Am I in the minority in liking Push Pull?


I did the double set premix of Push Pull last Sunday, and I really liked it. I went as heavy or heavier than Cathe for upper body, but I could not keep up with her for lower body. (I must admit that except for S&H and PLB, I can rarely use her weight selections for lower body). My legs were fried; I still can feel it today even. A couple days a week, I do extra upper body heavy weight lifting at a gym, and I think Push Pull nicely complements that. I was originally going to do the 3 set premixes. I'm glad I didn't; I'd probably be walking with a cane today!!
I too like push pull. :)

I'm the opposite of you though - I can go really heavy with legs, most of the times exceeding what Cathe uses but at times I have to lighten for upper body - mostly biceps (but I'm working on that).
I love the Push Pull two sets premix! It's a nice change from her other weight lifting workouts. I love all the weight lifting on the ball because I never found lying on a step bench all that comfortable! Have you tried the Supersets workout? I find myself extremely challenged with that one, too. Esp. when I use the same weights as Cathe. I also don't use Cathe's leg workouts much, except for Legs and Glutes. Endless squats and lunges just don't do anything for me.
I really like the pre-mixes as well. The three set upper body pre-mix is great - my biceps feel that one for days.
I LOVE Push Pull! I have used it all different ways and it is great. I like to use it as-is cause it is not too long and I hit all the body and I can add it to cardio!

I was thinking of posting a thread "Why I love Push Pull" and here you are!

1. Steady 2-2 pace allows heavy lifting. I broke a weight plateau I've been stuck at for years. Love this pace!

2. Lots of back exercises. This area seems short changed on many workout videos.

3. The stability ball work gives it a fresh feeling.

4. 45 minutes and you get to every body part, or you can choose the 2x or 3x options.

I've used this more than any other Cathe workout, I do believe.

I don't loooooove it, but I like it enough when I do it twice through. The one time just 'aint enough. But it doesn't matter what anyone else around here says: you like it and it works for you, so just fly with it and enjoy!!

I love Push Pull!! I go heavier and I feel like I get a great workout!

I like Push Pull, too. I like the length of it, and I have felt like I got a really good workout when I lifter heavier weights. I also really liked the inner thigh work with the stability ball!

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