And your top 4 favorite Cathe step moves of all time are....

Annette, you are a sick puppy! LOL

4, eh? All time faves are horse & side lunges. Love the side lunges into lateral mambo in RS. Also love repeaters when you're doing 3 different movements. (Name??) And in general, I like high impact moves.

Cathe, what are your favourite step moves?

Wow, you guys are powerhouses!!!
I just love love love the shuffle repeater too.
Need to rectify my list!

I just did Step Works for the first time! Wow what a blast! So I need to add:

Pendulum Across - this is the funnest thing I have ever done!
Over Face In Over (across the length of the board)
Power Mambo
Power Lunges (wow those were great!)

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