Shelly-I needed a minute to go get my packet of hand-outs. The lady's name was Cynthia Bilicki-Nimz MPT, CSCS, CPT (physical therapist, but I'm not sure what any of those letters mean, lol).
She spoke at both time slots. The first one was a discussion on common sports-related injuries...specifically back, shoulder and knee problems. She talked about what causes them, how to fix them, and how to avoid them. The hand out for that discussion had a bunch of moves, exercises, and stretches.
The second time slot was the discussion titled "Fitness for Middle-Aged Women" and it talkeda bout the 'special exercise concerns' of middle-aged women. Specifically, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease, Weight Gain, Redistribution and Protruding Abdomen. Again, she talked about what causes these things and ways that we can avoid and/or correct these 'conditions'.
I hope that helps.