? about PS Back work


The first exercise on the PS Back segment is T-Bar rows which I find awkward to do. Is there another exercise that I can substitute that would hit the same muscles?

Thanks, Jodi
I'd like to know this too, as I don't like T-bar rows either. I never feel like I'm in the correct position, and the back end of the bar doesn't stay still.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 06:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Shaz...thats my problem exactly!! The back of the barbell doesn't stay still. Even if I put weights on it.

I may try the dumbbell suggestion. Does anyone else have this problem with the barbell? If so, how do you keep the barbell from coming up?

Erica...do you hold the dumbbells and do the movement like if you were holding the barbell for the T-bar row?

Yes, I try to keep the movement the same. I think they do the same thing in a Firm video - Firm Strength maybe?
I do my workouts in our basement. It was an unfinished basement and I would rest the barbell against the wall. This solved the problem. Now my husband has spent the past few months refinishing the basement with dry-walled, painted and baseboard trimmed walls. I don't dare rest the bottem of the barbell against the walls for this exercise after all the hard work he put into them. LOL!

Thanks, Jodi
I abhor rows. But I guess you can't do much of a back workout without them if you work out at home. The barbell row can be modified by using dbs but it feels different. Almost like dbs hit lats more than the midback...does anyone else feel that?
I don't have a problem with the barbell if I put a couple of small plates on the light end. I use about 35 lbs on the heavy end and 10 pounds on the light end. It stays put.
optional row

Grab one dumbell(8 to 20 lbs) with both hands holding the ends(horizontally)-Stand with feet apart, slight bend in the knees. Bend forward at waist and relax shoulder blades so dumbell hangs toward the ground. Slowly bring weight towards chest,sqeezing shoulder blades together! Keep elbows at your side!This works upper back and is great for posture! You could hold the dumbell vertically also! There are more options with dumbells ! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
My experience is the same as Leslie's. Plus, I really like T-bar rows because it's the one exercise where I can go REALLY heavy with perfect form, so it gives me a psychological boost.

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