About that One Word thread....

I haven't had time to play in the one word thread, but yeah, I've done a lot of crying lately. Lessee...

January - my brother was very sick and spent time in the hospital.

February - my niece was hit by a car. She's still recovering and she may never have full use of her dominant arm.

And there's more but I see no point in overwhelming y'all with my woes -- :p

So what're you crying about?

ETA that I've had some tears of happiness, too, like when my DH, who was at a conference in Finland, called my favorite florist and had flowers delivered to me on the anniversary of my mom's passing. I thought that was about the sweetest thing he had ever done for me.
>I haven't had time to play in the one word thread, but yeah,
>I've done a lot of crying lately. Lessee...
>January - my brother was very sick and spent time in the
>February - my niece was hit by a car. She's still recovering
>and she may never have full use of her dominant arm.
>And there's more but I see no point in overwhelming y'all with
>my woes -- :p
>So what're you crying about?
>ETA that I've had some tears of happiness, too, like when my
>DH, who was at a conference in Finland, called my favorite
>florist and had flowers delivered to me on the anniversary of
>my mom's passing. I thought that was about the sweetest thing
>he had ever done for me.

Well now I'm crying because of your DH! That is too sweet. :)

Hmmmm, crying, well I have always been weepy.


I cry when I think of my niece and nephews, when I read something profound, when I think of my mom's health problems, when I think how lucky I am to be living in this time and this place, when my bread doesn't bake up nicely, when the wind blows and the sun shines. I cried once when my contestant didn't win on Jeopardy.



"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
I cried yesterday over a book I was reading. The day before that it was at the ending of the movie Sweeney Todd. Yeah, I'm a crybaby:)

Michele- Sorry about everything you're going through lately. Hope things start to get better.

I cried when I was going through my tea yesterday. I had recently ordered a bunch of it for my my niece who told me how much she enjoyed it before she passed away two weeks later. It was comforting to me to know we connected in that little way.

Michele girl, you have been going through so much and yet have been so supportive. We need a margarita session ;) Any and all are welcome to join us.
Kinda weird....I think my tears dried up, at least for a little while. I cried to much for too many months. Now I just get mad lol.

OK, I have to laugh, or I would cry....or cry with no tears...or just...who knows. HAHA! That's why I laugh!!:+ ;) :7
But hey...amongst all that crying, good found me, and there are many more happy days now. I feel blessed. :+

Michele and Beavs---hugs to you!

Maeghan AKA megadoo


~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~
Well since everybody is sharing...Not only has my wisdom tooth been acting up on me, but I have a son with special needs...at 6 months old his real father abused him...(long story) now he's 5 yrs old with severe brain damage and has developed cerebal palsy...I cry all the time over him...
I cried buckets last year but I'm doing better this year. I cried yesterday because my family was talking about my dad who is having memory problems and just getting more frail. I also laughed yesterday too! I try to stay balanced.

{{{HUGS}}} to everyone else!!
Oh, NaturalBeauty, HUGS to you.

I cry all the time. I cry over my pair of special needs kids who sometimes have behavior that I cannot control and that makes me feel like the worst parent on the planet.

I cry over sappy emails, sappy commercials, and I cry when I get angry.

But I laugh too, just as often if not oftener than I cry.
((Hugs)) to all you guys. I cried yesterday watching the Pope on the news saying a prayer at ground zero in NYC.
No, I am not Catholic, but there was a lotta love happening in that moment, it really touched me.
I last cried in March (I think).
I had to give pills to one of my cats, and just couldn't get them down. I ended up crying in frustration.
Great... now I have a big lump in my throat reading all your responses.;)

To all of you going through so much, my thoughts are with you.
I cried because my best friend is having a hard time in her marriage and she did something that she feels might ruin it forever, especially now that her husband is actually making strides. She was so upset and disappointed in herself and my heart just went out to her. ;(
Man...some of you are really going through it!! HUGS to all of you!! Makes my problems seem really small. (Like when I cried on Saturday because the Suns lost in double overtime to the Spurs.) I blamed it on PMS:eek:

On a more serious note. I feel for all of you who are going through it with your children. My 15 year old son is starting to exert some independence and it scares me to death. I'm not ready to let go yet and can only pray that when he's out with friends he remembers the values we've taught him at home.

My 9 year old son has ADHD and has made real strides since we started him on medication but I felt like such a failure for having to resort to medication. I still have a hard time with it even though he is doing better.

My 3 year old daughter has a speech and language delay and is way behind for her age. Her speech therapist is optimistic that she'll be caught up to her peers by the time she starts kindergarten but it is still discouraging sometimes.

I see now that all of these are really small problems compared to what others deal with.

I hope my weepiness is due to menopause. I hope it goes away.

Hugs and more hugs to all of you with such everyday pain to deal with.
I cried at the wedding I went to last weekend. Some were tears of joy for the happy couple but some were tears of sadness. Every time I go to a wedding and I watch the bride dance with her father I fall apart. I may just be feeling sorry for myself but my dad died before I got married. I didn't get the chance to dance with him.... ;( ;( ;(

Sometimes I cry when I get stressed out....which is far too often anymore. x(

Hugs to all of the fellow cryers.
Okay, I need to change my one-word thread answer to NOW. :-(

Big hugs to all of you.

(Beavs, that breaks my heart :( )
I cry whenever I think about my Barney (my dog, I had to put to sleep) and its broken my heart.

I get teary whenever my children do something that I get all "Proud and silly about!"

Marching bands - especially at this time of the year when we are thanking our soliders for their sacrifices in WW1, WW2, Viethnam Iraq atc... (Marching BANDS, oh for gods sake Woman!!!:))

And finally touching on my last sentence I cry at all the history stories about our mmen and woman who are in the armed services past and present. (Its ANZAC day here on 25th April and I get all patriotic and emotional)

Wendy - if that makes you cry, check out the Luther Vandross song "Dance With My Father." Holy crap, I was in a taxi cab and that came on the radio - I cry every time I hear that song.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries at sporting events. I cried after the Packers lost the playoff game. That Tuesday at work the Giants fans were gloating and it made me cry (I went to the ladies room to do it).


certain commercials or news stories - animal and child abuse -

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