Another Fit TV comparison ???



Hi All,

I was wondering of the following videos Imax 2, KPC, L&G, PUB, and PLB which is missing more of the work out on Fit TV? I did a search already and got some valuable feedback. These are just a few I want to purchase next, but probably not all at once. Currently, I have each Tivo'd. Of these, I have only done Imax 2, KPC, and PUB. If I remember correctly these seem to flow smoothly. I have noticed on others not mentioned that the work outs can be a bit choppy.

As for Imax 2, I can't imagine what else could be missing? (It's a toughy, but I love the challenge. I'm still working on that last blast.) Is there a lot of the work out missing? I have read that PLB is choppy, but PUB seems to give me a good work out. I know that on DVD PLB & PUB go together, and KPC and L&G go together. How is C&W, which I know goes with Imax 2?

So, in your opinion which purchase would you make next? Eventually, I will buy all of them. We are taking the kids to Disney and I thought it would be nice to come home to a new work out in the mail. I'll be missing my work outs next week!!!!:-( But my kids get to see Mickey, so it's worth it!:)

Sorry, so long. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!:) :) :)

Thanks, Dallas
I haven't watched IMax2 on FitTV. I have, though, watched Cardio and Weights on FitTV. I mention this one as Cardio and Weights is included on the DVD with IMax2. For Cardio and Weights, there are a total of 4 "circuits." Number two was removed on FitTV. For IMax2, there is supposed to be a total of 10 interval blasts; each blast includes the step routine, a blast, and a recovery phase. Since the original tape is 55 minutes long, I am guessing there are only 5-7 blasts on FitTV.

KPC is 70 minutes long on the DVD version.

You may want to look at the DVD descriptions to get a feel of the length of the unabridged versions of the workouts. Most of her workouts are right around an hour in duration.

Sorry I can't help you.
Hi Lorrayne,

Thanks a lot. I can't even imagine that there's more to Imax 2! :) Maybe I better stick to my Fit TV version! LOL!!! Here I was thinking I was pretty cool and fit that I was able to finish all, but the last step interval and those plie jacks (I think that's what they are called...yikes!). My legs can barely finish the last set.

I still do love KPC, so maybe I'll get that one. I have KM, so I thought I would be good for a while. I think her videos are like Jays chips...once you get started you can't stop. Very addicting!

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me that there are descriptions of the DVDs. I'll go check that out.

Have a great day!
Dallas:) :)
Howday Dallas!

Before my big purchase of HC series and most recently, The Intensity Series (with the Terminator), I was also exercising from Fit TV. Fit TV introduced me to Cathe. I also had Tivo'd, which makes it so easy to record and fast-forward.

Regarding IMAX 2, Fit TV cut interval 10 altogether and a few bits toward the end of a few interval in the beginning. I did IMAX 2 so often (with Fit TV) in that I memorized the commerical breaks. It flow a lot better having the full version and all the wonderful pre-mixes. It is more a a doable challenge having the full version.

The full version indicates a warm-up of 7mins, ten intervals (43mins), stretch 4.5mins for grand total of 54.5 mins.

A normal one hour TV shows consists of 15 minutes of commericals and is only about 44mins in duration. So, Fit TV tends to cut about 20mins or more from a CATHE exercising video.

I suggests getting the intensity series because I love IMAX 2 and bootcamp so much. Have fun with your children at Disney!

Mrs. HTK
Hello Mrs. HTK,

Thanks for the feedback. I love BC+ME. I saw BC on TV that's what got me hooked. I actually would stop and look at the TV and think this woman is crazy!:) That's a great work out, IMO.

Tivo is great for fast forwarding, but it's still a pain to have to even have to stop working out to do that.

Have a great day!

I actually think that PUB is choppier than PLB on FitTV, but not by much. I think FitTV's version of PLB is just perfect as far as how much work my legs get, though. And you're right about Imax2, but I think at least 2 step combinations and 3 blasts are omitted on FitTV. But, again, there's enough there for me to get a good sweat pouring over my body!

I think the two workouts that I want the most on DVD, though, are Rhythmic Step and Step Blast. The end of both workouts is the best part, IMO, but FitTV cuts both workouts short. I think these two workouts might be my next DVD purchases...and I was actually thinking about purchasing one or both today. Isn't that ironic?
I haven't tried RS or SB. How do you think that they compare to Imax 2? I have done SJ&P, and I used to like it, but since I've gotten the hang of Imax 2 I like that one better.

Thanks for the input.
Well, RS and SB aren't as intense as Imax2, of course, but they are both very fun and creative. The choreography is fantastic, and each workout ends with what is called a "challenge" (at least, I know that SB ends with one and I've heard that RS does. FitTV includes a small portion of the challenge in SB, but doesn't include any of it for RS). The challenges combine all the step routines from the workout into one long routine, and at least in SB, Cathe incorporates some high intensity cardio work. I think she does the entire step routine 3 times, broken up with the high intensity work in between. At least that's my understanding, but since I've never seen the entire workout for either, I don't know for sure. At any rate, the challenge at the end of SB is pretty intense, IMO.

At any rate, both get the heart rate up so that you're covered in sweat by the end, and both provide all that interesting choreography that really gets fun once you get the hang of it. It's funny, when I do SB, it's my favorite cardio workout, but then I'll do RS and it's my favorite cardio workout. I can never make up my mind.

I thought of the same thing.."this woman is crazy.." I got a rush of excitment viewing BC for the first time at Fit TV. You know, the Fit TV version of Bootcamp is so tamp in comparsion to the real version.
There is one interval where she called "the terminator" exercise. There is where you are on all fours, doing a scissors and pretending to climb a mountain. I viewed BC (real version) and love how Cathe interact with everyone.

Have a wonderful evening.

Mrs. HTK
I just watched Imax 2 on fit tv today after having done it last night. On tv, it's missing at least two cycles. Cycle #10, my personal favorite, is the one that I noticed was not there. I always look forward to #10 because it's fun and also because doing it means that I made through that dreaded #9, which has caused me to choke back tears. Seriously, last night I almost cried -- in fact, I may have but didn't know it because my tears were mixed with giant drops of sweat.

I know, Mrs. HTK, you should have seen me stop dead in my tracks when I did my BC DVD for the first time (re: the terminator part). I was rewinding and saying what was that they were doing. Just as Cathe said we'd be doing. I did BC Monday, however, and finished all of that particular part for the 2nd time!!!:)

Catwoman, are you trying to entice me with even more cardio work outs?!! LOL!!!

gtmrfc, is the "dreaded #9" those plie jacks/squats? I'll have to look that up since I now know that my Tivo'd work out is not complete.

FYI: I purchased all in question. I just love them too much and it's worth the $$$ and no commercials. I hope my husband will agree. :)

Thanks to all. Have a good night!:)

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