Ab hits? Should I order it?

I know you are concentrating on cardio, but I do recommend weight training for toning. Weight and cardio, really whips one in shape quickly and in 30 days, if you are constant, you do see an incredible change.

Try some of Cathe's interval workouts:

Step Pump and Jump, Circuit Max, High Step Challenge and of course, Bootcamp.

I know how you feel. I lost 80 lbs, mostly due to running (which I can't now and I am spinning), and Cathe's workouts. I started with the Firm for weight training and went to Cathe, and never turned back. You are correct in watching what you eat. I went on a 1200-1500 caloric daily diet, tons of water and just motivation to motivate the fat to MOVE OFF MY BODY.

But, try some of her interval workouts, it will shock your body and push that fat off....guranteed...


"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou
Dear Linda,

I do weight training too, and I am also a little bit older. In weight training, I try to do each body part twice a week, except my legs which I do three or four. I have an achy right knee, and I used to be a long distance running. I can't run at all now, and I wish I could, because running burns 100 calories a mile.

I have Low Max, Cardio and Weights, Rhythmic Step and Imax 2. I did C and W last Saturday night, and I thought it was one of Cathe's easier workouts. I love Imax 2, but my knee doesn't. I know that my Rhythmic Step DVD also has Maximum Intensity Cardio, and I have to tackle that one soon; I read here that it is a killer.

I had an MRI last year, and I think I want another one this year, and maybe see a physical therapist.
Hi Caitlin!

Hey, first of all, a belated welcome to Catheland from an old-timer around here! :)

I just wanted to chime in a couple of things. First, I think Ab Hits has a lot of value and I'd get it. Different strokes for different folks, of course, but I find I reach for it often and it's a nice compliment to CoreMax (and a good DVD to take with you when you travel too!)

I also wanted to tell you that your pix are beautiful (of you and your daughter), and I'm right there with you. I've been working on my weight for a while and the progress is slow going, but going. Keep at it -- we'll get there with Cathe's help!

Last, I wanted to let you know that I just finished mucho many weeks of rehab physical therapy for my crummy knees, and they're in the best condition they've been in in years. I had classic "runner's knee" -- patellar tendonitis and inflamed kneecaps from bad kneecap tracking. I have no arthritis or cartilage issues, just poor leg anatomy and some muscle imbalances that had to be corrected. Feel free to e-mail me if you're interested in knowing more about the exercises and other treatment regimen I was on, if you think it might be helpful!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
RE: Hi Caitlin!

Dear Kathy,

Thank you so much for the welcome and the nice compliments. I also have classic runner's knee plus I have findings that suggest a possible impending tear of the posterior and medial miniscus. My MRI was a year ago, and my knee hurt much more last year than it does this year. At one point I had to stop all exercise for about three weeks, and I gained weight during that time. I have a patellar tilt, and I also pronate, so I wear orthotics in my athletic shoes.

As soon as I get to see my internist, hopefully by next week, I am going to ask him for a referral to a physical therapist. I am hoping that I will be able to run again, but, right now, my love is step, which has half the impact of running.
Hey Caitlin!

What's a patellar tilt? Bet I have it. My kneecaps apparently are just totally wonky. We have very similar knees, I think, and we've both experience the fun little weight gain that comes from having your crummy knees bring your workout schedule to a complete abrupt halt! . ;-) I'm not dealing with any impending tears, though, thankfully. That sounds quite serious -- how can they tell that you're about to have a tear?? And then what do they have you do about it?

I pronate badly (flat arches) and as part of this round of PT (I also went thru this about 5 years ago), I was fitted with orthotics which I now wear in my workout shoes. They have made a huge difference in how my knees feel during and after a workout.

Totally off-topic orthotics aside -- I have found that the orthotics don't really feel comfortable in my beloved Rykas. Something about the way the Rykas hug my feet makes them too snug when the orthotic is inserted. But I feel great in a pair of New Balance cross-trainers that I actually purchased just for my physical therapy. I made that purchase so that my Rykas wouldn't have to be outdoor shoes walking from the parking lot to therapy -- silly, huh?) So anyway, I now am wearing the New Balances for all my cardio workouts and for leg work. For my UB work I treat myself to the Rykas. :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
RE: Hey Caitlin!

Dear Kathy,

I am not even sure of all the jargon that is in my MRI report, and there is some kind of fluid and so on in the knee. We both probably have patellar tilt, and I think it causes the knee cap to sometimes track the wrong way in the socket. I know I sometimes feel it moving around. Pronation also causes knee problems. I have new Ryka N Gages which I love, and I had to order then in a size 7 which is smaller than I usually have my aerobic shoes. My orthotics fit in them very nicely. Tonight, I did the low impact portion of Low Max, because last night I did Imax 2 in high impact mode. I stretch my quad and ITB and hamstrings quite a bit, and I find this helps.
Are the ab exercises on Ab Hits more for upper abs? I think I heard/read that it has very little lower ab work.
ab hits is suppose to be a compliation of ab segments from different workouts cathe made from the ctx,ph,sh,ps series. i can only speak for a few of these workouts myself and she works on the entire abs but its just not as much emphasis as say in core max segment one,but they are more intense workouts so you push yourself hard in a minimal time. i know body max abs is a killer and so is MIS. i was contemplating this myself but i also like to mix in pilates so i am not sure another ab dvd is what i need.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Hey Caitlin!

>I pronate badly (flat arches) and as part of this round of PT
>(I also went thru this about 5 years ago), I was fitted with
>orthotics which I now wear in my workout shoes. They have
>made a huge difference in how my knees feel during and after a

Dear Kathy S.,

I have very pronated feet. I went to see PT two sessions to sooth my knee pain. Just like yours, my PT said my knee pain was caused by pronated feet which caused imbalance of my motion when I walk or run. My stiff muscles in quads, hamstring and outter side of legs make it worse.

My PT asked me to do more stretches before and after workout. She also asked me to get a pair of customized orthotics. But my Othopedics did not think I need it. So she asked me to buy one over the counter of drug store. I got one pair. I tested it. It did not make a huge difference. Could you let me know what kind of orthotics you have?

I did blasts in KM Friday morning two weeks ago. I felt pain in my right foot bottom muscles. It is cramp like. I went to see doctor. He took x-ray for me and called me last Wed night that I had stress fracture in my right foot. Now I have to wear this cast for two weeks. My questions to you and other ladies who experience some disruption of workout due to ill or injuries, what kind of workout you did in those period? My doctor asked to rest my foot. But my problem is I am perfectly fine except my right foot. Can I do some workout at least preventing me gain weight? I have 20 more lbs to loss. I don't look forward to it now. I just want to keep my current weight during this two weeks. Any suggestions?



Hi WantFit!

Gee, there seem to be alot of us pronating flat-footed knee-challenged girls out here! ;-)

My orthotics were custom-made and in fact they had to make them twice, because the first set actually made my knees worse. The second ones were the charm. They've helped a whole lot. They were several hundred dollars, and Blue Cross wouldn't cover them, but my DH said he'd treat me because he knows my knees have been a mess for years.

Before I got the custom orthotics, I did get some relief from wearing Superfeet insoles, which I bought at REI. Here's a link:


The blue ones for women are best for wide feet, and the green profile ones are best for narrow feet. I have narrow feet (although flat feet) and the green ones felt great. You might give them a try if you're undecided about doing the custom ones.

As for your injured foot and exercising, the best thing you can do for yourself is stay off of it, sweetie. A stress fracture is so tricky, and anything weight-bearing is going to prolong your recovery. Two weeks isn't so horrible -- why don't you concentrate on, say, a really cookin' upper body and abs rotation, and practice eating really clean for the next two weeks?

If you feel that you just HAVE to do some lower body work, ask your doctor if it would be okay to do some floor work -- you might put, say, a 2-lb ankle weight on the non-casted leg to equalize the weight of the cast. But I wouldn't do even floor work without your doctor's approval!!!

Take care, and let us know how you're doing!! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif

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