AM & PM workouts


Active Member
Hi Everybody!
I have been working out with Cathe for 3 months now and love it! I have just started a new routine with an AM weight training workout with Cathe before work and an aerobic workout (KPC, step, etc) in the afternoon when I get home. I am only doing this 5 days a week. Has anyone else ever tried this? If so, please share your experience!
Oh my goodness. I just started AM workouts this week...I did M-Th this week at 6 am and I am so whipped at night. But afternoon I am not too bad. Go for it! I would think it would work well as long as you aren't hyper at bedtime from the later in the day cardio. Have you considered reversing them? I think a lot of the body builders/fitness competitors split it up that way so it must be a good thing. Make sure you eat enough!

Thanks Jen,
I get up at 5AM and the PM workout is in the late afternoon, actually so as of right now, I'm not too wired. Wish me luck! How are you doing with the 6AM routine?
Hi Zandy,

It's so funny that you posted this today...just this morning I was thinking about changing my routine; doing my weights in the morning & cardio at night.

MY main reason is that I hate washing my hair in the morning. LOL
It's very thick & stays wet all day.

Anyway, good luck with it...I'll let you know if it's successful for me.

hehehe Thanks for the reply...let me know how it works for you as well! I'm doing this to try and increase muscular tone in a shorter amount of time. I was never a morning person before (especially working out at 5AM) but I think I'm on to something. I've never seen so much difference as this. :D
So far 6 am is ok...I am NOT NOT NOT a morning person but the evening workouts were getting dropped way too often because I was tired from the day or had other things going on. I am a little slow on the uptake in the morning so the trickier cardio is befuddling me at times. Weights are good. I am alternating them so hopefully it will be enough workouts. I am already seeing a difference from being so consistent. Consistency for me is the main thing.
Hi, I have tried doing twice a day workouts too and I love it, but I stopped since I seem to burn more fat when the weights are directly followed by the cardio. So I do abs (15-40 mins) in the am, and then weights and cardio a little later after the abs feel more limber.
Hi Zandy,

I've been two a day work outs for several years and I really love it. I work out at 5:30 in the morning, either cardio or wts, and run or go to the gym on my lunch hour. The morning exercise gets my blood pumpin' for the day, and my afternoon workout keeps the 3:00 slump away.

Keep up the good work.

When I read Diana's post, I thought to myself, "when did I write that?" 'cause it sounds just like me! The only differences are that I get up at 4:30 to work out, and I don't run at lunch, I go to the gym to lift weights. I only do the twice-a-day thing a couple days a week, though, but it's been working out pretty well for me. I've definitely seen strength gains and more definition in my upper body. Another plus is that the back pain I was getting from sitting too long at my desk has been pretty much eliminated.


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