Almost finished with 3rd week of rotation---Feeling pretty HAPPY!

Hi Wendy! Congratulations on your progress too!

Thanks for your advice. I think I will sub some CTX in for some cardio, I am not taking many brisk walks called for in the rotation because it is too dark in the morning when I work out. A change from the Step Works tape will do the body some good. :) The Interval Max is still a challenge though. I will probably do it the week after next since next week is a MIS, MIC and IntMax sort of week.

Keep up the good work! :)

Feeling pretty HAPPY!

:-wow Your results are great. I'll take inches and fat loss over weight loss any day. I'm also trying to lose before Christmas. I recently started a rotation but would really like to see yours. I'll email you a request.

There's been a lot of mention of yoga so I recently went to good ol Walmart and found a Rodney Yee back care yoga tape for $10 cdn. I've done it once and found it really relaxing. :-sleepy I'm hoping to pick up a few more so if you can recommend others that'd be great.

I am also on the shorter side, 5'4" and the thigh and butt area are the most difficult to slim down for me.:-mad

It's wonderful to hear about your success. Keep up the good work.

RE: Feeling pretty HAPPY!


Give the yoga/pilates/stretching a try. I really feel that it has been KEY to my success. I have been trying to get more protein in my diet. I like to mix Chocolate protein powder in skim milk with any of the chocolate Slim Fast mixes. The slim fast helps to "sweeten" the protein powder. The protein powder I use (Sci Fit whey protein) in the chocolate is VERY good. :9(and I am "picky") I find the yoga very relaxing too! :-sleepy That's why I like to do it at night. I recommend any of Rodney's tapes. Also, if you are very new to yoga, Living Arts (the people who do Rodney's tapes) have come out with a BRAND NEW release called YOGA Introduction. It stars Patricia Walden. I picked it up at Media Play for $13. (I use it for my easier days) It is a "true" beginners tape. The setting is beautiful!! What is also nice about it is she will name the moves and the name will also appear on the screen. This will help prepare you for future yoga tapes. Another good beginner series is Yoga Zone. I love Alan Finger---he is so down to earth and charming. His tapes are excellent!! I highly recommend them. If anyone has any other questions, don't hesitate to write me. I would be glad to help!!

RE: Feeling pretty HAPPY!

I've been thinking more about the yoga/weight training combo thing and my uneducated theory is that during the recovery period while the muscle tissue builds, the stretches in yoga affect the shape in which it rebuilds, so that they don't shorten and bulk. I was at a yoga class today and my teacher (who used to train competitively as a body builder, before deciding it was just too "vain" for her) mentioned that if she only did power yoga - very strength oriented, she would notice herself starting to tighten and bulk up within just a few days. So she needed to be careful to alternate it with more gentle yoga - much the way Denise's rotation is set up.

A recent issue of Yoga Journal had an entire article devoted to this topic, though more from the perspective of experienced yogis adding weights to their regimen. Have a look out for it if you're interested.

I've seen the Patricia Walden tape and I believe it's a re-release of an old one when it was under the "Healing Arts" label. I bought this one about 5 years ago. It's truly excellent for beginners, as it has a lot of form instruction plus the booklet is very useful.

Today is my 37th birthday and my present from DH is a FULL SIZE step! Yahoo! Hope I don't end up bashing into more bookcases because of it!

And since my 8 pack came on Friday, I've decided to jump straight into your (Denise's) rotation tomorrow. Since I'm planning on plenty of cake and Chinese food tonight, I am going to need it! Thanks again, Denise!

RE: Feeling pretty HAPPY!

Hi Sophie!!

Good luck to you. I am glad to see you are "jumping" into it!! Keep us all posted on your results. The Patricia Walden tape is a NEW release, just made this year. (it's not the old one remade--her and Rodney have made a few new ones this year. Check out Rodney's Yoga for Athletes, it's great!) Thanks for the info above. 3 weeks down, 3 more to go! I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the next three weeks. Thanks everyone for your inspiration.

RE:6 weeks!!

No wonder I kept fiddling around with my "alternative" week (I'm the one who hates yoga :) ). I thought you were doing a 12 week rotation too and I kept adding more "stuff" because it felt like I wasn't doing much. Guess I'm going to go back to the drawing board. I don't really have the time to work out 2x a day so I will see what I can do with add-ons. On the other hand I remembered why I stopped doing Super Callanetics, it's HARD. No way could I finish some of those exercises. Think it's telling me there are things I need to work on.
And congratulations on the good results :)


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