<---all day long I'd biddy biddy bum

<--is looking forward to the meeting
<--agrees that the chairs should be EXTRA large
<--will handcuff the Sugar Monster and drag him to the meeting }(
<--was grocery shopping with the Sugar Monster this weekend and does not know how he managed to sneak in two KitKat bars under <--'s radar!! x(
<--says he is the Sneaky Sugar Monster ("SSM")
<---steps back in briefly to tell Nancy that Shelley and Sophie are coming here, not me going there
<---does plan on a day trip to Canada in May while visiting my sister in north central WA
<---also hopes to make a weekend trip to Canada in the fall to go to Niagra Falls
<---tells Nancy to get moving now - The Corporate Land monorail is leaving
<--is excited about the special guests on the Robin & Beavs show when Robin takes it out of the studio and on the road with the dynamic S&S duo
<--will loan mini S the fur vest
<--tells Tammy she better be at the meeting of the Burger and Beer OALers
<--is an unabashed fan of sugar
<--is with Shannon on the salad thang
<--- runs in and says hello! Good morning!
<--- no can play today
<--- has a very busy day ahead
<--- is not too interested in the salad for every meal club, but will join the clean eating and exercise club
<--- will BBL:* :*
<---hops into thread and waves enthusiastically to the OALers
<---is not too happy that it's Monday, but will survive
<---must take a moment to RAVE about CC PP.... <--- did it this morning for the first time and must say that was the BEST treadmill workout EVER - an hour on the 'mill has never gone by so quickly
<---is looking forward to Robin's meeting later today
<---thinks the news about Tammy's mom is fabulous :)
<---tells Beavs that we can get through the corporate work week together
<---thinks we should start by playing a prank on some coworkers
<---will have to think of a prank first :p
<---does not like the idea of a Corporate Land theme park at all
<---wonders what kind of rides and games it would have
<---"Whack-a-Fax-Machine" would be fun
<---or maybe Bumper Office Chairs
<---assures Shannon that international corporate land is every bit as boring as state corporate land, just with more languages
<---like Tammy, also admires anyone who doesn't own a scale
<---wants to know what BIG THING Robin is looking forward to at the end of the month :D
<---is LOL at Amelia's Karate Kid quote ;)
<---thinks Nancy has a great attitude about making it a good week
<---will try to follow suit
<---thinks Meg has her hands full planning a fireman's banquet, but that should be fun :)
<---is now seeing what Robin's big thing is
<---is soooo jealous that Robin gets to hang out with Shelley and Sophie... and that Shelley and Sophie get to hang out with Robin!
<---wants to come too! :D
<---wishes <--- could get together with you all before the mmm-mmmm, but thinks <--- lives too far away from most of you :(
<---is off to read some posts from yesterday to get caught up
<---ETA... waves to Michele and wishes she had more time to play with us today :)
<---just noticed Beavs signature line
<---says that's my DH's favorite movie
<---adds that it is not my favorite movie
<---pouts at Michele's busy day that doesn't include us
<--- has no idea what movie Beavs' signature quote is from
<--- wonders if Robin has access to a kid's size bike at her place or if maybe <--- should bring Sophie's bike?
<--- is so happy that Emily enjoyed CC PP and looks forward to doing a big group CC PP workout!
<--- thinks she saw Michele fly by
<--- just realized that there is no mail delivery here today
<--Says "whew"unties hands that Robin has so cleaverly tied:p!
<--LOl at Nancy SSM,Thinks<--is also a SSM!
<--Would also love to tag-along on the Shelly/Robin/Sophie RT,but is with Emily <--lives to far away:-( !
<--Says will meet you guys on the next RT!
<--Also cringes at the thought of two salads a day,<--is lucky to get in two salads a week;-) !
<--LOl at Emily's corporate land them park rides!<--will probably throw up there too!:+
<--needs to go workout!bbl!
<---wonders where Amelia lives and if it's close to <---
<---doesn't think <--- would have too much trouble eating 2 salads a day, but would probably get bored with it
<---would be willing to do 1 salad a day
<---wonders if it's possible to make a chocolate salad :p
<---perhaps hot fudge "dressing" served over a bed of crumbled cookies and brownies
<---is making herself drool
<---must stop now
<---thinks Bumper Office Chairs sounds like a wonderful ride
<---may suggest it to co-workers
<---will be called Bumper Lab Chairs here
<---would love to have Emily and all others join us
<---know you will all be here in spirit and on line
<---says #2 on the agenda for today's meeting will be healthy substitutes for salads
<---has to go pop another Jimmy DVD in the player
<--likes Evily's idea of theme park games
<--would add "Whack the Pompous Ass Over the Head with a Toilet Brush"
<--would also add a Jeopardy like game called "I went to graduate school for what??" to cover all those things not really part of the job description (like unjamming the copier because the nurse pops in, makes a mess, and skips outta the liberry like nuthin')
<--tells Shelley the movie in question is the Big Lebowski
<--finds it makes <-- smile
<--wonders why some men jump on couches for some women
<--wonders if <-- disappeared tomorrow would SO come looking?
<--is just having one of those days
<--can't wait until lunch so <-- can eat
<--- is LOL at the Corporate Land rides and games
<--- has never seen that movie
<--- doesn't understand the jump on couches comment, but also often wonders if her SO would miss her or care if she disappeared?
<---is sure Beavs and Shelley's SOs would miss them
<---knows we sure as heck would miss them
<---tells neither of them to disappear
<---tells Shelley not to bother watching The Big Lebowski
<---bets Beavs would disagree
<---agrees with Robin that Beavs' and Shelley's SOs would certainly miss them
<---and that we would miss them too
<---has never seen The Big Lebowski
<---doesn't even know what it's about
<---is not really getting much work done today
<---lacks motivation
<---needs CC for work
<---Corporate Coach, if you will
<---"come on now, just 30 more seconds of replying to emails before your rest"
<---"okay, get ready to hit it hard for 1 minute - start designing those tractor parts NOW!"
<---tells Emily the Big Lebowski is about The Dude
<---likes Emily's idea of CC for work
<---doesn't have a treadmill, so doesn't have CC
<---is headed for Saladville - bbl
<-- just saw that movie!
<-- would have never understood Robin's post otherwise
<-- clearly has not read ^^^
<-- has another class day... only 10 class days left
<-- is groaning since it will be a rough 10 class days
<-- had fun at bootcamp this morning
<-- thought they were all *so* cute as they were going through the obstacle course with their plastic spoon in their hand and their plastic egg on their spoon and they were trying so hard and it was just adorable to see the 4 year old expressions on their 40 year old faces :D :D :D
<-- made sure and told them how cute they were }(
<-- feels about 4 years old right now; <-- am all whiny about school
<-- has got to get a move on!
<-- hopes you have wonderful clean days ;-)

ETA: <-- didn't care for the movie, btw
<-- had to come back and say that last week <-- divided the bootcamp group into two and they don't like being group A/B or 1/2 because of the judgment involved, LOL, so <-- named one group "monday monday" and the other group "can't trust that day"... and a while back <-- named them "cake" and "ice cream" :p :+
<-- *loves* this bootcamp job; have <-- ever told you that??
<--waves good morning to everyone
<--waves at Michele's dust as she runs through!
<--was evily teased last night because <--got a call saying <--wasn't needed!
<--was called back a hour later telling <--to go in!!!x(
<--is super excited that the S&S show will be on the road next month!
<--is super excited that Tammy's mom is doing better!!
<--says, "See, Tammy, I told you!";-)
<--LOL at the Corporate Land rides
<--thinks that Corporate Land sounds more like a haunted house than a theme park!
<--would LOVE to attend Robin's meeting this afternoon, but is very afraid that <-- would sleep through it!
<--thinks that SSM and <--'s DH need to be handcuffed together!
<--is off to snooze.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz
<---can't believe this post is almost up to 40 replies already
<---feels completely out of loop after three days away from forum
<---hopes everyone is having a good Monday so far
<---doesn't have much time to post, but wanted to say hi to everyone!
<---is ROFL at the "Corporate Land" comments!

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