A Very Sad Day!

I am sorry to hear about your loss. We had to put down our 14 year old little girl kittie three years ago after a long illness. I still miss her. Pets are family - they are so loving and always there for you (well, maybe not by choice!). It is hard to lose one, but you will always have your memories. >^..^<

Gypsygirl >^..^<
I am sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. The truly become part of the family. In may I put my pug down, she was 14 years old and had a growth on her spine. My prayers are with you.
Oh Cathe,

I am so sorry for your loss :( I too know how hard it can be to lose a pet, they become 'family' and it is very sad when they leave us.

Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Very sorry to hear your sad news - I lost my beloved pussy-cat after 15 years a couple of months ago and I was devastated.

My best wishes to you and your family at this sad time.
I am very sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family as I know this is a difficult time. Otis (our yellow lab) sends his love too.
Take care.
I don't have any pets however I do realize how attached and a part of a family they become to the people they belong to. I'm sorry to hear about your loss sometimes it helps to share these things with others. I hope in doing that you have recieved some comfort.
i am so very, very sorry, cathe. it is so difficult to lose a beloved pet but for it to have happened so unexpectedly makes it doubly hard. you know he had a very happy life with you and he knew he was so loved. god bless the little ones!
Cathe, I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of Hampton! We too have a black lab, Izmo, and we love him dearly. As his chin begins to gray, I know he won't be around forever. It's great that you had so many years with such great dogs. My heart goes out to you.
I'm so sorry, Cathe! A black lab/golden mix adopted us last summer, and we have just fallen in love with her. She is so smart and loving, really a top dog! I know how much they can enrich your life--every breed is different, and I'm sure Hampton was a wonder doggie!

Please know in your heart that euthanizing Hampton was the most loving, humane act a person can do for their furry friend. Really, it's so hard for us to do but such an act of kindness in some situations. I euthanized a dear cat several years ago, and the guilt was hard on me. Please know your heart is bigger for loving Hampton enough to let him go when he was called. Hugs and blessings to you and your family!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!!! Your wishes have made the hurt turn to tears of joyful memories. Today was so hard going through one full day without a family member. I know it will get easier but right now it is hard to convince myself of that. So many reminders still all about the house along with a very inquisitive 4 year old who constantly wants to know where Hampton is and why his doggie door to go outside is closed today? I still am reading through your responses. It is taking me a while because I have to take many "water breaks" along the way. They are precious intimate stories. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with me. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who are going through difficult situations now. I pray everything goes well. And one big HUGE thank you to all of you for being here for me. I wish there was some way to really let you know how dear your words of support have been to me and how I deeply appreciate your sympathy.

Kindest Regards,

I feel so sad for you....I know what you must be going through. We had to put down our 14 yr old Swayzie and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.
You have my sympathies. I have never had a dog before, and our family is planning on getting our very first one this winter.

I shed a tear reading your post. I hope you and your family considers getting another dog, who needs a loving family, some time soon.
I'm very sorry for your loss Cathe. My thoughts are with you during this sad time. Ah, the high joys and deep sadnesses of life...we are here to experience it all I guess. Hang in there.
Oh, Cathe, I'm so sorry to hear this. Our family had to put our black lab, Tar, to sleep this spring. They are such wonderful, fun-loving, spirit-lifting dogs. We'll never stop missing them, but we are so lucky to have had them in our lives. You know that by putting Hampton to sleep you showed him just how much you love him, because you wouldn't let him suffer. I hope he is loving doggie heaven, which I picture as having a never-ending supply of steak and someone who will throw a ball until the end of time...Lots of sympathy and support being sent your way. Kristen
Sorry for your loss, it's always hard when we lose a family member. Thank you for sharing something as private as this with us.
Cathe, what an awful ordeal to go through. The love for and from a pet is such a blessing and you just have to think about what a wonderful life you gave Hampton (and Dakota). My prayers are with you and your family because losing a pet truly is losing a beloved member of the family.

{{{{{{{Big Hug}}}}}}}}
I have had a dog or two in my life since I was 3 years old (39 now) and I firmly believe that animals are God's most perfect creatures. I cannot live in a world without them. It is extraordinarily difficult when the time comes for them to leaves us. Just know that you made your doggies some of the happiest doggies while they were here on earth!! You are a great doggie mommy and that's all they ever wanted!

My thoughts are with you through this most difficult time.


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