>I looked at the clip and I could not get past her form being
>really bad! I've seen a lot of folks comment on her poor form
>too. I don't have a lot of kickboxing videos, but I think
>Cathe's form and Tony Horton's are both good, and from what I
>hear the Tae Bo's are pretty strong on form as well. I wonder
>if Amy Bento realizes her form was not good in this video, and
>if so, why would she release it?
A lot of instructors have crappy KB form, and I don't know if they don't realize it, or they just can't do any better at the time (it seems to take some neuromuscular repetition to get it down) and put out the workout anyway: Mindy, Cathe's punches in Cardio Kicks and CTX(it improved a lot in KPC, and is perfect in KM), Amy Bento, Tracey Staehle (from the clips, I still haven't gotten my replacment DVD's from her), Debbie Siebers' kicks, all have iffy form (most often, elbows that flare out, but sometimes rather dangerous-if-imitated moves around the shoulders and knees).
For good form, I think one needs to start with someone like Aaron Lankford, Katalin Zamir (her instructional, not her workouts, which are off beat with the strong-beat music), the Powerstrike instructors, or anyone who actually has some martial arts training to get a good basis in form. Janis Saffel (married to black belt Guillermo Gomez) also has good form, and Kimberley spreen is pretty good, except for her hooks, which are a bit strange and too open.
Those of us who know good kb form can usually just ignore bad form (to some extent!), but I worry about choreography: if there are moves strung together---especially kicks---that are hard to do with good form, or without torquing the knee (Mindy Mylrea's "Jump and Jab II" comes to miind in that respect).