Amy Bento Presale


I believe Amy's presale is up, I didn't think it was suppose to start until the 18th but I was able to preorder both In the Ring and the CIA workouts and got free shipping. I am excited, these look like great workouts. I wonder when the presale for the kettlebell workout will start?:)
Thanks for the info. Off to check out her website. I can't wait for these workouts. I am really enjoying Amy's hi/lo at the moment.:)
Okay I ordered yikes do I really need any more dvds. I need to sell my Firm dvds and make room for new dvds.
I saw the thread over at VF and preordered immediately. I had no hesitation on these at all! I had already preordered from CIA, so I just had to get the two new ones from Amy, and with the free shipping who can beat it???:D
I know -- I was surprised to see this up so early since I also thought that it wasn't supposed to start until Friday! My credit card is taking a hit this month! Sigh!
Hello guys,

I have recently come to appreciate Amy Bento's style and personality and enjoy her kickboxing. I was confused when I looked at her website for her presale. The kickboxing in the ring workout is an all kickbox workout right? The other workout I was really confused on. What is the CIA thing? Is it Amy producing this workout, the descriptions seemed vague and wondered if any of you would be able to tell me more info.
I would like to preorder her workouts because I want more straight cardio especially with STS.

any info is appreciated thanks.
Your welcome everyone:)

Here are the descriptions Amy posted in her forum for anyone who is confused about what will be included in the workouts.

IN THE RING: NRG Fitness is pleased to announce our newest workout titled, “IN THE RING.” This cardio kickboxing workout will have FIVE combos and FIVE intervals (the format will be one combo followed by one interval). The intervals will be LOW IMPACT, HIGH INTENSITY and done with a MEDICINE BALL. The med ball intervals are designed to compliment the kickboxing portion of the workout leaving you with a total body burn! The kickboxing combos are fun and intense and will be easy to follow. We will be breaking them down for you in a way that is NOT boring and redundant so get ready to work people! IN THE RING is bringing something new to the market and we know you will appreciate the format along with the results it will deliver.

CIA: NEW CIA 2805 DVD - Amy Bento(75 Minutes)
“All Cardio Hi-Low Knockout”
A New CIA Hi-Low Workout with Kickboxing and Bootcamp Moves!
Join Amy and her team of recruits for All Cardio Hi-Low Knockout. This workout blends new hi-low combinations with kickboxing and combat moves that will challenge you and will make you feel like you have conquered basic training (warm up 6 minutes; cardio 45-50 minutes). Low impact options are shown throughout the workout. Amy completes this workout with Weighted Core Training and Stretch (15 minutes).
This DVD workout will have multiple options for various workouts including different portions of the workout to better tailor the workout to individual fitness goals.:) :)
I ordered as well. I ordered both from her site, even though CIA is $1.00 cheaper because Amy says she puts in a present for everyone who orders. I figured that was nice, so I'd pay the extra $1.
I also ordered both from Amy's site. I'm looking foward for these, probably more than any other 2008 planned offerings.

Thanks for the info. I'm particularly interested in the "In the Ring" one--High intensity/Low impact is what my aging, injury-prone body needs. I just preordered.

Help. What is the best website for checking out Amy Bento's new dvd's? I figured I'd Google Amy Bento and it would be obvious but it wasn't. Where do you all go?
>I ordered as well. I ordered both from her site, even though
>CIA is $1.00 cheaper because Amy says she puts in a present
>for everyone who orders. I figured that was nice, so I'd pay
>the extra $1.

Yes, Amy does charge $1 more, but she has free shipping. :)

FREE SHIPPING are the magic words for me!! :p
OH NO NO NO!!!! I'm so broke, I simply cannot afford these, but I WANT THEM!!! *stomps foot and pouts*

I'll try my best to resist. My credit card really can't stand the strain.
Oh, Lainie, no, I couldn't ask you to do that! But thank you SO much for offering:) It made me feel all warm and fuzzy!

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