About balls & tall bench


1. Are stability balls and medicine balls two different things? How do they differ?

2. Is the tall bench the same or an equivalent to the squared one used in Pure Strength?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-02 AT 00:41AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Mariela. Stability balls and medicine balls are indeed two different things. Stability balls are large air inflated balls, also known as swiss balls. They come in two or three different diameters, the most popular sizes being 55cm and 65cm.

Medicine balls are smaller, usually the size of a regular playground ball, and weighted. Med balls come in a variety of weights.

I have a stability ball, but I get limited use out of it. I would love to incorporate it more into my fitness routine, and Cathe would be just the person to lead me into doing so. The med ball is not in my stash of fitness toys, yet. Again, with Cathe's persuasion, I can see one in my future!

Here is a web site with lots of balls http://www.sissel-online.com

I'm really not sure of what kind or how the 14" high bench will be used in Cahte's upcoming videos. The Super Stepper Bench that she used in her last round of videos, when fully assembled with risers, came to a height of around 15" (another toy that I don't have.) I'm pretty sure that I remember reading that at full height it wasn't stable for stepping on, but intended as a weight lifting platform.
This is probably a really stoopid question, but is the Oof ball I bought for Firm workouts a few years ago a medicine ball? If so, I need to find where I stashed it. I traded those videos away cuz they gave me shin splints from all the jogging in place while holding that heavy ball and I never used it again. Just thinking about it is bringing that bizarre music back into my head like yesterday! :)
Ooof ball

Yes, the oof ball is a medecine ball (that supposedly bounces, but mine don't, at least not on my floors).
I got my medicine ball from Walmart. They do not bounce but Cathe mentioned it doesn't need to. I bought this when I first started Firm and cost me only $13.99. Mine is 5 lbs and I am not sure if they come in 8 lbs but they might have it now.
So if cathe is saying it doesn't have to bounce, then that means she will not have us bouncing the med balls? THANK GOODNESS! This was the most ridiculous thing I have ever caught myself doing, was bouncing my 4 pound med ball and waking up the whole neighbourhood, the first time I did a fitprime. I got rid of my fitprimes because that, among other things, seemed a completely pointless thing to do in a workout.

Now throwing the ball, like Mindy does...that makes sense to me...


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