I just got CC last week and I've done 4 twice and vol 7 once. All of my running is out doors. "Luckily" I live near a few hills and I use them for the hill climbs but I also used vol 7 for an interval run without hills and it still kicked me you know where.
I'm loving my CC's. Sean words in my ear have helped me break a plateau in my my running time and distance. I never ran more than 3 miles or 40 minutes before. I want him to make some steady state run CC. He's a wonderful coach.
I still love my Cathe cardios but with summer and family travel, I needed something I could do without having my dvd's, step, weights etc.along and not fall apart exercise wise and mental wise. My exercise helps my brain too.
When Cathe has running sometimes on her rotations I can't just jump in and run once or twice a month. I get the worst shin splints if I do. I always have gotten shin splints easily so I have to work up to my distance and endurance very slowly and keep up the running or it all falls apart.
I have the rest of the CC's coming tomorrow. I know I'll have to get the weight workout one too for times when I don't have a dvd or my weights with me. I bought these instead of a summer dress. Hey. I'll better in my old dress.
I'll be back to Cathe step someday but for right now I'm having a ball. As I said before I'm looking forward to doing Cathe's STS with my CC's.
Colleen ( I turn 55 this August and I love the new challenge)