Antidepressants and Sex Drive


I tried that but I was still tired and yawned ALL DAY LONG EVERYDAY. That side effect has abated with the 10mg Lexapro, but is sure to appear again if I double up. I wonder if doubling up will really help. I have heard that 20mg doesn't help much more than 10mg... Hmmm....

Honestly, I am sure the pill has helped a bit. After all, I clean house a bit more now and am somewhat interested in other things. It is just that the anxiety in school is so high that I wonder if it is working, but I suppose it probably is. I just have to find a way to deal with check offs in school and tests w/o having a panic attack! :(
I am not a doctor but, I was put on Paxil 10 mg 10 years ago for migranes.
I just recently spent 6 months weaning off the ####.
I gained 40 lbs , could not loose an ounce. Sex drive was gone.
The weight is now slowly coming off.
I went through major withdrawls like a heiroin addict.
Dizzy, nausea stomache pains. I wanted to beat my head off the wall.
There are lawsuits over antidepressants.
I ended up at gnc for drug cleansing kit to rid it out of my liver. It builds up.It causes something in your liver to cause you to gain weight.
Go buy st. johns wort.
It will work and no withdrawls like antidepressants.
Check it out on the web.
You shouldn't be put on the stuff without blood testing. They are made for a chemical imbalance. They don't know this without bloodwork.

Good luck,
St. Johns Wort would be good, but isn't it for depression only? I need something for anxiety + depression. Also....I am on the Pill. Doesn't that interact???:(

the best person to tell you which drugs interact is your PCP. That's who I would trust for this kind of knowledge.

St. John's Wort has been proven to be effective in reducing the symptoms of MILD DEPRESSION ONLY. I have read no research whatsoever, and I read a lot on this subject, to sustain that this herb can work for severe or long standing depressive disorder.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. And even if it works for some, just as with drugs, it is no guarantee.....

I take St. John's Wort for anxiety; I get extremely anxious the nights before classes-- chest gets tight, can't sleep, panicky, etc. Lately, I've been taking 300 mg of St. John's Wort a few hours before bedtime and it gets rid of my tension. I can feel my chest just slowly loosen up, and I'll finally start to relax. Just knowing that it works this way for me has really helped to ease my anxiety. If I get too upset, I know there's is something I can take. However, I'm not on BC, and St. John's Wort will reduce the effectiveness of the Pill.

I'm sorry that things are so tense/hectic in school for you right now and wish I had some other suggestions. Exercise helps me to manage stress to a degree, but there are just times in the semester when nothing works. It seems that everyone in my program is going through the same thing, too. . . I'm counting the days until I'm done!!!!


Your school sounds very stressful. May I ask what your "program" is? You had said you go to school and teach? The chest tightness, panicky, can't breathe, increased HR........that is me right before check offs! For two days basically I stay in fight or flight mode. LOL...:eek:
I'm a doctoral candidate in History. When I was taking classes, I would have panic attacks the night before-- the classes are so intense and are all based on discussion that I would worry about not getting enough sleep and being able to think clearly. Also, I was a teaching assistant at the time and worried about how those classes would go. Thus, I'd manage to keep myself awake most of the night. Now that I'm teaching my own classes and writing a diss., I'm still having the same reaction! Nothing like forgetting my lecture in a room full of 50 people to give me a near stroke. . . The anxiety, etc. got so bad a few years ago that my doctor put me on Lexapro. It helped stop the anxiety and the extra sleep was great for a while, but I couldn't function at the level I needed to-- I took my qualifying exams while on it, and let's just say they didn't go so hot:(

I've talked to a LOT of other students at my school who have insomnia from stress and anxiety. My husband graduated from a Physical Therapy program a few years ago and ended up in the same situation- his clinicals were nightmares. I guess it comes with the territory, but it stinks!

Wow, it does sound like a nightmare! Good Luck to you in your program and good luck in managing that horrible anxiety!

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