Am I crazy or........


Initially, wasn't the forum section of "Video Questions and Comments" set up as a forum to discuss Cathe videos and/or other instructors as well?
I thought the description of the forum actually read Cathe or other instructors when I first read it like a year ago?
I "just" noticed a thread on "Ask Cathe" where a post refers to it just being for Cathe videos, so I go to conferences to read the description and it DOES say for Cathe videos, and this "Open Discussion" is for all other discussion.
Did it change somewhere along the way? Or have I been rudely discussing other instructors under the wrong forum? I feel like a heel! I've discussed Tae Bo, Powerstrike, etc., all under Video Questions and Comments!

Someone please tell me this is a recent change, PLEASE!!!! :)
I feel like I've been rude and/or disrespectful to post about other instructors under a section clearly marked for Cathe video discussions.




Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I too thought the Video Discussion forum was not necessarily limited to Cathe workouts, and I've never seen a post from Cathe remonstrating us on NOT confining our discussion to her workouts only. I think the "A Reminder Please" post (long overdue) was to remind us that Cathe's time is limited and it's much easier for her to discern which questions are directed at her when . . . well, they're all directed at her.

Cathe has always demonstrated a notable lack of competitiveness about other exercise-vid/DVD producers. That is just one of her classy hallmarks.

BTW, you ARE crazy, but cute notwithstanding.


Not at all....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-02 AT 10:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Donna,

I think it has changed recently. HOWEVER, I do think people are taking this whole thing WAY TOO SERIOUSLY! I mean, people keep bumping up that little reminder from Cathe to remind people that only Cathe is supposed to answer questions on that forum. Maybe I am taking it wrong but I don't think that was Cathe's intent when posting that message. I know she thanked Maribeth for offering not to respond over there but I think Cathe was just frustrated with people not following the guidelines so to speak. I think she was reminding people that they need to stop asking make-up questions on the "Ask Cathe" forum. That was getting out of control. I think she appreciates any help those of us can provide in answering questions on that forum. Because as it says on the "Conferences" page, she can't possibly answer all of the questions we post. Why wouldn't she want help? I don't see her as being that controlling.

I admit I was ready to come unglued over people posting questions about make-up & such over there. But I'm anal that way! Another thing that makes me nuts is that people will just go in & ask the same questions over & over & over again. Like asking when the new videos are going to ship. DO A SEARCH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Cathe & SNM have graciously posted this on the home page & in different threads. Stop asking! But that's just me. I actually posted about that on a forum where I knew I could be total obnoxious (& I was). I went on a rant for like forever--just like this!

I don't know. Maybe Cathe needs to get new software & get some "moderators" to direct threads to the appropriate forum. It might help. But then again, this is one of the better forums for fitness information, IMHO. I would hate to see that change.

ADDED IN EDIT: Or maybe just do away with a separate forum for videos all together. I almost never go over there & from the responses to the announcement about the video release date, I think that's pretty common. As Cathe says, "Just a suggestion."

Sorry to have gone on but it's actually something I've been wanting to say over here for a while & I took this opportunity to say it!


I'm ready to take the next step!

came back to fix a typo.
Donna, I think you're right, I too seem to recall that it was originally "Cathe or other" videos for discussion. But really, it is mostly Cathe's vids that are discussed there and when others are brought up it's usually in comparison to, or how to combine them with Cathe's stuff. I'm with Gettingfit, I think maybe some are taking that too seriously... I got a bit irked when I read that reprimanding little paragraph in the "reminder thread" from Cathe's conference. I guess since Cathe has never said anything she must be ok with it as it is right now huh? And if she weren't, I think she could tell us herself.

Anyway... hope you all are having a lovely day! :)
If you're crazy, then so am I. I'm pretty sure the video questions and suggestions area was open to discussion about any videos. I asked the same question on another thread, but no one responded.
I for one am certain that Cathe is not in the least offended by the discussion of other instructors' videos on her board/in the videos section.

As for whether anyone else was irked, well you can't please everyone.

Look at Cathe's rotations - she is so into crosstraining, you can hardly find one that consists solely of her videos. I'm sure she's totally aware that even though we are enormous Cathe fans, we have other videos too. That doesn't take anything away from the business we give her.

Somehow I think we're all getting really upset and conflicted about this, and Cathe is probably not upset at all and possibly not even aware of it. I think we're getting all wound up about nothing.
My own opinion, which is never worth much, is that it's Cathe's website, after all, and it got to the point where some individuals adopted the "Ask Cathe" forum as their own. It was no longer "Ask Cathe," but became "Ask Me-'Cause-I-don't-Have-my Own-Website-Yet." I think some of us were just wanting Cathe to be able to gain control of her own forums. We all respect her enough to let that happen, I'm sure.

Just Do It! :)

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