And your top 4 favorite Cathe step moves of all time are....


Okay, I don't own all of Cathe's tapes (but someday I will!), however, these are the moves that just get me to smile everytime:

1. The insole hesitation (3,2,1 drop drop) from Step Intervals
2. Ricochet (the double ricochet from 10-10-10 comes to mind!)
3. Over Facing Over
4. Power seven around the world

What are yours?
Oh, only 4? Lessee:

1. Over Facing Over
2. Repeaters round the end of the board and cross over
3. Heel-Toe to jumping jack
4. Pendulum across the board

Can't wait to see what everyone elses favorites are!
Hi Jillybean! PLEASE PLEASE do not take this as if I am picking on you because I surely am not:). But since I have heard so many refer to the move as "over FACING over", I just thought I would take this opportunity to clarify what I am saying. I know that sometimes audio translation is hard to make out when it is coming through the TV.

What I am actually saying is "over FACE-IN over". Way back, when I first introduced the move (that actual video escapes me now) I was trying to help viewers establish the direction in which they should be turning so I told them to go over and then face their body into the board and then go over again. Eventually that got condensed to "over, face-in, over".

No biggie, just thought I would clarify. Glad to hear these moves put a smile on your face:). Take Care!
Ha! That makes sense Cathe. I thought it was "facing" too and I would always wonder "facing what?"

I guess my top 4 favs would be... (ok so I'm NO GOOD at remembering the names, I just know 'em when I hear 'em, and I'm probably forgetting about something)...

1. The first part of the first combo in the step portion of MIC (in Circuit Max too methinks!) Gee - does everyone know what i'm talking about? Somebody help me out please!

2. The 6 count step off then back on in Rhythmic Step (again, i'm SO sorry I can't remember the name). Just after you both feet up and out on the step.

3. Lunges off the side - I love how those feel.

4. Drop squat/pendulum - I love and hate them, but at least I got the names down.

Geez... if anyone knows the names of the things I've describe here, feel free to enlighten me. ;-)

My top moves are:

1. drop-squat/pendulum
2. power horse
3. box lunges
4. double knee/rebound

Power 7s/power 15s are a big favorite of mine too!

Oh thank you so much! I was not offended at all, and actually, "over face- in over" makes much more sense, doesn' it! Thanks for the clarification!
Good call! I forgot about the box lunges and the power horse! See, I finally limited it to four, and now I've gone back to six again!
1. PlyoJacks
2. "Power Scissors"
3. Power Hops with ice-breaker arms (Power Circuit!)
4. Power-15's

I absolutely love all the moves in section 1 of Rythmic Step and that step hop repeater in section 2 is fun too. Oh heck that whole tape has all my favorites.

I remember someone posting that their husband thought Cathe was saying "box lunches" instead of "box lunges" and every time I do those I think about that and laugh.

I thought it was "over facing over" too when I did my first Cathe step, Step Works. And I just couldn't get the move. I had to rewind and rewind and do it with no step and I got so frustrated. I could finally do the move but it still seemed confusing. Then several months later I did the older video where the move is explained (is it Step Heat or Power Max?) and the light bulb came on.

So now over face-in over is one of my favorites along with step hop repeaters and two knee repeater and rebound back and the heel toe across the board and jack (can't remember the exact words)
I love "basketball corner to corner, three knee repeater lifted over the bench on the third knee", the "drop squat, across the board, repeated into side up with a clap, lifted and 2 knees', "the plunge, lunge", Power 15's, and most plyo's!

Lorrie, that's funny! Are you familar with Dr. Suess's The Lorax? I think of it every time I see you post!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
So many to choose from. Limitting my choices to STEP MOVES:

1.) from Rhytmic Step:

power horse into knee, kick, heel repeater, straddle, insole, come on top

2.)from CTX Step & Intervals:

rock horse push over the top

3.) from Step Works (I think, I saw it on Discovery Health):

knee of the side, push off straddle, two knees takes you back, walk to the inside

4.) more general:

log hop turn
Here goes...

Definitely top of the list, "Drop Squat/pendulum across". When I'm feeling really high on endorphins, I could just pendulum my way right out the door and down the street...can you see it? LOL
Number two, and one I haven't seen mentioned here, "Flying Angels". Wish Cathe would bring that one back in another step video. I always chuckle when doing that move.
Number three would be rebounding moves and number four is either power mambo or figure eights, depending on the tape and my mood.
I think it was in either Body Max or Interval Max that Cathe "brought back" the pendulum. I even recall her saying "You ASKED for these and here they are" or something like that<G> My memory fails me at the moment....but that's a premature senior moment rearing its ugly head, I guess.
Lynn Finn
Great question! (I need 6, can't stop at 4!)

1) love those straddles and jump/explode off the board in the last section of powermax --it gives me energy right when I need it.

2) also love the last move in Step Fit where you rock horse at the end and then leap over the back end of the board, then jack on top and lift the leg to get off. Explosive move that actually gives me energy!!!

3) rhythmic 'l' from rhythmic step and interval max, and the power 'l' turning to face the side in Powermax because they are explosive moves --especially the second-- that make me feel powerful. Actually that whole first section of Rhythmic Step with the rythmic 'l' at the side, leaping into the double lunge and then sraight into the quick squal at the side is creative, powerful and makes me feel great! It's inspired and it flows so well.

4) I love power scissors --make me feel strong

5) OVER FACE-IN OVERS (got the name right!!!) --love that move, smiling all the way home!

6) the touch the inner sole, jump up and touch inner sole on the outside and then touch again on the inner side move from first section of Step Works.

Style with power--does it for me every time!

Yep, Bobbi, I adore Dr. Suess (and I don't even have any kids). The Lorax is my favorite character - an environmentalist way before it was cool or politically correct to be one.

I only own Powermax - but CTX just arrived at my post office today - ooooooooooooooooo can't wait to preview it.

In Powermax I love:

1) the pendulum across the step (it's so much fun)

2) the power L step

3) the drop squat pendulum (although squats aren't always #1 on my list)

4) the horse straddle - jump on the box move

I also really like the cooldown (mambos)

Gotta go pick up my CTX - yahoo!
Only 4??? Hmmmmmm.......Let me think........

1) Hop turns
2) Over and overs
3) Over Face-In Over
4) Power 7s

Oh....I can't stop at 4...

5) Basketball corner to corner
6) Long Hop turns
7) Rock backs
8) T-step w/power
9) Lunges off the side
10) Knee-up stradle around the world

Okay...sorry. My "Top Ten" list!! I just couldn't help it. There are too many fun, awesome moves!!! :)


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