Ab Workout


I'm currently doing the STS 6 1/2 month rotation and do not have the Ab Circuits DVD. Honestly, I hate doing abs and I find it hard to stick with a 20-min session just for my abs. I've been incorporating more kickboxing into my routine and am doing abs but the sessions are maybe 6-10 min long (ie, from Cardio & Weights, Push/Pull, Upper Pyramid, etc). Do you think this is sufficient enough to see results or should I force myself to do the 20 mins?
My opinion is that as long as you are doing quality ab work, you are going to see results. On some of the Ab Circuit workouts I'll only do 6-10 minutes. It depends on the workout and how much time I have left after my STS or cardio routine for that day.

Other times, I'll just use ab routines from Ab Hits, which I love! They are shorter ab workouts but, boy, can they be intense!
I thing the STS series incorporates so much core work by the nature of the program, that you are actually working your abs without even knowing it. With any weight work, I hold in my abs and squeeze towards my spine to support my core. I wouldn't feel too badly if you are not routinely doing an workout specifically for abs.
as they say best abs are made in the kitchen. if diet is in check and you are quality over quantity in your exercises i think you should be fine but since everybody is different you might have to play around and see what works for you.

Do planks for 1 min. intervals thru out the day and you'll see your abs muscles improve. Not sure if you ever watch TV, but most commercials are 30 sec. so that's an easy way to get planks in.

If you really want to jack up the intensity:

*do mountain climbers (running w/ your feet while your hands stay in plank position);

*ski abs (hop both feet toward one hand, then back, then toward the other hand, then back, etc. Again, you're holding a plank pose on your hands)

*in and outs (from plank position, hop feet between hands, then back. Do not stand up in between hops)

*plank oblique twists (bring right knee to left elbow, then back, then left knee to right elbow while in plank pose on hands)

*outer knee oblique work (bring right knee to right elbow, extending knee outward from the body and slightly crunching your right oblique musles, then do the same on the left side. This move can be done either on elbows or hands.)

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Good ideas, Joan!

If I may add to them:

For 'commercial-break planks' you can also try to go as long as you can during an entire commercial break (which are 3-5 minutes long). As your core gets stronger, you'll be able to last longer without dropping down to the knees.

And the various planks can be done with gliding discs/Valslides/paper plates/rags to keep the intensity in the core and not have to worry about jumping in and out and around.

I also like doing planks with forearms on a stability ball. From there, you can do some little forward-and-back moves with the arms (keeping the body stable) or some small circles (this exercise in sometimes called the 'witch's caldron,' because the move is like stirring).

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