Another Cathe Fan


New Member
Hello! I'm Gina, and I never thought *I* would be posting in a fitness forum. I had been overweight my entire life, and morbidly obese in my 20s and 30s. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2003 (no boos or hisses, please) after realizing that at 332 pounds, I was destined for so many health problems. I will defend that decision not as an "easy way out" as it is disparagingly referred to quite often, but as a tool that allowed me to drop 150 pounds in 18 months.

However, there is only a small group of people who can have this surgery and lose weight while NOT pursing an exercise regimen. Lucky them, eh? I had tried various other workouts, which allowed me some success for a time, but they became stale and boring, so what happened? I quit of course. I never gained all of my weight back, but would gain 15 or 20, then starve myself back down or exercise for a few months. This yo-yo cycle wasn't any healthier for me than being morbidly obese!

In January of this year, I became disgusted with myself for once again gaining weight. Not 150 pounds, but 30, then 35... in comparison not a major gain, but still not healthy. I began working out, using another DVD. I won't promo that here, but let's just say it didn't really "firm" or "lift my fanny". It was effective at first, but became too easy... then I discovered Cathe on FitTv. Wow! I became an instant fan. I think the first show I watched was Push Pull or possibly Muscle Endurance. I love my DVR, because it's now full of Cathe's programs. I look forward to doing one of these each morning, followed by 40 minutes of cardio on my treadmill at night. I have developed muscles that I didn't really know I had. I have better posture, better stamina, and the weight is *slowly* coming back off. But hey, slow is better for permanence, yes?

I am so pleased with my results and can't wait to come back in here and post a thread when I've gotten back down to my goal weight.

Cathe is amazing - I've been telling everyone I know to check out her workouts.

Feeling great!
Hi Gina! Congratulations for taking control of your health and great that you found Cathe like the rest of us! (I've been working out with Cathe for about 15 years!) Your decision for gastric bypass is your decision for you and I wouldn't worry what other think. What matters is you're on a wonderful journey for health and fitness and you've found a trainer you can stick with and feel challenged by! To help you stay motivated, why don't you consider joining one of the check-ins? Lots of friendly people over there!

Anyway, I wish you the best and continued success with your workouts and weight loss program!

Good for you! You made a decision to take care of YOU, no one elses opinion matters! Isn't Cathe great!
Congratulations Gina not only on your weight loss but taking control of your health & sticking with it. We all have our ups & downs & fall off the wagon, but the important thing is that you got back up & back on the wagon & you are making great progress. Slow weight loss is definitely better & more permanent. I wish you all the best & continued success in your journey to a healthy, stronger you.
What a motivating story. Good for you for not giving up!! Too many times people gain weight and say "oh well, blew that" and give up. Kudos to you for doing what you have to do to stay healthy!!
Congratulations on having the determination to take control and work toward your goal! It can be tough and you're in the right place for support, inspiration and motivation! I, too, find Cathe very motivating! Her dvds are challenging and definitely not boring! Keep it up and I look forward to your updates!
Stick with it!

Hi Gina,

I am so happy for you that you have made the decision to work out with Cathe and all of us here at the forums. That is an amazing commitment and you should be beaming proud. Cant wait to hear about more of your little successes along the way.

Cathe challenges everyone here to go beyond their expectations. (I did Plyo Legs STS this morning after Drillmax last night). You do what you can, modify what you need. Just do something right?

One more thing, I am a HUGE fan of the Biggest Losser. I just love that program because it's so motivating to see everyone work out so hard. Shows us that we have to push beyond our comfort zone to get/see results!

Great Job

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