Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...the simple things


While I was away last week with SO and our kids on vacation, my dad put in a washline in my yard. I've wanted one ever since we built this home almost 7 years ago. I went away for a week, and when I came home....VIOLA! My washline!

So first thing this morning, I did 3 loads of laundry and hung them out. I couldn't stop peeking out the window to look at MY washline! lol

I just took them down and MAN....the smell just reminds me of when I was a kid.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....the simple things!

Gayle, my DH put in a clothesline for me this summer too and I LOVE IT!!! I love to see the clothes moving in the breeze on a nice summer day. And think of all the saved electricity!

Three cheers for simple things!

That brings back memories. When I was growing up, almost everyone had a clothes line in their backyard. I loved how my sheets would smell after a day on the line in the sunshine:) Now, there is not even one clothes line in my neighborhood (myself included). I still hang many of my clothes (especially my w/o clothes) but now it is on a rack indoors. Enjoy!!

I was just thinking the other day that I'd love to have a clothesline but my yard is completely covered in big trees that continually drop stuff, not to mention the birds and squirrels in the trees who continually drop stuff. I'd be redoing my laundry on a regular basis.:p
I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing my simple notion of the day!

I even (shamelessly) cut the grass while my laundry was hanging out there. Just so I'd get that fresh-mowed smell on my clothes! :)

Tomorrow....I'm doing bed sheets and blankets!


Your post made me smile....oh so true how the clothes smell better....especially the sheets when you get in them. Enjoy.... really it the simple things in life :eek:)

While I was away last week with SO and our kids on vacation, my dad put in a washline in my yard. I've wanted one ever since we built this home almost 7 years ago. I went away for a week, and when I came home....VIOLA! My washline!

So first thing this morning, I did 3 loads of laundry and hung them out. I couldn't stop peeking out the window to look at MY washline! lol

I just took them down and MAN....the smell just reminds me of when I was a kid.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....the simple things!


You're making me nostalgic for the smell of line-dried laundry!

(I didn't appreciate it as much when I was a kid---since I usually smelled it when I was made to go out and get the laundry, but it is a wonderful smell!).
fresh blankies! mmmmmm

Tomorrow....I'm doing bed sheets and blankets!


You're so enthusiastic about the laundry! Can I bring mine by too?:p
I got a line this summer, too. I love it!!! I always love fresh sheets on the bed, but even better when they are fresh from outside. Its naptime, baby!!!!


This is one of my favorite things to do!!! I hang everything on the line. Besides sheets my favorites are TOWELS. Wow, you put that on your head after a shower and it soaks all the water right up!!! I have long, thick hair so it cuts my blow drying time in half.
Hubby thinks it's a waste of time, but I LOVE IT
Frankly I love most of the simple things in life
Have a great day
I've been using a clothes line all summer to try and force down the electric bill. With 6 almost 7 kiddos--there is always stuff hanging on our line. Probably drives the neighbors crazy.:eek:

The nice fresh smell is nice....

Reminds me of doing the cloth diapers some 20+ years ago. :rolleyes:

Like Shelley, I'd have "tree droppings" all over mine, but I so have to agree about the freshness. That's why I add the Downy "fresh scent" to my washer. ;)

P. S. Gayle, just let me know how much I owe you for the box of sheets and towels that are on the way to your house via Fed Ex ! (Before you get too tired of hanging laundry).

LOL ! :p
HA! Jacque-I'm enjoying my line so much that I'd do it for FREE! LOL

My kids were laughing at me today too, until I threatened to hang out their tighty-whities for all the neighbors to see! LOL

What a great thread Gayle. You've inspired me. We used to do hang all of our laundry on the line but then stopped because DH has a grass allergy (really inconvenient in Africa!). But I've considered separating his from mine and the kids and hanging ours out. You're making me want to do that.

Funny though, because all of you are very much in love with the smell of fresh line-dried laundry. Here in Africa, the smell of a dryer with a real fabric softener in it screams, "Home!" and "Clean clothes!" :) It seems that whatever we're lacking (for me that would be enclosed, clean spaces) is what is new and refreshing to us!

Here's to you and your clothesline (aka washline) :) Gayle.
Another sensual blast from the past (childhood).
I lived in a house with hot water heaters (big ones, in almost every room). They gave of a non-drying, warm heat (emotionally 'warm'). In the winter, my stepmother would put drape our fresh-dried sheets on the heaters, then make the beds just before bed time. A soothing, snuggly, warm sheet was wonderful (again, something I'd probably appreciate more now than then...as I'm thoroughly appreciating my soft, cool new bamboo sheet set...ahhhh!).
When I was little I hated laundry line even though we had a dryer. As I matured, I enjoyed the smell of clean laundry. But now in surburbia, and constraints and convenants and constrictions, I can't have a clothesline. I have been tempted a time or two, to do it anyway. And hang up a red teddy or black thong panties (I don't have either).

Feel free anytime to pick up my laundry and hang! :D
Oh, I would love to have a clothes line and get into the wonderfully outside scent of sheets. I'll nudge my husband and see what happens.


Oh dear - I'm definitely in the minority here. I've never liked line-dried clothes. They always get all "hard" instead of soft and pliable like when they come out of the dryer. Do you know what I'm talking about? And besides, then I'd have to iron everything I own. No how, no way am I going to do that. :p Besides, we have so many bugs and other "nasties" in the summer, I'd be afraid to see what I bring in the house with the laundry.
Shannon! It's funny you should mention bringing in little critters on the laundry! LOL I was just outside hanging my kids' sheets (and pillow cases, and wash cloths, bath towels, swimming towels...basically, anything I can get my hands on to line-dry! LOL), a big ol' locust came screaming and landed on the blanket I was just clipping! LOL I let out a yelp, pretty loudly, loudly enough for the guys working on the road right in front of my house to hear! LOL

But I do understand about the "hard" feeling. I figure that for now, there's enough residual fabric softener from the past 7 years of washing and machine-drying that I shouldn't get that hard feeling anytime soon!


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