Almost finished with 3rd week of rotation---Feeling pretty HAPPY!

Denise R


This is formerly rubleneesey. I wanted to share that I have almost completed 3 weeks of my 6 week rotation using Cathe's tapes and yoga/pilates. I had hubby measure me before I started and I was feeling kind of good today so I had him measure me again. Well, I am down 4 1/2 inches!!! I am so excited. Since the start of my 1st rotation (almost 9 weeks ago) I have lost a total of 14 inches overall. I am feeling pretty proud of myself so I thought I would spread the news. CATHE'S TAPES WORK! I have only lost about 4 pounds so I must be losing "fat" which is what really counts. I look and feel more "solid" and my clothes are getting looser! (yeah!) I have a pair of DREAM jeans that I will get into---my goal is by Christmas those babies will be all mine!!! I am so excited about this (and I still have 3 weeks and 3 days left on this rotation) that I am already planning my NEXT rotation!!! Thanks everyone for listening to me.........I am very new to the forum and you all are THE BEST!!

How Exciting!!

Denise~I am so glad you shared with us! :-wow Those are incredible results. I am waiting for my DVD's so it is so nice to hear of all the results you all are receiving. (I am assuming you are doing the new tapes?? Maybe not, let us know what you are doing.) Congrats on all your hard work & success and KEEP IT UP!!! :)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: How Exciting!!

Thanks Debbie! I am using the new 8 pack tapes for this rotation. I basically do the 6 pack each day (Monday-Saturday). I also have been doing yoga/pilates/stretching in the evening. I think the yoga stuff really is helping to keep me from bulking. (I am only 5 foot 3 inches) In my 1st rotation I lost inches everywhere but GAINED 1/2 inch on my thighs. So this time around I am doing the stretching, etc to help combat that. (seems to be working) :-jumpy

Thanks Denise!

I am 5' 4" and I tend to get bulky in my thighs also, so it sounds like the eight pack is going to be what the Dr. ordered!! Also, thanks for the tip on yoga/pilates. I have only picked up Rodney Yees Yoga for Abs and I do have Karen Voight's Yoga Sculpt(I think that's what it's called. Do you have any pilates or Yoga tapes that you feel lean out the lower body more then others? Thanks for any info. Again, great job and I know those jeans will fit at Christmas! :D Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Congrats Denise on your great progress!:) Keep up the hard work because we all know it is tough. I also am interested in your Yoga/pilates tapes. My legs tend to get a little bulky and stubborn at slimming out too.:-( We short people just have it tougher I guess.

I have been waiting to start the 6-pack series. I am on the 7th week of a 12 week rotation but I might cut it to a 9 week one. It is getting a little long at this point.

Keep us posted on those results!

Hi Debbie & Lynn!

I think the Yoga Zone series is good. They are basic and you feel a great stretch. I also read in all those magazines I subscribe too (geesh, videos and magazines---is there a 12 step program for me? hee,hee)that stretching muscles after weights helps to build muscle faster. (I think it was an article by Wayne Westcott in Shape magazine) Being that I am short, I too "bulk up" in my thigh area. Pilates is also great. The Method series is good for pilates instruction. I especially like Precision Toning. Jennifer Kries instructs one on one. She takes you through the Pilates moves, lengthening and stretching your legs, abs and torso. I have even gotten my children doing some of the moves!!! (my 10 year old daughter sometimes likes to do the yoga/pilates tapes with me!!) I think I am being a positive role model for my children. They see mom workout and I try not to "give up" my workouts for anything (unless it's something absolutely unavoidable!). I try to remain dedicated. I hate to say it but working out is probably the only thing I really work on and stay with. (my eating habits on the other hand really flunctuate---sometimes I do good, well other days.......) Feel free to write me at my email address if you have any other questions or want to see my rotation. ([email protected]) Thanks for your support!!!!!

Denise, thank you for the copy of your rotation you sent me! I'm glad to hear it is working well for you. I was really interested to see the way you alternate yoga weeks with Cathe weeks (if I read the rotation correctly).

I'm curious as to why you did it this way instead of incorporating both into one week? The reason I ask is that I do a "live" yoga class once a week. It gets a little confusing as to whether to do weights the day before this class, as it can be very demanding strength wise.

I do agree yoga and strength training are very complimentary though! I feel that the yoga seems to protect my joints, which can be vulnerable to tendinitis when weight training. And it's nice that yoga can be done so many different ways, so you can get a strength benefits, flexibility benefits, or both. I know that even if they say it's *not* cardio, I really believe that power yoga, for instance, will ultimately increase your cardiovascular capacity.

Anyway, I will certainly give more thought to including more yoga in my routine after looking at your rotation. Thank you so much!

>Denise, thank you for the copy
>of your rotation you sent
>me! I'm glad to hear
>it is working well for
>you. I was really interested
>to see the way you
>alternate yoga weeks with Cathe
>weeks (if I read the
>rotation correctly).
>I'm curious as to why you
>did it this way instead
>of incorporating both into one
>week? The reason I ask
>is that I do a
>"live" yoga class once a
>week. It gets a little
>confusing as to whether to
>do weights the day before
>this class, as it can
>be very demanding strength wise.
>I do agree yoga and strength
>training are very complimentary though!
>I feel that the yoga
>seems to protect my joints,
>which can be vulnerable to
>tendinitis when weight training. And
>it's nice that yoga can
>be done so many different
>ways, so you can get
>a strength benefits, flexibility benefits,
>or both. I know that
>even if they say it's
>*not* cardio, I really believe
>that power yoga, for instance,
>will ultimately increase your cardiovascular
>Anyway, I will certainly give more
>thought to including more yoga
>in my routine after looking
>at your rotation. Thank you
>so much!
Denise, what is your rotation?

Congratulation on your great results. I tried looking for your rotation, didn't know if you posted it earlier. Can you let me know what your rotation is? I have been doing the CTX tapes for 3 weeks now, in no particular order and even though my endurance is higher now (I find I don't have to modify), I have not really seen any results as far as inches lost. The only tape I have not done yet is Leaner Legs, it scares me!!!
RE: Denise, what is your rotation?

Hi Sophie and Larysa!

I do BOTH Cathe and the yoga. If you look at my rotation I do one in the morning and the other in the evening. Does that make more sense when you look at it? It is a 6 week rotation. I can email anyone a copy if you email me at [email protected] Sophie, I think you may have read it as 12 weeks, thinking I did one week of yoga and then alternated that with Cathe but actually I do both. Hope that makes sense....let me know if it doesn't. I agree---my carpal tunnel/tendonitis problems have cleared up TREMENDOUSLY by doing the yoga. It is amazing. Plus, like you said, I don't feel any overuse injuries or pains. I hope my rotation helps. Feel free to change anything to meet your needs. (my husband did it for me, he is so sweet!!) ;-)

RE: Denise, what is your rotation?

DUH! (slaps self on forehead)

Yes, Denise, I did read it as 12 weeks instead of 6. Makes more sense to me now!! Though the thought of alternating weeks of yoga does sound intriguing ;-)

Thanks for the clarification. I don't have all the yoga tapes you mentioned, but I have enough yoga experience that I am sure I can figure out how to do something similar.

I look forward to hearing more about your progress! It sounds like you're doing a SUPER job!

RE: Denise, what is your rotation?

I will definitely keep everyone posted. I am so excited about all of this that I am already planning my NEXT rotation!! :7

RE: Denise, what is your rotation?


Got for it! Just jump right in and do Leaner Legs! I was scared too but I love it. After I am done I feel like super woman!!! :-jumpy

Hi Denise!

Thanks for the info on the Yoga/Pilates tapes. I think I MAY have the Precision one! That's terrible when you have sooo many tapes that you're not sure if you have it or not!:7 I am still very interested in your rotation but was not able to download it to my AOL because it was too large a file. Is it possible for you to send it by regular E-Mail? Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us all. BTW, that's great that your kids join in with you on a very healthy habit! :)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: Hi Denise!

Hi Deb!

My husband suggested trying to save it to your desktop and opening it from there. If that doesn't work, he did make another version of it which may work. You can email me and I'll send you that one. :)

Hi Lynn,
It's Wendy2, and I read that you might shorten to nine weeks. I finally broke down and re-measured myself (I'm at the end of the six week mark on the same rotation, remember me? ;-) ), and I never would have beleived I would get these kind of results. I weigh the same as when I started, but I have really lost some inches (especially around that widest part of my hips!!!). And this is even without sticking to the rotations exactly as posted by Cathe. So I'm urging you to stick with it, but judging from my results, you can definitely start substituting the cardio from CTX. Just a suggestion--"take it or leave it", but it does make the rotation seem new when you start mixing up the cardio!
good luck in whatever you decide :)
Thanks Denise!

Thanks for the rotation! I am very impressed with it, I will start my rotation on Monday using the CTX tapes, but I don't have time to work out twice in one day plus I don't like yoga. I'll will let you know how I do.

I'm one of the people that you e-mailed your rotation. I followed your rotation as well and happy to report that I too lost 5 pounds on the rotation. I did not measure myself but noticed that my close sits better and looser. Also I'm becoming a lot stronger than I used to be. Thank you for your rotation. It is really works. When you devised your next rotation please e-mail it to me at [email protected].

Thanks again

I'm one of the people that you e-mailed your rotation. I followed your rotation as well and happy to report that I too lost 5 pounds on the rotation. I did not measure myself but noticed that my close sits better and looser. Also I'm becoming a lot stronger than I used to be. Thank you for your rotation. It is really works. When you devised your next rotation please e-mail it to me at [email protected].

Thanks again

WOW! :-wow That is fantastic! I am glad to hear that my rotation is producing results for others. When I am finished with this rotation I will let everyone know they can email me for the next one. By the way, I am already thinking of what I want to do for the next one :D (poor hubby, looks like he'll be busy again making up the rotation for me!) Do you think all the yoga/stretching helps to elongate your muscles? The tone in my thighs is really developing nicely. I love to have hubby feel my muscles in my leg---makes me feel great! :7 Cathe does such a great job on her videos. I can't wait to put together the next rotation. Anyone have any ideas on what they would like to see? I am thinking of doing a rotation that will work on reducing the inches in the hips/thighs/abdominal region. Good luck everyone!!


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