, but yes it is very addictive. I take other medicines but only take zanax when anxiety hits. I don't take it very often, but it does calm you down.

Dampened down sex drive and inability to climax are the hallmarks of the SSRIs, that includes Prozac.

Consult your doctor on different types of drugs. There are many options besides the SSRIs.

Once you find the drug for you, I don't think you can expect any "hallelujah" moment. What you realise is that gradually you feel somewhat better, that you have more resistance to stress, you feel calmer, can see things could be different in the future, have greater energy. Your problems will still be there, but you hav egreater ability to deal with them.

I have the same problem as you. I don't think losing your sex life is a fair trade off. It is totally unfair.

Beyond experimenting beyond the SSRIS, I don't have an answer for you. I am in the same dilemna.


previous poster suggested Celexa. I am on Celexa and it is an SSRI, and yes, it can seriously dampen your sexual response.

Re: Wellbutrin: I have now taken it for 6 weeks, and am feelingbno relief from sexual side effects with it, this was the reason I began taking it. I am going to suggest to my PCP that I give it up because it still disturbs my sleep and I'm tired of feeling tired, anfd it makes me all jittery and weak and fragile inside. I want to be strong and energetic, not weak.

Wellbutrin is a brain stimulant that's why it is probably not a good idea for those who suffer a great deal of anxiety. How long were you on it when you tried it before? A good 6 weeks so you could examine its effects?


think seriously about how you have felt for the last year or two. Can you really go through nursing school without the aid of medication? I hate to think of you struggling in the dark with nothing to help you.

Also, I have tried the Gingko and Omega 3's route: zip.

Big hugs from someone stuck in the same game as you,

When I was on Prozac, I experienced severe insomnia. It was better than feeling depressed but it still wasn't the ideal situation. Not sure what it did to my sex drive as I didn't have a SO at the time and it was really the last thing on my mind!!!

Hi Janice! I have GAD and am on Paxil. It now has a generic so is less expensive as well. I've been told it can have sexual side effects as well as it is an SSRI but I haven't noticed any. When I took Zoloft I thought I'd loose my mind. These medications are hard to get dosing right with and to find the one that works for you. Usually you'll hear others say THEY notice a difference in you before you FEEL any different. I'm praying that you find the right option for you. And, I'm glad so many of us are willing to talk about our experiences with something that make so many feel bad because they thing they're the only one.

Much blessings,

I would recommend taking a high milligram (900 or so) of St. John's Wort. My doctor has put me on Adipex, Paxil, Wellbuterin and Xanax. I hate all of them. I just hate that feeling any of them give you. Paxil and Xanax were the most mild for me. But I didn't take any of them long enough to experience any side effects. I would try the St. Johns Wort and I think you will see some improvment without screwing yourself all up. That's what I did and no regrets.

I second St. John's Wort! Because of school stress, I too was put on Lexapro. 10mg to start, then 20mg. It stopped my crying and anxiety, but I felt like a zombie-- I couldn't think, wanted to sleep all the time, etc. I stayed on it for about 5 months before I quit because I was so tired I couldn't think well enough to teach or take classes. And, I had NO sex drive while on it. The doctor I was seeing wanted me to try Paxil, but I refused. When I get anxious now, I take St. John's Wort (about 300 mgs). It relaxes me, helps me to sleep and doesn't leave me feeling groggy the next day.

I'm glad in the end that I took Lexapro, though. It worked fast with me. Within a few days my anxiety and sadness were gone. However, I couldn't handle the constant sleepiness.

Lots of good advice, thank you. I haven't yet decided what I am going to do. I will talk it over with my doctor. :)

Another thought. I took my paxil in the p.m. instead of the a.m. and that way I slept off a lot of my sleepy side affects. It absolutely doesn't work for some people but did for me and might be worth a try.



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