A request

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Cathe, I know it's hard to break habits, and I may get some flack for this request, but I hope you take it in the spirit of professionalism in which it is make. I (and I know others) would REALLY appreciate it if you would use the terms "sets" and "reps" correctly in the new DVD's. Your workouts are so professional otherwise, and it just grates on my ears to hear "three more sets" when what is meant is "three more reps." It's kind of like if I--as a language teacher--would constantly use the word "adjective" to refer to "adverbs."

This is on my mind now, as I just saw Slow and Heavy Chest/Back on FITTV, and when we do (well, I wasn't "doing" at the moment ;-) ) supermen/supemans? we are told that there are "12 more sets" --my gosh, I hope not!, then later told that we only had "one more set of 8." set of 8 what? Can't be sets (one set of 8 sets?)!
If I am not mistaken, it is just a wrong term accidentally used. I occasionally use the wrong term when I teach my classes. SOMETIMES, I realize and sometimes, I don't. I guess what I am TRYING to say, if it is an accident, it can't be helped. Does that make sense? I know Cathe knows the diff between a set and a rep, but sometimes, when you are teaching, it comes out wrong. Oh boy, now I have myself confused. I know what she MEANS! Ha! I'm not trying to start anything Kathryn, but know that we all make mistakes at times. BTW, my class loves it when I goof up!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I know this was directed to Cathe. Sorry, I just felt the need to reply as an instructor who gets it "wrong" at times. Sorry!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Kathryn! I by no means take this personally since everyone makes mistakes. I make them, you make them, we all make them.... and I'm sure we will continue to make them. That's what keeps us human;)

You have posted many threads on this topic and I'm sorry that it seems to bother you so much. I realize most people have not been in front of camera doing this, so there is no way to fully understand all that is involved. But I like to keep the workouts very natural and spontaneous and sometimes that means letting a few mistakes slip through the cracks. Yes, I have heard myself say "set" when I meant "rep" at times during live production, and sometimes I don't even catch it until we are editing. While I certainly know the difference, I don't consider this to be a major mistake (especially not for our educated crowd ;) ). If you were to examine my workouts under a microscope (or other fitness workouts for that matter), you could actually find many more things that would be considered a worse mistake than this. But to try to correct each and every flaw would greatly reflect in the overall energy and flow of the workout.

I am doing my best to provide the most professional workouts that I am able to. It is my wish that these efforts are accepted and enjoyed by most. That is the best that I can hope for :)
Hi Cathe!
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that your workouts are accepted and enjoyed by most! You really are the best in my book! I'm so excited about your new series! Now get off these forums and get those workouts filmed...tee hee!:7
Cathe, I wanted to let you know that as a teacher I often say one word when I mean another. And of course my students love to point it out. Whenever you do that on a workout, it makes me feel that you are indeed human and occasionaly make mistakes just like I do. Your workouts mean the world to mean, and I happen to find your minor mistakes endearing. Love, Heather

p.s. Your grace never ceases to amaze me. :)
Hi Cathe, you are awesome and I love your workouts. I especially love how fun and down to earth you are, that includes your "mistakes". Take care, keep up the great work. I've noticed on this forum that while there are a lot of amazing, supportive people,there will always be people that like to point out the flaws in others. Thanks Cathe. Sue
I am an instructor myself and I don't know how many times I have goofed up (and yes, my participants love it! We've shared a lot of laughs over the years with this).

However, when we see participants making errors, sometimes it is best to approach them privately after class and have a chat then - then it is not humiliating or embarrassing to the person involved.

Likewise as an instructor, I appreciate participants coming to me privately to air any grievances.

IMHO it's bad form to criticize someone in a public forum.
I think it would have been more appropriate to PM or email Cathe privately.

Liz N

PS Cathe, I love your workouts - you welcomed me on the FitMoms forum a few years back and postpartum - I appreciated such a warm welcome and wish you continued success
(((((((( CATHE ))))))))) I'm betting it doesn't bother anyone else here quite so much, and PLEASE - you DO provide us with the most professional workouts!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why we're all here, and why we will preorder ELEVEN DVD's ... sight-unseen!! Because we KNOW you will give us AWESOME workouts!! We do appreciate your efforts, and your professionalism!!

I'm sorry the person who continually asks you this question can't seem to get the pole of her rear-end. Perhaps it's because she's been so very busy this morning on another forum, getting herself all riled up? Just a theory ... of course.

But I digress ... Cathe, you're an intelligent woman, and I'm sure you can tell who the folks are on here who admire you and love your workouts, and I'm sure you can also tell the ones who aren't quite here for that reason. I'm sure I don't need to point out that the ones who admire and respect you are also the ones who don't fret and fuss over a silly thing like interchanging words during a workout. We know what you mean, and the results are still the same, so who cares?????????????????????? I know I sure don't, and half the time I don't know which term you're using because I'm busy concentrating on the WORKOUT.

Please take care of yourself and your family. I'm sure you are all still grieving over the loss of your beloved pet, and it's an unbelievable shame you had to come on here today and see this nonsensical drama.

Based on long time experience on this forum, I'm going to stick my neck out and say, step away from the keyboard and breathe.

A question was asked and answered. Between the two no one was offended.

Lets start an appreciation thread instead. Positive feedback is always uplifting and brightens any day :) .
>Hi Cathe, you are awesome and I love your workouts. I
>especially love how fun and down to earth you are, that
>includes your "mistakes". Take care, keep up the great work.
>I've noticed on this forum that while there are a lot of
>amazing, supportive people,there will always be people that
>like to point out the flaws in others. Thanks Cathe. Sue

I don't think Kathryn was trying to point out flaws, I think it was more about not confusing the person trying to do the workout.
;) At least that is what I took from her post. Funny thing is, I never even noticed the misuse of sets until it was brought up on this forum, so I guess it has never confused me...I was just to focused on lifting I guess.:p
>Please take care of yourself and your family. I'm sure you
>are all still grieving over the loss of your beloved pet, and
>it's an unbelievable shame you had to come on here today and
>see this nonsensical drama.

Drama? It was a simple request. Cathe has always welcomed requests.
I agree with DeeDee and Jordan. Carol, the only drama was the rude section of your post directed at Kathryn. Cathe can handle herself, and she did so intelligently and politely.
>I'm sorry the person who continually asks you this question
>can't seem to get the pole of her rear-end. Perhaps it's
>because she's been so very busy this morning on another forum,
>getting herself all riled up? Just a theory ... of course.
>it's an unbelievable shame you had to come on here today and
>see this nonsensical drama.

1) I do not "Continually ask this question." I have posted this question on this forum ONCE before, before the last batch of workouts were prepared;

2) Personal flames are NOT appreciated on any forum, and the comment of "can't seem to get the pole of her rear end" and the reference to my activities on another forum have ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE here, either.

3) No DRAMA was involved until other forum members started responding to a request (as polite as I could make it) to CATHE. In fact, I believe your post is the most "dramatic" or "melodramatic" of the bunch.

4) Yes, other people ARE bothered by the constant confusing of the terms, which could be dubbed over in editing, just as some other glitches have been. They are hesitant to post here because of this type of reception of their comment.

5) Just because I make a comment that you see as critical does NOT mean I do not enjoy Cathe's workouts, or appreciate her professionalism.

Sorry to vent, all you other folks, but geez, Cathe doesn't need defending. I like her workouts. I own many of them.

Deep breath...yes, now I feel better!
>You have posted many threads on this topic and I'm sorry that
>it seems to bother you so much.

Actually, I have posted ONE previous thread on this topic: making the same request before the last series of workouts came out. I most probably have commented on the set/rep issue in my responses in other threads, but I think it is unfair to say that I have posted "many threads."

And even though set/rep bothers me, it doesn't mean that I don't accept and enjoy your efforts. I have many of your workouts, and plan to continue to enjoy your productions in the future.
I am sorry but I couldn't help but comment. I do these workouts almost everyday or so. I am by no means a fitness expert, but I do know the difference between reps and sets. All I can say, is that little slip ups like these do not in anyway affect the FUN I have in doing the workouts. I am much more concerned with a quality of the workout itself. And all of the Cathe workouts I have are GREAT, and I mean GREAT Quality. These workouts have gotten me into EXCELLENT shape. And at 42 years of age, that is no small feat. Cathe please feel free to make all the little mistakes you want. It doesn't bother me or probably any body else who is actually doing the workout. We are too busy keeping up with you and the crew to worry about correct grammer or language:7 Cathe I think you are the BEST and hope you will continue making GREAT workouts. I know I will be buying each and every one and I could really care less if you say reps, sets or whatever. Helen

I thought you made a legitimate request :) Why some people have felt the need to post rude replies to your post is sad. Par for the course, but sad. As you said, Cathe is quite capable of responding to your request without the inappropriate responses from others.

I hope the verbal tirade you were made subject to won't scare off others from asking Cathe questions. :)
Wow, I cannot BELIEVE that someone would start a thread requesting someone to change the way they do their job. If it bothers you that much the polite thing to do is not do the workouts instead of publicly calling out someone when they make an oversight not worth even mentioning. You really GOTTA get out of the house more often sister!
What a drag to see all this mob atmosphere over a question. I was hoping this forum would have been different.

I'll be sure not to post anything against the majority or "seemingly" in the mob's eyes, against the leader in the future. Christ, isn't there enough gang mentality boards out there?

My only weirdness is I get crazy when people don't know the difference between lose or loose. I hate when I do it as a typo! I'm like look, I'm an idiot. But then I can laugh at myself and move on.
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