<---all day long I'd biddy biddy bum

<---loves Ame's bootcamp ideas
<---can picture 40 yr old's, tongue sticking out of the side of the mouth, concentrating on egg on spoon
<---thinks Ame's bootcampers need to go to Corporate Land for a day
<---says hi to Liann
<---explains to Amy that there is "needed" and "needed" - she may not be needed, but she is needed
<---had a BIG SALAD for lunch
<---wonders who saw the Seinfeld episode with the BIG SALAD
<---calls the Cleaner Eating Now (this means you!) Committee of the OAL to order now and asks what healthy food did you have for lunch?
<---absolutely loves Emily's idea of a salad!
<---would like to add the Monitor Toss to the list of Corporate Land games - as in tossing it through a window, down several stories
<---wishes <--- could join S&S when they visit Robin
<---really hopes Robin can make it to Niagara!
<---is seriously considering a CC purchase
<---can't remember much else
<---needs to get away from the monitor before it becomes part of the newest Corporate Land game
<---hopes everyone has a really nice afternoon
<---definitely thinks Monitor Toss needs to be a Corporate Land game
<---tells Shannon that she MUST purchase CC PP :D
<---is ready to join Robin's OAL clean eating meeting
<---is currently eating homemade tomato soup and a pb&j sammy on ww bread (natural pb and organic fruit spread)
<---will try to stay away from the cookie tin
<---can hear the Oreos calling <---'s name, but will resist

<---waves hi to Liann :)
<---thinks AmyG's bootcamp sounds so fun!
<--ate a positively crappy monterrey chicken sadwich (yes, a sadwich) from the crapeteria which is usually palatable
<--will have a chicken burger and asparagus tonight
<--is treating the dudes (SO and nephew) to cheeseburgers, french fries that are "smiley circles" and cookie dough ice cream (eew)
<--tells Shelley <-- is whining because of Mr. Committaphobia
<--just doesn't understand boys in general and is tired of them
<--does admit few understand <--'s sense of humor and why the Big Lebowski, Gods Must be Crazy, and Napoleon Dynamite are funny
<-- did think the Big Lebowski was mildly funny, but not really necessary in <--'s world
<-- is now at school in the 'brary
<-- needs to register for summer
<-- will bb shortly

ETA: <-- was unable to add one class x(
<-- needs a code x(
<-- does not have a code :eek: x(
<-- must get a code }(
<-- absolutely hates that <-- have to work 225 hours for *free* *and* take a 4 hour class on *Fridays* in order to get credit for working *for free*
<-- is too old for this you know what x(
<-- can't remember what else <-- have to do today, LOL
<-- thinks <-- make <--self sound oh-so-employable, don't <--??? :p }( :+
<-- is off to get smartypants with ERISA preemption :eek: :7
<--remembers this stuff
<--would requite too many margaritas to do graduate school over again
<--wishes Amy luck and passes the tequila
<--- just got a huge box of jewelry to peruse from one of manager's wives
<--- says the stuff is gorgeous and so incredibly cheap
<--- will take pics tonight if anyone is interested
<--- says it's all sterling with semi-precious stones (amethyst, garnet, onyx, etc.) and in funky, chunky designs
<---tells Shelley that <--- is definitely interested in the funky, chunky silver jewelry
<---has a very empty, sad jewelry box at home that would love some new stuff in it
<---thanks AmyG and Beavs for reminding <--- why <--- didn't go to grad school ;)
<---probably should have gone to grad school, but thinks it's a bit too late now
<--is stopping for an odwalla break
<--loves silver jewelry and semi-precious stones
<--thinks Shell should buy some
<--preferred grad school to working because the hours were more flexible
<--has trouble with structured days
<--says life would be ideal if <-- could follow her moods
<--has scary new clients coming in one hour :eek:
<-- is back
<-- wants to do CC now that Shelley loves him
<-- needs a treadmill first :D
<-- will ask for a treadmill for <--'s bday this year }( }( }(
<-- won't get one :+
<-- can always go to the community center if <-- really really want to use a treadmill (it's 3 blocks away from <--'s house)
<-- doesn't wear silver
<-- doesn't want to work, either; it's not just grad school- it's anything!!! :p
<-- does love leading bootcamps, though!
<-- just remembered that tomorrow is leg day :eek: }( x(
<-- will have to get creative...
<-- }( }( :7 }( }( :7 }( }( :7
<-- will bbl
<---waves to all
<---GOT THE JOB! :7
<---thanks y'all for the lucky job vibes
<---reports to Robin that <--- had a yummy salad for lunch
<---thanks Robin for the compliment but tells her that <--- was just paying it forward ;)
<---hopes Nance's new clients aren't too scary
<---wants to join Ame's bootcamp
<---thinks Ame has found her true calling
<---tells Beavs that DS#1 loves all those movies too
<---feels really, really, really old now
<--- yells WHOOT WHOOT for Tammy!!!!
<--- is thrilled that things seem to be going well (touch wood) in Tammy's world
<--- hopes Nance's new clients aren't as scary as she thinks they might be
<--- did not eat salad today
<--- ate half a slice of veggie pizza and is now eating some steel cut oats with raisins
<--- wonders if Robin got <---'s last PM?
<---thinks Shelley would make a great CC salesperson
<---tells Nance that <--- ordered the Adidas capris
<--- LOVES the Adidas capris
<--- would order them except would have to pay exchange, duty and taxes
<--- will go and see if they have them at the Adidas store close to work
<---says Three Cheers for Tammy!!! :D
<---wonders why Nancy's new clients would be scary
<---unless maybe they're axe murderers
<---can't understand why anyone would murder an axe
<---or why anyone would kill cereal
<---is done telling lame joke for today ;)
<---thinks Shelley should order them and send them to Robin's house
<---already received shipping notice on them
<---needs BGR please
<---wipes egg gook off face
<---wonders what capris these are
<---probably wants to buy some
<---wonders if anyone has a link
<---also thinks Tammy's idea is brilliant :)
<-- is over the moon for Tammy!!!
<-- high fives Tammy for the new job-arooni!!!
<-- also thinks Tammy is a smarty pants on Shelley's pants :p
<-- tells Tammy that bootcamp may be <--'s true calling, but $70 gross a day for 2 classes ain't gonna pay the $80k of student law school loans back :-(
<-- can do both if <-- could ever get a job, though!
<-- is wearing workout pants to school today, LOL
<-- has on the purple hardcore pants that <-- think are in MM??
<-- has likely given everyone a view they didn't want today :+ }(
<-- wants to shout to all in the computer lab "HEY, DID YOU HEAR?? TAMMY GOT THE JOB!!!!!"
<-- hopes Tammy's mom is happy about the new job, too ;-)
<-- wants to go shopping with Shelley please

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