

Hi everyone, just looking for some input. I am 34 years old and have two wonderful children, a couple months ago I had a very unplanned pregnancy that ended up a miscarriage, I am so tempted to try again, but I am very concerned about my age, any comments or advice would be very welcomed. Thank you for your time, Kim
So many people are waiting until their 40's to have babies now. You are still very young. I say go for it. Talk to your doctor, do some research on the web, or in books, and then follow your heart. In no way are you too old to be having a baby!

Good luck with whatever you decide.
I say go for it too. I had 5 miscarriages (no children) before I finally got lucky and had my miracle baby just 10 days or so after my 39th birthday. Although I wish I could have had her sooner, I'm just so grateful to have her. I know you already have 2 wonderful children, but if you really want another one I think you are plenty young! Good luck.

I'm 38 and 36 weeks along with my first. You still have plenty of time if you want to add a third to your family. It's true. the older you get (35+), the more you have to think about certain risk factors. I suggest you discuss all that with your doctor to help with your decision.
I was 35 with my first and 36 with my second. I say go for it. I know loads of gals who have had problems once or twice but go on to have healthy happy babes. Good luck!
Thank you for your positive feedback, I think I, or really we, may go ahead and try one more time, I will let you know how it goes! :)

I have ten children, the last five of which I had over the age of 35. I didn't have any problems and they are all healthy!

Actually, my last three I was over 40 - #8 I was 41, #9 I was 42, #10 I was 45. So, you have plenty of time!

I say go for it!

Cheryl someone with just TWO little ones I bow to you. As I was reading your post about #8, #9 and #10, I was shaking my head in amazement. Congratulations on such a big family. Can't begin to imagine how full your life must be.
Wow Cheryl! You amaze me. That's really cool. I can't wait to tell my husband we have time for 3 more! ;) I think he would faint.

I am 43, pregnant with my first (due 9/6/04), and hoping against hope to try for a second after this one. Cheryl, you have made my day!
However, we should all keep in mind that not everyone can have kids into their 40's. I managed to get pregnant in my 40's, but other people I know in their late 30's haven't. So start early, ladies!
Thank you everyone for being uplifting to me, since I have 10 children, I tend to get lots of negative comments. Yes, some women wait too long to try to conceive , then find they can not or have a hard time getting pregnant.

I home school and I work out everyday - people who see me are amazed at how I look after having 10 children - people almost faint when they look at me in utter amazement, because I am in such good shape - plus they cannot believe I am 48 - because they always ask my childrn's ages and my oldest is 30 - they look at me like right! Thanks to Cathe's workouts - I can keep up with all the little ones I still have at home.

You will never regret making a decision to have more children - I can say we have not - they grow up fast - we really enjoy them - but I must say my husband and I were mutual in our decision to be open to having this many children.

I am glad a few of you have decided to go for another - hopefully your husbands won't faint when you say you can get in three or four more. HA-HA-HA!

Hi there--

When I was 32, I conceived our 4th child who was born with downs syndrome. Our chances of having a downs baby were about 1 in 500, considering my age, but in this case I was the one(and I know it sounds crazy, but I am so happy God gave him to us--He's as sweet as pie and more fun than a barrel of monkeys;-) )

We went on to have a fifth child, who was born when was I 35, who is completely normal, for lack of a better term. We plan on having more children as well, even though my chances of having another child with downs is higher than average.

I'd say go for it--the chances are hugely in your favor that your baby will be completely healthy.

Hey Cheryl.....a friend of mine got back from an ATI (advanced training institute - Gothard) conference and said that they asked for a show of hands of women who were over the age of 50 and pregnant.....there were 10 present. So how about baby number 11???? :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 .

I will be 35 tomorrow and I am 20 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I had a level II ultrasound due to my "advanced maternal age" and they were able to decrease my risk of having a baby with down's syndrome from 1/135 to 1/270. DH and I started trying for #2 in January, I got pregnant that month & had a miscarriage in February. I got pregnant with this one in March without having a period between the miscarriage and the new pregnancy.

There are never any guarantees though regardless of your age.
Just another vote for you not being too old! I had my 3rd at age 36 with no problems. We are pretty fertile so it only took a month or two to get pregnant, but I do know they say plan on it taking a year if you are over 30 to conceive (but it could also be the next month!). I love to hear about big families especially when the moms are in such good shape! Way to go ladies! It is so inspirational to hear about fit people that other people can't believe are the moms of so many. It takes away so many excuses. How great. I love this forum.


We are open to having more children - if it is meant to be it will be. I have had a miscarriage since my last one was born. It seems that I am starting to be premenopausal now.

I use Natural Famiy Planning - so, I know my fertility really well. I have only ovulated four times this last year - I still get my period regularly though.

My eggs are running low, but if it happens we would feel blessed.

We do have our oldest son (26), who has a brain injury from being hit my a car while he was walking, living with us, also. So, with home schooling and taking care of him is a real full time job.

It is hard on him sometimes with all the kids we do have at home. But we would be able to handle it with the help of the Lord.


I am 45 and trying to conceive my first child! I am curious as to how you 'knew' you only ovulated 4 times in one year? Did you use an ovulation kit to measure your surge of LH hormone or did you go by your basal temp and it just didn't elevate like it would after ovulation? I'd like to make sure I'm still ovulating every month. Do you have a link to a site where I could get more info on this?

Thanks in Advance!
Cheryl you are amazing with all that you are doing and yes the Lord will give you grace to do it all.

I was wondering how you know that you have ovulated only four times. I do the natural planning as well, but have to admit I rarely get my temp taken because I'm up at all hours of the night with baby and toddler, so I can never get an accurate reading because I never sleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time. So do you take your temp every morning and know that you haven't ovulated because of the temp? I really appreciate your feedback. I can recognize discharge signs and the cervix position, but have a hard with the temp. Thanks a bunch.


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