<---all day long I'd biddy biddy bum

<---thanks Shelley for the link
<---is concerned that they won't be short enough to look like normal capris on <---
<---wonders if Nance is short like <--- and where the capris fall on her
<---has trouble buying capris because they always end up looking like slightly shrunken long pants on <---
<---could always hem the capris if <--- had to, though
<---says YAHOO for Tammy
<---hopes life just continues to improve
<---got Shelley's last PM
<---is home and getting ready for a workout - first in 5 days:eek:
<---says DD and DGS just got back from appointments with doctors
<---asks for continued prayers for Greyor - behavior development doctor not happy with Greyor's development - he's behind in almost everything:-(
<---thanks Ame
<---says Mom was very pleased <-- got a job
<---thinks Nance is about 5'2"?????
<---is sorry to hear about Greyor
<---sends (((HUGS))) and prayers to Master Greyor and his family
<---sends special (((HUGS))) to Robin
<--sendinghugs to Greyor, Emily, and Robin
<--hopes for better news at the next checkup
<--apparently missed Robin's meeting today, since <--ate almost 3 smores brownies
<--enjoyed every bite of them though
<--did get a good WO in today too
<--'s legs are still jellified
<--is quite happy for Tammy and her new job!
<--just sent Beavs an email re the Albany GTG

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

<--- is crying and can hardly see to post
<--- 's dear DEAR friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer
<--- 's friend will see the surgeon tomorrow to find out just how bad it is
<--- has been forewarned that they did NOT catch it early
<--- begs for prayers for Nancy
<--is sorry for being MIA, but is rather stressed and doesn't want to bring all of you lovely ladies down :)
<--will pray for Greyor and is so sorry to hear the news :-(
<--will be praying for Michele's friend and is so sorry she is dealing with this, but is lucky to have a friend like Michele for comfort
<--loves y'all, but must continue taxi services for the kidlets
<--lets M know that <-- will be praying for her friend Nancy as hard as she can
<--will also prayer for Mr. Greyor and sends Robin a rather big hug
<--is really really excited for Tammy both on the career and the home fronts
<--tells Megtastic to check her email about the Smallbany GTG
<--waves to Judy and is glad to see her
<--wonders where she's been hiding out
<--thinks if anyone should be scared it should Nancy's scary clients...<--wouldn't want to mess with the SuperNancy
<--is sending LOTS and LOTS of prayers for Michele's dear friend
<--waves to Judalicious
<--is sorry Kara is feeling down
<--has no dinner ideas for Phyllis as <-- had leftovers
<-- is here with Gracie to send good hugs and vibes and healthy happy thoughts to Michele's friend and to Michele
<-- is also sending some good stuff to Mr. Greyor
<-- apologizes for the furry fuzz all over all the vibes and hugs; Gracie is getting ready for summer!
<---sends great big hugs to Michele and sends prayers and positive thoughts to Michele's friend
<---also sends big hugs to Robin, Greyor and family
<---hates it when we're bombarded with so much bad news at once
<---sends hugs to anyone else who needs them
<---thinks tonight is a good night to try out the chocolate salad idea
<--sends lots of hugs to Michele
<--sending TONS of prayers for Michele's friend, Nancy
<--sending more hugs and prayers to Mr. Greyorpants!
<--tells him to "get with it, boy!";-)
<--is super excited for Ms TammyNewJobFancyPants!!!
<--is not a capri kind of girl
<--has short, fat legs so they look stumpy in capris
<--loves the chocolate salad idea!!!
<--can't remember if there's mail delivery today
<--is still sleepy after snooze
<--noticed that work called this afternoon, though}(
<--knows that they would like <-- to work because there were 2 open heart surgeries today
<--is not interested!
<--didn't have a good work weekend!
<--thinks that Ame is a genius with her bootcamp workout creativity!
<--thinks that it's not fair that Ame doesn't get paid by the idea for bootcamp!!!
<--or by the exercise!
<--saw a surgeon this morning that <--used to work with that didn't recognize <--!!!
<--still needs to order the OAL t-shirtx( (the look is frustration for <--!)
<--must go find food!
<---sends prayers out for Michele and her friend
<---also sends prayers to Robin and Greyor
<---is hoping Kara will feel better soon
<---says congrats to Tammy on her new job
<---agrees with Emily that it is a chocolate salad night:9

<--is sad to hear about Greyor
<--is sad to hear about Michele's friend
<--wonders if she was going for annual mammograms?
<--has been told by a few docs that it's very important at *this* age
<--says they can do amazing things these days for cancer
<--sends lots of big healing vibes to her namesake

<--is thrilled for Miss Tammy!!! :D :D :D

<--says regarding the Adidas pants:
I didn't get that exact capri. Mine is an older model and has a zipper in the front. But otherwise they look almost identical, and they're both made of climalite, which is what I love about them. Also, I'm 5'3" and, yup, they really look like capris on me.

<--thanks Beavs very much for thinking <-- is super enough to stand up to scary clients!
<--handled 'em }(
<--had a MEGA salad for dinner
<--says it was absolutely yummy and had grilled salmon in it :9 :9
<--hopes Tammy is happy about the new job?
<--wonders when she starts
<--says later taters
<-- is very envious of all youse who have already eaten dinner!
<-- wants your leftovers so <-- don't have to cook or prepare anything!!!
<-- needs to be either planning a workout or writing a paper
<-- is obviously doing neither; <-- is playing solitaire! }(
<-- did the P90X chest shoulders and triceps workout
<-- shouldn't really say <-- "did" the workout... <-- pretty much wimped through the whole thing x(
<-- hasn't eaten much today x( :eek:
<-- is currently eating pumpkin seeds and then olives to make up for the calorie deficit }(
<-- is off to call DH and see when he's coming home
<-- will be able to plan dinner better once <-- know that
<-- really has to go be productive now
<-- mwah!

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