Acne anyone???

Ah. Hormones. I'm so sorry. x( I have a bit of that too, but if I watch what I eat, I can usually bypass an outbreak. If I don't watch, and it's that time, then it's a freaking disaster.

And if we ever meet, I hope I don't scare the bejeebers out of you, with my makeup-less face. It ain't pretty... but oh well. It saves me a lot of time in the morning. ;)
I haven't read the other suggestions, so sorry if I repeat other suggestions. But I had a HUGE acne problem last fall/winter, tapering off in early spring when I found this website, I, too, have used Proactive with success, but frankly there were other side effects on my skin I didn't like and I hate the other mail order thing and yeah, I found a kiosk in the mall that sold it, but still....What I like about the website above is this guy, Dan, just figured it out like anyone else. He's been on Accutane, etc. But his regime that he describes is what finally worked for him. There are 3-4 drug store soaps/cleansers he recommends (yes, he sells his own, but he doesn't hawk it more over the others) as well as other products to complete the regimen. My skin really did clear up FAST. His big emphasis is on gentle -- not stripping -- soap/cleansers that must acne-prone lines offer and washing G-E-N-T-L-Y. I think we tend to get a little aggressive 'cause we just want that pepperoni face crap gone! Then, GENTLY patting dry with a towel. Letting the skin dry well before applying a 2.5 Benzoyl Peroxide treatment product, like Neutrogena On-The-Spot Acne Treatment and then a moisturizer to keep skin balanced from the drying effects of the BP. A neat trick I learned from his site which was only confirmed by many other sites is applying Jojoba oil to my face (did this usually at night 'cause of slickness). The benefits are many. First, it mimics your skins sebaceous glands so instead of your skin freaking out and reacting to these dry ingredients, your skin thinks the jojoba is its own oil production. It's also soothing and heals acne over time, even the scars! Lots of great message boards.

Good luck!
I was checking out the forums because I'm on a short break and I didn't have enough time to post, but I just have to post about this. Proactiv did not work for me either and I kept reordering thinking the stuff would work but it never did. Mineral make-up was awful for my skin. I've learned that the less make-up I use the better I am. I use an oil free primer, followed by an oil free tinted moisturizer with spf (which I use in place of foundation and therefore on top of primer) and I conceal only where I need it, on top of that I use a little bit of loose powder (clinique at the moment) which I apply with a good brush (smashbox brush #1) instead of a puff because brushes are easier to clean and keep bacteria free. Sometimes I use a tiny bit of blush. That's it for my face. I vary my looks with different colors of lipstick and lipgloss and I change my eye make-up colors often, but what touches the rest of my face is not a lot. I have mild to moderate acne and it is definitely hormonal. Right around that time of the month and when I'm ovulating I get 2-3 huge zits. When I was 15 I got them too, but they quickly disappeared and left no marks. Right now (I'll be 29 in Oct 10th) even a white head can leave a mark and it's very disappointing, especially when I'm *really* pale, and I also have rosacea.

I've been thinking about it for months and months and I decided I'm going to start saving so I can get a Zeno. The best value I've seen is on QVC because they sell 150 replacement tips with the purchase and (for me at least; I live in PR) it's about $165. It is a great value and it is currently on waitlist. The one they're selling at Walgreens now has 20 something tips only, if I want to buy replacement tips they're around $25-$30 for 20 something tips so QVC has the best value I've seen so far. My dermatologist said that I could try it since I get only a few breakouts (the Zeno is for mild to moderate acne), but that I should use it religiously 2-3 times a day when I feel one coming (I can always tell days before they appear due to redness and a little pain), but not when they're already out. She also said that I need to continue using good skin care products. The Zeno is on my wishlist for my birthday and if I can't get it by then I'll definitely get it for Christmas. I hope you all can find something that works for you since sometimes what works for millions of people (like Proactiv) won't work for others.

Edited to add: My first set of high TC sheets was ruined with acne creams. I learned to stick with ivory, white, and lighter color sheet sets after that. The second set was ruined when I spilled mineral eyeliner on top of them and yes about two handbag linings have been ruined with mineral eyeshadow or mineral eyeliner. Ugh the things we have to lose because of beauty. x(
Hello Emily,

I am new around here and do not post often at all, but after reading your post (and the responses) I really wanted to post to you. I too am one that suffered from bad acne, mostly due to hormones, I assume. I went on Accutane about two years ago and absolutely adored the results...for about a year. Then things slowly got oily again, and I've recently been breaking out again. Nothing like before, but lots of little pimples that leave red marks for months. Anyway, since I have VERY sensitive skin that only gets worse with most products, I use Mary Kay. MK Timewise cleanser and moisturiazer for normal to oily skin are great for breaking up and really cleaning off any makeup and oil you have on your face, then moisturizing without making you oily. After that, I stick with plain old Neutrogena 2.5% benzoyl peroxide lotion. That's it for me. I'm a BP girl, and the reason I stick with MK is because their products are made for sensitive skin and are all (I believe) fragrance free.

One poster also mentioned microdermabrasion. Being that my pocketbook will not allow for such treatments on a regular basis, I went ahead and tried the MK microdermabrasion set that they sell and I'll tell you, it's made a big difference in my skin over the past few months. When used consistently (and no, I'm not always consistent like I should be!) it really gets that outer layer of skin sloughed off without being too harsh. I have some of the most sensitive skin on the planet, so if this works for me, it should work for you too. I tried Proactive (worked for a while, then things got worse) and L'oreal's Acne Treatment Kit (made me worse almost immediately) and a variety of other things, none of which ever worked for me. MK cleanser and Neutrogena BP lotion are the two things I always go back to, over and over again!!

Good luck finding something that works for you and your skin. I understand your frustration more than you know!!!
Hi there:
I have battled adult acne since my early twenties - now 31. I used accutane about 9 years ago and it worked great. I began getting some milder issues in recent years. I have done a lot of research and I now use a topical antibiotic a couple nights per week and on one or two other nights per week I use retin-a. This has worked great for me. I rarely break out now and if I do, I just make sure to use the topical antibiotic faithfully and it's taken care of quickly. When I had read about this type of treatment, it was called "combination therapy" or something like that. I read about it in a magazine and then discussed it with my doctor. It's just another idea. Good luck - adult acne is so aggrevating!!
I was tired of trying all the over the counter stuff and finally went to the Derm. in Feb. He put me on an oral antibiotic and Ziana. I love the Ziana no redness or drying. I went off the oral antibiotic for a while, then went back on and am now off it again. In the morning I use a topical antibiotic and at night the Ziana. My face looks better than it has in a long time. Now I wish I could just get rid of some of the oiliness of my face.

I swear by Bioskincare (! When I started using the facial cream (it was originally called Elicina), my skin immediately softened and cleared up - and has been pretty damn clear for 5 years now (I'm 28). The cream itself is actually made from snail secretions (sounds gross, I know, but it's a safe process for the snails) and it's amazing on a variety of skin conditions. I always use it on cuts and burns and they heal in half the time and don't scar. Even when I had a mole removed last year, I used it on the stitches and my doc. had to take the stitches out early b/c it was healing so fast.

The other thing I realized about my oily/shiny skin is that oil-free cleansers only exacerbate the problem for me. I switched back to my old high school regimen of Noxzema, astringent, and benzol peroxide (along with the bioskincare cream).

Good luck!
Emily :: I just have to say, looking at your avatar, your skin looks flawless!

I just finished what I hope is my first and only round of Accutane on Friday, and I understand why you wouldn't want to go that route again! I'm pleased with how my skin looks now, but only time will tell if it is successful in the long run. I tried Paula's Choice last summer and did like the products, but ultimately, they did not give me consistent results because my acne was hormonal. One thing I didn't try but will in the future, if need be, is accupuncture. Have you considered that?


"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I am currently trying Unblemish by
It is the same people who originally came out with proactiv(the original formula was great) but the formula changed when they sold the company. (supposedly, I don't know how true it is)
I will let you know within a couple of weeks.

I've been on retin-a for about a year and have had very good results. I still have breakouts, but most of the time I'm clear. And it's good for wrinkles!
Flaxseed oil seems to help my skin. I've taken it and quit taken it twice and every time I quit my face broke out like crazy but when I started taking it again, after a couple of weeks my complexion would start looking great. Plus it's good for you. Also, Paula's Choice products are wonderful. She has kits you can buy, depending on your skin type. If you order samples make sure you request a catalog.
Emily, I hear you. I went through the whole shebang as well, birth control pills, oral antibiotics, antibiotic creams, prescription creams - retin a, bunch of others, aldactone (a blood pressure pill that, for some reason, can work on acne - it worked for me... right up until I realized I was allergic to it!) and finally the accutane.

The accutane was about 5 years ago. I have to say that my skin is better than it was, but still not perfect.

I do use Paula's Choice products and love them due to the low BS factor - no colors or fragrance, etc. What has worked for me is to be incredibly consistent to use the beta hydroxy gel twice a day, every day. I get more oily in the post-luteal phase and I have better skin when I use the carbon mask. Do I use it regularly? No, but it does really work for me.

I'm 39 now and I honestly did believe that when I turned 21 my acne would miraculously clear up. Didn't!

I think the Paula's Choice stuff is worth the expense - the beta hydroxy and the carbon mask for sure. It's easy to find a gentle cleanser and benzoyl peroxide if you want at the drugstore so I wouldn't splurge there.

Good luck! And if you find something that works well will you let us know? ;)
Emily?....your skin looked beautiful on the RT! I have always has an oily complexion. I was diagnosed at 30 with adult acne. I have been using Retin-A ever since. I know it does not work for everyone and some people get red, dry skin from it, but nothing will dry out my oily skin!!! It gets tough now to get it covered by my insurance (as I am OLD!) but I fight every year...:)
Hi Emily, I thought I'd add my two cents in.
I have had problem skin since puberty hit.
I too have taken many anti-biotics and different topical medicines as well.
I went on accutane a couple of times, my complexion looked great, but when I came off, boy the acne came back strong.
I'd do accutane again if I ever needed to. I loved it.
Well now I use pro-active. First time I used it I think that I did not use it correctly. I use it currently, and I like it. I also take a medication called Septra.
I have tried Paul's products, they are worth a try, I use the gel moisturizer that she sales. And I love it.
Good Luck, I feel your pain ;-)

I suffered from acne as a teenager. I went to the doctor who gave me some Retin-A cream. That was better than any over-the-counter products you can buy. I suggest you see your doctor to see if it is still available. I find products from the chemist tend to have too much alchohol that strip the skin of its natural oils, thereby making it more greasy and prone to spots. This was my experience for years.

For adult skin problems I've found that regular microdermabrasions work really well. I started having microdermabrasions once a month over a year ago and it has really improved my skin condition. The salon I go to also use fruit acids along with the microdermabrasion afterwards. The AHA fruit acids gets rid of the top layer of skin and then the microdermabrasion clears another layer. One or the other is effective, but both together are best for cleaning out blackheads and spots. Now I do it about 6-8 weeks. It works wonders! It is expensive but it worth the money. This is my only luxury as far a beauty is concerned. Since I started the treatment, I don't need to wear foundation under make-up, I don't need to buy tons of cleansers and toners or moisturisers. I used to have lots of little blackheads and grime from pollution, now my skin always looks bright, clean and feels less greasy. I highly reccommend it.

There are also other salon facials that can be more effective than buying the products in a chemist. At my salon they do something called 'green peel' where they use stronger fruit acid to peel off a deeper layer of the surface skin. The treatment works over the course of a few weeks. I have not tried this as my skin does not need it yet. I suggest visiting a dermatologist for or a beauty salon tha specialises in treating skin problems.


Thanks for the link on Bioskincare. I have a couple of questions about the cream before I decide if I should buy it. Can you use this in place of a moisturiser, in other words, can you use it morning and night and all over the face or just a dab on the spot, scar etc?


I'm another Retin-A user -- I started it about 10 years ago for cystic acne along my jaw line. My dermatologist didn't think it would be enough on its own to control my breakouts, but it was, and I've been using it since then. Now, I only use it about 4 times a week, just a tiny amount all over my face and neck, and I have to say that my skin looks great. I'm 41, and people routinely tell me they'd guess I'm in my mid-20s. I now get my prescription from my primary care physician, and I pay out of pocket. It's expensive, about $125 a tube, but I can make mine last nearly a it turns out to be cheaper than the multitude of drugstore options I could be trying. Just my thoughts -- I understand your frustration!

By the way, I also use Paula's choice antioxidant serum morning and night (under my Retin-A), and I love it -- I even put it on my eyelids and undereye area, and on my lips. I'm a real believer in Paula's down-to-earth, research-based products.

Good luck!
Hi, another Mary Kay user here. I tried everything and this stuff works!!!

Good luck to you, this can be so frustrating!:)

I apply the bioskincare to my entire face (just a thin layer) and only use a moisturizer if I notice some dry spots around my jaw line (or around my nose if I've been using a lot of tissues for my allergies). I don't tend to use a lot of moisturizer anyway because my skin is so oily to begin with. Bioskincare started adding moisturizers to the cream about a year or two ago (olive oil extract is one of them) and whereas the original version of the cream used to dry out certain parts of my face if I used too much, it now never does that. I also just dab a little bit on scratches, scars, etc. when needed. Just remember that a tiny bit goes a loooong way with this cream (which is why I don't mind that it comes in the teeny tiny bottles - each bottle usually lasts at least a month or more with regular use).

Thank you, everyone, for your advice and recommendations!

I have an appointment with my doctor in a couple weeks for something else - I may ask her about getting Retin-A. I used Retin-A when I was a teenager (in combination with other topicals and oral antibiotics) and it did not help. But I'm a lot older now, and my skin is different, so maybe I will respond better now.

I also ordered some samples from Paula's Choice and I'll see how those work out. :)

RunninTeach, I don't want to go back on Accutane for several reasons. One is that my acne really isn't bad enough for it - no ethical dermatologist would prescribe it to me at this point - the risks outweigh the benefit. Also, I refuse to go back on hormonal birth control, so I would not be a candidate for Accutane for that reason (they pretty much require that you be on the pill).

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