A Retraction!


If only it were possible to take back a cruel word posted in anger but it isn't. I was feeling really badly about getting in touch with my inner witch and letting her fly, when it struck me that I should apologize officially and to everone! However, Hedy's post struck me, I was wrong to go on the offensive and add to the growing hostilities and I am sorry. Didn't I say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Funny, I didn't relate that to myself! Not ha ha funny! So to Hedy and everyone involved, I offer a humble apology and a promise to count to ten if I ever read anything that strikes me negatively and to express myself only in postivie ways! These forums are a huge blesssing in my life and I don't want to be part of taking that away from others who feel the same way!

Have a beautiful day!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
Hey Bobbi,
Don't you worry Bobbi, we love you around here and I always enjoy your posts. We all have an inner witch and are all guilty of letting her out every now and then! Allthough, I didn't see you as being witchy anyway. Take care!
Hey Bobbi, we still love you! Next time call me first. I'm the original devil's advocate. I watched the posts yesterday (key word - watched) and I was saying to myself "No Bobbi, no! Don't do it!" And then ya went and did it. All I could say was "Oy ya yoy ya yoy."

But that's why I'm fond of you! You have passion, girl! Alexis
Bobbi, THIS post, and not your off-the-cuff response to Hedy, is very reflective of who we all know you are. Honey, if there's a one among us who hasn't had a "Ohmigosh I totally lost it and wow what a b*tch I was!" day, I would love to meet her (call her Saint Her, actually! :))

I had some private correspondence with Hedy in connection with Cathe's Blooming Cookies basket last month. She's really a lovely person and I'm sure your apology will be graciously accepted with no hard feelings.

We love ya!

http://e4u.deltait.com.au/sport/sport23.gif Kathy S.
Hey Bobbi, it's cool! We all get that way at times, right? (WINK! WINK!) The great thing is, we can forgive, forget and move on. I've always loved your posts, and I consider you a kind, helpful person on here. We all have bad days. I blame those alien cacti!! LOL!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
No sweat Bobbi! I read your posts and I knew where it was coming from. I don't even post to threads that turn negative cause I know I can get ignorant, and I guess I hold Cathe in such a high esteem that any negative remarks about her, her workouts, etc. could make me say some pretty ugly stuff if I opened my mouth! :D I find it easier to just ignore and move on!
But "pats on the back" to you for your gracious apology!:D


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I think people like you are the reason this forum works. It's so rare and wonderful to go to a place where people feel comfortable saying, "I made a mistake, and I'm sorry." You're an angel, Bobbi!


Thank you for your post it is most appreciated. I want you and others to know that my initial request was done in good faith and with good intentions. I too am a big Cathe fan and own all her previous workouts. I purchased and forwarded a set of the BB VHS to my sister who was looking for the rotation. So I posted on her behalf. I too am waiting for the DVDs with so many others.

Thank you Kathy S for your kind words and to you Bobbi for the apology. I really meant no harm.

Hi Hedy!

Just a quick p.s. to my earlier post -- I realized when I looked at it this morning that I did not say this: I read your original post and did not think it was whiny or even particularly negative. I'm not trying to resurrect that thread -- just pointing out, as so many others have already said, that the written word on paper or screen can sometimes be interpreted in a completely different manner than what the writer intended. In this case that appears to be exactly what happened.

You and Bobbi are class acts, girlfriend. (Among many around here, I might add! :))

Kathy S.
Thanks, Hedy! Of course your post was made with the best of intentions. I was kicking myself for lashing out moments after I posted. I really am nice! I have 8 older sisters, 3 older brothers, a husband and three kids and I am usually the person trying to smooth out ruffled feathers and keep overreactions in perspective, not shooting off my mouth and making things worse. You see the smart posters like Lori and Carol, doing just that, ignoring friction and trying to add a little levity. Or like Alexis, Donna,Kathy and Shari, having the good sense not to engage. Then there's the mystery of where I misplaced my sense of humor! And you can tell I am not obsessive in anyway! LOL!

I appreciate all the kind and encouraging words! One of the things I love about life is we can start all over again!

Hey, Kathy I wish I could have intoduced you to my maternal grandmother, who not only would never speak unkindly about anyone, refused to listen to anyone who would! Of course, she also used to pick up hithchhikers so she could evangelize them so....:) And we used to have to stick her in a bedroom during family gatherings so we could exchange the juicy stuff! LOL! Not really! The woman may have only stood 4 feet 11 inches tall but she garnered our adoration and respect! Shutting up now!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
I said Lori. I meant Lisa although Lori has also been a voice of reason! Plus I should thank Janet because it was she who posted so eloquently in the Open Discussion forum thread started by Lori and made me start thinking I was way out of line. Anyway, I have a date with 15 kindergarteners this morning so, by the time I get home, my whole existence will be back into perspective!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahandas K. Gandhi

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