Am I naive?

Little Lady

I consider you a role model because you are a hard worker, disciplined, you have a successful business, and it seems from all of your twitters that you are a great mom. I was called naive I think because I see someone that I don't know personally as a role model. Is this naive? I don't understand what is wrong with seeing you as a role model.
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cathe is IMO someone to look up to. she runs her own business while holding down a job as an instructor and raising a family. she is not caught on tv falling down drunk, she is not getting caught hurting animals and she certainly isn't flaunting any wealth and acting as if she is a celebrity to be worshiped.

my original reply was targeted b/c i thought others in your life were criticizing you for working out,hence saying your idolize cathe(it happens all the time really). i left this part of my reply b/c i do think she is a great role model but i have never gotten my core value beliefs in life from cathe. i do gather my inspiration from her b/c of what she can accomplish. there is a difference between a role model for the little things like fitness and then there is role model for core value beliefs. not that cathe isn't a role model, she can be, but not on all aspects of my life.

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not Cathe

I consider you a role model because you are a hard worker, disciplined, you have a successful business, and it seems from all of your twitters that you are a great mom. I was called naive I think because I see someone that I don't know personally as a role model. Is this naive? I don't understand what is wrong with seeing you as a role model.

She is a role model for me too, nothing wrong with that.;)
Nice that I am not alone. I don't idolize Cathe. I don't idolize anyone. I aspire to be like her in certain areas. If this makes me immature or naive then so be it. I love having her as one of my role models. I got my core beliefs from my God loving parents.
Since this was in the "Ask Cathe" section, I'm curious how Cathe was expected to respond to this post? ;)

"Why of course you aren't naive... I'm a wonderful role model!"

No way to answer this one right - either "full of it" or "too modest"! ;)
Dee, I consider Cathe one of my role models too. I think different people have different definitions of "role model" and that's fine. For me, her obvious dedication to fitness, passion for quality in her products, the hard work she has done to recover from injuries/surgery, and a whole lot of other things, are very inspirational to me and are things I aspire to in my own life. I look at her and see that it can be done.

Dee, it's not naive in the slightest :)
A role model is a personal thing, and nobody should ever citicise you for having one, whoever that role model may be.

Having said that, i personally think Cathe is a GREAT CHOICE of a role model.
I think she is a great choice too. She keeps me motivated to take care of my health. There is nothing wrong with having a role model.
I consider you a role model because you are a hard worker, disciplined, you have a successful business, and it seems from all of your twitters that you are a great mom. I was called naive I think because I see someone that I don't know personally as a role model. Is this naive? I don't understand what is wrong with seeing you as a role model.
I don't think it's naive to see someone you don't know personally as a role model. I think many/most people choose their role models from people they don't really know personally. Does the person who said this to you feel the same about people who choose Mother Teresa as a role model, for example?

(Of course, people who chose Tiger Woods as a role model have some rethinking to do!)

One bases their choice on what they can observe about the person, and while that may not be the total picture, it really doesn't matter, IMO, if those things that you can observe are positive and motivating. (And even if you DO know someone, you often don't really know everything about them.
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Does the person who said this to you feel the same about people who choose Mother Teresa as a role model, for example?

I didn't call Little Lady naive, but I did say I do not consider people on television role models. So yes, I would feel the same about Mother Teresa.

For me personally, the people in my life are my role models.
My life's compass came directly from my parents, my family, the teachers (church & school) I had in my life growing up. My parents have always been my role models. That is not to say I'm not inspired by other people. To me there is a big difference.

The drive I have to take care of myself comes from within. I look to myself for many things.

This conversation stemmed from Little Lady's disappointment in Tiger Woods. She said he is a poor role model. In my opinion he is not a role model. He is an athlete and an entertainer. It is not Tiger's responsibility to set a good example for our children. His job is to play golf and he does that very well. If you look to professional athletes to set a good example for our youth, we are in BIG trouble! :eek:
Thanks for all of the responses. I want to apologize to everyone that read the Tiger discussion. I was trying so hard to make sure that I didn't let someone talk me out of my opinion. I was trying to make sure that I stood my ground and everyone understood why I felt the way that I did. By doing so I was the one forcing my opinion on everyone else. I have talked to my husband and he was very disappointed in Tiger but he said that he didn't see him as a role model. I was wrong. I should never have spoken for him. I do think it is a bad idea to see a celebrity as a role model. It will surely lead to disappointment and unatainable goals. Did I spell that right?
So sorry for being a jerk. Fit44 I hope we can be friends and I'm sorry for pushing my opinion on you. I will try to give my opinion from now on without pushing it and pushing it. I hope that everyone else will do the same.
This conversation stemmed from Little Lady's disappointment in Tiger Woods. She said he is a poor role model. In my opinion he is not a role model. He is an athlete and an entertainer. It is not Tiger's responsibility to set a good example for our children. His job is to play golf and he does that very well. If you look to professional athletes to set a good example for our youth, we are in BIG trouble! :eek:

I don't think whether Tiger Woods is a role model is a matter of opinion. Kids look up to certain celebrities. In particular, sports figures are frequently role models for kids. Tiger Woods, was, in fact, a role model for a lot of kids.

As adults, of course, we know he's just a guy who plays golf, who owes us nothing, unlike politicians, like Mark Sanford, who play around using tax dollars while they're supposed to be working. But for kids and parents of those kids, I totally understand how Tiger Woods' behavior can be a big disappointment.
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Kids look up to certain celebrities. In particular, sports figures are frequently role models for kids. Tiger Woods, was, in fact, a role model for a lot of kids.

This may be true, but that doesn't change the fact that it is our job as parents to educate our children. Talk to them about what makes someone a good role model and how not to rely on what image television/PR firms project. We need to teach our children these people are human and not super heroes.

On a personal note, I never looked to celebrities as role models because I did not spend a lot of time watching television growing up.
If I wasn't in school, participating in youth group activities, I was outside playing with my friends.
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I consider you a role model because you are a hard worker, disciplined, you have a successful business, and it seems from all of your twitters that you are a great mom. I was called naive I think because I see someone that I don't know personally as a role model. Is this naive? I don't understand what is wrong with seeing you as a role model.

Cathe is my ultimate role model!

I don't think you are naive to have Cathe as a role model!

She has been my role model for over 10 years now!
I feel Cathe is a role model. I f I had the chance to meet her I would tell her I am grateful for the fact of what she does and how she motivates me to get up and get it done. I feel I am in better shape and have more energy, and am doing my body a service by keeping it in shape. I am not in it to actually look better, but to keep my body in shape for later on in life(making my bones and heart stronger)
I have tried other workout DVDs and always come back to her.
Of course if I did actually meet her, I probably wouldn't be able toget one word out:)
IMO she is a role model and a good one at that!

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