[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-02 AT 00:41AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Mariela. Stability balls and medicine balls are indeed two different things. Stability balls are large air inflated balls, also known as swiss balls. They come in two or three different diameters, the most popular sizes being 55cm and 65cm.
Medicine balls are smaller, usually the size of a regular playground ball, and weighted. Med balls come in a variety of weights.
I have a stability ball, but I get limited use out of it. I would love to incorporate it more into my fitness routine, and Cathe would be just the person to lead me into doing so. The med ball is not in my stash of fitness toys, yet. Again, with Cathe's persuasion, I can see one in my future!
Here is a web site with lots of balls
I'm really not sure of what kind or how the 14" high bench will be used in Cahte's upcoming videos. The Super Stepper Bench that she used in her last round of videos, when fully assembled with risers, came to a height of around 15" (another toy that I don't have.) I'm pretty sure that I remember reading that at full height it wasn't stable for stepping on, but intended as a weight lifting platform.