>I haven't had time to play in the one word thread, but yeah,
>I've done a lot of crying lately. Lessee...
>January - my brother was very sick and spent time in the
>February - my niece was hit by a car. She's still recovering
>and she may never have full use of her dominant arm.
>And there's more but I see no point in overwhelming y'all with
>my woes --
>So what're you crying about?
>ETA that I've had some tears of happiness, too, like when my
>DH, who was at a conference in Finland, called my favorite
>florist and had flowers delivered to me on the anniversary of
>my mom's passing. I thought that was about the sweetest thing
>he had ever done for me.
Well now I'm crying because of your DH! That is too sweet.
Hmmmm, crying, well I have always been weepy.
I cry when I think of my niece and nephews, when I read something profound, when I think of my mom's health problems, when I think how lucky I am to be living in this time and this place, when my bread doesn't bake up nicely, when the wind blows and the sun shines. I cried once when my contestant didn't win on Jeopardy.
"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna