Am I alone in this?.....


Or is there anyone else acutely aware of a given body part from day to day?

I'm not talking pain, but just a "muscle sensation" of some sort that is "just there" from a previously worked body part!
It changes of course from day to day depending on the workout, but on any given day if I'm just sort of sitting and thinking (brain break moment) I can feel some muscle group somewhere in my body going, "hi there, remember us from yesterday? :)"
And it's got me wondering if this is a "forever" thing?
As long as I work out, will I always have this "awareness" of worked muscles or does it reach a point with more mature muscle that you no longer feel the "twinges?"

And if I'm the only one who experiences this "awareness" phenomena, "never mind!" :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I'm still in the "pain" phase, so I can't help ya.

I actually like DOMS for some reason. Guess I'm a masochist or something!
I just had to post, Donna. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I did Strong Legs and Abs last Sunday and on Monday I could feel every muscle in my legs and butt--didn't know our bodies had so many muscles!!! I think once our muscles get stronger the sensations subside. Hope so anyway.
Happy Stepping!

Not sure if this is the same thing but I get twitches in my leg I can literally see the muscle jumping either the next day or a few days later.

I almost always have doms somewhere. I think I might actually feel strange if I didn't. Right now I have wicked doms in my lats and chest from powerhour-yay!

Me Too Donna,
My thinking is that when you no longer feel the body part you were working the day before, it is time to shock the system again. A different approach to that muscle, a heavier weight or both. In a way I guess I'm sounding suggesst we always be in pain. LOL
The good pain though. Not injury. :D

With you in pain...your shoulders, my hamstrings.
Yeah, I know what you mean! I get "tingles" in muscles I've worked recently. It seems especially noticeable in my shoulders. I like it. I tell myself I can actually feel my muscles growing.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 11:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Well.. I'm relatively new at this. I'm hoping to get past the "maybe I should take an Advil" phase. I'm guessing 'muscle awareness' isn't so bad, right?? :)

~~ Sharon ~~
So now I know I'm not alone, but I'm wondering if it's "forever?" I'm hoping someone who's been lifting for years is going to chime in and tell us if it eventually stops or if we just get use to living with it to the point you don't even feel it anymore.
This morning, it's my lats again and middle back from those rows and deadrow/clean & press move from Muscle Endurance yesterday! Not to mention my quads are STILL firing from the 1,000 leg presses in that workout! You just don't know how heavy a 10# plate is until you're on that 3rd set of leg presses at the end!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I think it is "forever" Donna...I mean, if you are working out really hard, continually upping your poundages to build greater strength, your body will technically never be "used to it" and will always experience this DOMS.
I was thinking the same thing the other day. Sometimes working out makes me feel like I am 80 years old...first thing in the AM... Hey, if I am NOT sore somewhere after a tough workout, I do wonder why??

This probably is just imaginary, but after a strength workout that leaves me feeling like this (in other words, any one) I drink a protein shake or eat a high protein snack or meal. I imagine the protein feeding my muscles and it actually feels good, like the soreness is getting healed faster.

I think that in the future you can maintain for some periods of time with light, long duration endurance work and not feel sore.

On that subject, I think I have found the "sport" Cathe has been training me for: ditch digging! If you start working like a ditch digger, plumber or house painter you keep working the muscles all the time, lightly, and they stay in condition with much less need for dedicated workouts.

Lately since I have been digging trenches and other stuff I have dropped one workout a week, and I have energy for my work, and less soreness. Digging trenches has some moves like power ice breakers, chopping down through roots in the ground. Here is where I am glad I don't use weight lifting gloves so I can grip that big old pike or whatever it's called- like a giant screwdriver you blam straight down.

I have known some (female) house painters and they had bodies to die for! One was in her fifties, and her identical twin was a housewife. Wow, that house painter sure was fit and trim! The work was definitely a variable with visible effects! Looked great in her dress (I met them at a wedding).

My my, I am feeling chatty today!!

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