PF sucks. Big time!!! I have bone spurs in my right heel that don't help the issue, either. It was feeling much, much better (just a twinge here and there) for months, until about 2 wks ago and it came back with a vengence. I would really like to amputate at the ankle about now! I suppose I could schedule another trip to the Dr, but since I know what the issue is, I'm not sure that will do any good. I've been icing, stretching, wearing the right shoes, and it hurts almost all the time. The only time it doesn't hurt, is when I am into a good workout. Once I get going it is fine, but it is the before, after, and inbetween that hurts. I can't figure out what caused the flareup, nothing has changed as far as intensity, impact, frequency. But it hurts almost all the freakin' time now. Have any of you ladies tried taping or wrapping for PF? I've seen the diagrams for taping, I think I would have to have DH do it for me, bc I don't think I can reach to get it right by myself (and I hate people touching my feet!) I know this is kind of a wait-it-out issue, but it is driving me batty!!! Someone has to have a secret somewhere. I've considered buying one of the funny toe pulling back sock things (I can't think of the name). Do they really work? The only other thing I can think that maybe aggravating it is that my achilles are always tight in the morning. I try to stretch them several times a day, but I have a feeling the tight heel tendon isn't helping the issue. Suggestion? Sympathy?