Ab Circuits

ab cicuits

How does everyone feel about this one? Is it necessary? I don't own Coremax anymore


The weight and plate is an advanced level segment in my opinion.
I have not got coremax therefore can not compare.
I am slightly sored in my abs as I am typing. I did it two days ago.

I can state that ab circuits segments are advanced compared to segments added in various cathe's dvd from previous series such as intensity, body blast etc...

Hope this help,
I like doing 1 of the workouts as an add-on after a run. I really like the ones I have done. I think the pace is good, unlike some of the total body DVDs where there is little to no rest, I find the amount of time between exercises is perfect.

There are a few exercises in the ball routine that I just laugh at my TV.
Ab Circuits is a mixed bag. I like the medicine ball workout (solo, not partner) and the Pilates workout. I have tried a couple of the others once or twice, and they were fine. I need to try those again. Have tried the stability ball workout---I don't usually dig those (exception: KPJ core/abs segment)

I really like CoreMax, particularly the medicine/stability ball workout (#3).

Ab Hits remains my favorite of Cathe's Ab compililations/DVDs. I prefer straightforward, traditional ab work, so that's probably a factor.

One thing to keep in mind: since I've been doing the medicine ball ab workouts (plus the one on Susan Chung's Rapid Fire), my core/abs have gotten really strong. In addition, I've been religiously doing a couple kickbox (with weighted gloves) workouts, plus heavy bag workouts, each week.

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