Already scared of the Terminator


If the name didn't scare me, the description of the Gauntlet sure does. 2 intervals in a row? Doesn't that mean we'll be doing something even Cathe doesn't do? And instead of recovery, endurance weight work? Help! I'm scared to order it... but I'll listen to you guys!
P.S. I just did Imax this morning.
I was under the impression that the '2 intervals in a row' included the recovery phase of the interval. I could be wrong, but I can't see it being the other way without a disclaimer - hee hee :)
Hey Connie -

I know what you mean - it doesn sound scary. The name Gauntlet reminds me of a scene in First Knight for some reason. :9

Kali :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-02 AT 10:55PM (Est)[/font][p]Oh I'm already relieved. These Dvds sound awfully well planned. I just hope it doesn't terminate *me!* I'll keep an eye out for disclaimers! :D
Actually, it was the name "Terminator" that sold me! I can't wait for my 4-DVD Life to arrive in December!

Terminator, Gauntlet, Viper

I had to chuckle when I saw the names "Terminator" "Viper" and "Gauntlet." Two images popped into my head; one of Arnold S. riding his motorcycle; and a roller coaster in a theme park. I'm sure there's got to be some roller coasters named Terminator, Gauntlet and Viper. ;-)

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. :)


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