Cathe Friedrich

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-00 AT 07:05AM (Est)[/font][p]We have been so busy packing and shipping DVD's the last couple of days that I have not been able to get online to express my gratitude for an exceptionally wonderful roadtrip.

I want to thank Clare, and all others who were involved in the organizing, for putting together such an eventful trip. All of your hard work was very evident and your attention to detail was incredible. We greatly appreciated the steps that you took(and I know there were very many) to make this such a smooth, enjoyable, and successful weekend.

When I arrived on Saturday with my husband and little Eric I was just so excited (and a bit nervous)to meet everyone. It is always such a thrill to see all of you and also get to know the new comers. I only regret that I don't have the time to get to know each one of you better:-(

I always love getting our group photo taken right at the beginning because the photographer smushes us all together which forces us to bond instantly :D

I had so much fun with Saturdays step class. Everyone was super charged on energy and enthusiasm. You are all a fit bunch and a blast to work out with. I loved that everyone was comfortable enough to modify the workout to suit their needs. As always, a very educated crowd ;-)!

I don't know about you but after the workout I sure was ready for some lunch. Clare, the menu selections were perfect. I dove into the chicken steak florentine. It was yummy. Even though we had to be somewhat quick, I'm happy that I had some time to meet a few more of you personally at lunch. Its always a pleasure.

Next up was the "Body Pump" class. While hard to get "pumped up" when you have a full belly, I must say that you all mustered up some serious strength and handled the "low end" exercises especially well. And Kristen....BICEP CURLS WITH THE BIG PLATES????? You Go Girl! :eek:

For those of you who shared the question and answer period with Pat, she later told me of how she thoroughly enjoyed your time together. She loved your questions and was happy to be there for you.

Time to party...lots of sinful foods (ah, we earned it;-)), fun and games, and memorable moments. It was nice to sit down and have some quality time with you(between bites..yummy).

SURPRIZE!!!! Wow, I did not expect that HUGE basket filled with special heart warming gifts. And how funny that the card said "Get in shape for Halloween". Thats just what we were doing this weekend, right? The basket treats were beautifully arranged. The devil dogs are gone (well, ok, two left). They were almost inhaled when I was alone (unless Tammy Churchman's husband caught me eating them on the Cam;-)!) I wore my earrings yesterday and today. They are a beautiful token of a wonderful and special time. The bath sugar, gels, and lotion came in VERY handy on Sunday night. Oh, and Eric just keeps pushing on that Haunted Tree over an over and over again ( }> just kidding). Chris loved his basket and owned it until Monday morning. Then I took posession:9. All kidding aside, we both thank all of you for your generous and thoughtful gifts. It was very kind of you.

Oh and Nancy C, not only are you the cutest little fashion statement but exceptionally talented as well. Those little Trick or Treat boxes were so adorable. You truly are creative. Everyone was astonished at how much detail you packed into those little boxes. Thank you for taking the time to make all of these intricate treats for each one of us :7.

The whole night was packed with entertainment(again, job well done Clare and crew). From Team Trivia to mummy wrapping....you guys were all just a bunch of energizer bunnies. I'm sure you slept well.

Sunday morning....Yippee, the clocks were set back. Didn't that extra hour feel great? It was fun for me to try to decipher the "morning people" from the "non-morning" people. Time to get started with our "sampler" class. Germaine was our awesome leader for the warm up of this class. GREAT JOB GERMAINE (watch out, I may steal some moves for a video;-)!) Then a quick shift in instructors (and sizes...from 5'8"-ish to 5'2" ). Although we were a little hurried in this workout(reservations for breakfast at 10 am), I still enjoyed my time "sweating it out" with all of you. What fun!

Time for breakfast. Thanks for passing around and signing that notebook everyone. I'll be sure to send you all a copy of the group photo. So, were you all famished or what? I love breakfast. Its my favorite meal. I can't believe I passed up the opportunity to have waffles and ice cream (again, great selections Clare!)but I was in such a salt mood. The egg and spinach omlette was great (so were the home fries, yummy). I enjoyed getting to know many of you over breakfast too. You all have such interesting lives.

Time for Goodbyes...:'(. This is always the hard part. There is such an emotional charge all weekend. Things to do, people to meet, places to be. Suddenly after breakfast the mingling seems to come to a grinding halt and we all go our separate ways. It is always a sad time for me. I usually spend several hours afterwards reminiscing about the fun times (and wishing that Moto Photo was open on Sundays :))! With each and every trip that passes I walk away feeling very emotional. It is just so amazing to me how one weekend can unify and bond a group of people in such a way that the memories they created will last a life time. I think you are all beautiful and special fitness friends.

Meeting all of you has impacted my life greatly. I hope we can get together again someday! Thank you for sharing your time with me.
Cathe, with your success...

....it could easily go to your head, but as I read your post, it really makes it clear what I already suspected.....THAT YOU ARE ONE CLASSY CHICK!!!!!! :7

Continued success to you and your wonderful company. You are an example to us all, and I mean that sincerely.
Sounds like a great time!!

Sorry I missed it!:-(. Last year was great. It would have been nice to meet Eric for the first time (although, technically, he actually was present at the last road trip as well). Did he enjoy this year? I hope the whole thing wasn't too overwhelming for him.
It would have been nice to see everyone again, and to meet more of the cast members,

Maybe next year:)


..a BEAUTIFUL recap of the weekend. I found myself smiling while reading it.:) You all must have had a wonderful time. I find it sooo amazing that something as simple as fitness videos can bring such a diverse group of people from all walks of life together and cause such bonding. How lucky you all were to be able to join together for such a funfilled weekend. Thanks for sharing your story with us Cathe and I DO intend to meet you all someday! :D Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

It's great to know that you had a wonderful time as well. I just think it's great that you and your family and your staff are so giving of your time and energy. For me, it is a weekend to relax and do something I really enjoy for myself. Thanks again, for everything!!
You're Awesome Cath!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-00 AT 04:47AM (Est)[/font][p]As a card carrying member of the Cathe Cult Club (and damn proud of it;-))...I just want to say you are the greatest! Plain and simple:).

And as far as all my VF buddies..new and old...(picture that beer commercial)...I just love you guys! Ok...I'm getting a little furclempt(sp???).

Seriously, I haven't had a lot of time to post and read a ton this week...back to the grind and catching up on things but last weekend was the best. I have to agree that these weekends have been very meaningful to me as well...I have made some incredibly great friendships through VF and cherish every moment of the roadtrips. Who would have thunk it....exercising to a video at home would lead to giant slumber(LOL..had to edit..it did read slump party...what was I thinking!..thanks Cleda!) parties with grown women....oops and Clarence too;-).

And lets all be thankful the Tatoo parlor was at a convention last weekend;-)...or maybe they should be thankful! LOL

http://members.aol.com/naconfer/images/vf sport banner.jpg
Hey NanC! Freudian Slip?????

A "slump" party????


Oh and to make this fit into the topic....
Cathe: You're the BEST

(Probably my shortest post EVER)

Aw, thanks Cathe


Cathe - you must know how much we all appreciate your hospitality and how welcome you make each and every one of us feel. You are one warm, caring person! :)

I would also like to say a HUGE thank you to all of the cast from Cathe's videos who were so gracious to stop by and spend some time with us. I have never met Cedie, but heck, I have been "working out" with her for years! :)

And a BIG hello to Andrea - you take care of yourself, ok???

Also thanks to Chris - some of us tend to make ourselves at home, LOL.

Clare - well, you know what I think of you - you are awesome.

I miss everyone!!! THANK YOU CATHE!!
More thanks, Cathe... and a note to Nancy

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-00 AT 12:16PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-00 AT 12:15 PM (Est)[/font]

Cathe, each trip just gets better and better. You always make us feel so welcome. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just can't believe that an entire weekend can be so much fun! Great friends, killer workouts and tons of FOOD--what could be better?! :) Oh, and about those bicep curls--remember that you cracked me up in the middle of the track and I had to put my barbell down for a few seconds. So I didn't actually finish all of the reps! :)

Oh, and Nancy--I still think that you chickened out on us! LOL! Next time... ;-)

Oh, my gosh Cathe! I have been so busy after the trip! This is the first time I've had time to get here! It would be an honor if you would use a move in your next video - just name it after me!;-)tee hee. I have attended all 5 of the Cathe trips and I will try to uphold that tradition for as long I possibly can. I love working out with everyone! Thanks again Cathe!
Let's do The Germ

That's what Cathe will call the new move. ;-) Germ, you did a great job warming us up on Sunday morning. I really liked that repeater move you did. Very original to do a tap on the bench for the second repeater.

I, too, hope to attend future trips as well. I guess we'll see where my name falls in the lottery next time.

Cathe, thanks again for making us feel so welcome. We all had a great time seeing you and welcoming Eric to his extended family. He's lucky to have such great parents.

We Miss You Too, Cathe!

Oh Cathe, I miss you, your staff, and all my fellow roadtrippers too -- the trips, like rest work before intervals, goes so fast while waiting for the next trip takes so long :)

I must also tell you how very much I am enjoying my new DVDs. I have to say that these are MY FAVORITE WORKOUTS EVER! You have truly outdone yourself in every way, creativity, music, set, quality, cast, just everything came together!

I remain your devoted fitness fan,

Hey Nancy, Oh Creative Guru!

Hey Nancy!

Would YOU have outlined and drawn my tatoo?

I wondered why I couldn't find a tatoo parlor. I've been wanting another, but haven't been able to find the time here in Tennessee -- I had mentioned wanting one while away.

Was unsuccessful in my search for Devil Dogs and Tatoo Parlors!


RE: We Miss You Too, Cathe!

Hi Aimee! Thanks for all of the kind words. I'm so glad that you are finally able to enjoy your DVD workouts. Keep up the great work!
thanks cathe and crew

Thanks for a great weekend. It really was worth the 6 thousand mile travel and all the plane problems :)

Im so glad to meet you and the crew. You are turly a wonderfull super woman to open your gyma nd your time to the VF group.

I seriously hope I get to make it to the next trip!
RE: thanks cathe and crew

Thank you Cathe, for such a great weekend! Your hospitality and kindness was greatly appreciated. I had a blast...even though I was the klutz in the back going the wrong way during the step workouts.:) Eric is so adorable, I loved the little bumble bee costume. It was great weekend with great friends, good food, and lots of sweating. In other words a perfect time.:)

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