A request

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Great response Cathe! I am so glad you take the spontaneous approach, and wouldn't trade it for anything. That's one of the reasons I have replaced my workout library of other videos (when i think nonspontaneous, I think Firm here) with Cathe videos. I am SO GLAD you exist - your workouts are actually challenging and there are so many to choose from. I'd gladly trade a mistake here and there for what you provide in your workouts. And, it does make you human! Please don't change!!!

The "way" you made your request sounded rude and condescending, as if Cathe is not capable of fulfilling her role as an instructor. As I mentioned in my previous post, how about a PM or private email if you are so aggrieved by this occurrence?

I think Carol responded the way she did because a lot of your posts walk a fine line between being civil and being downright rude.

I would like to suggest that if you are going to post in a forum (this is a generalized comment, BTW), don't write anything that you wouldn't say to that person.

Liz N
Hello DoingIt4me,

I want to assure you that this is not the norm for the boards, and you should feel free to post anything ( minus vulgarity and what not, of course lol). Please stick around.

Also, I just checked out the website linked to your user profile. Is that your own site? It's pretty cool.

Cathe, I apologize for losing my cool on your site.

Kathryn, it's the way in which you word things, as though we are all five years old. We're not. You don't so much converse as preach, and it gets very old ... very quickly. I resent constantly being talked down to, and seeing you do it to others on here. You'll deny it. So be it. I've had people PM me on places where you've done it to me, telling me you do this to everyone, so I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Apparently though I'm the only one who is blunt and rude enough to tell you. Be that as it may, I'm only telling you this because last night was simply a breaking point for me as far as your posts go. I had had enough yesterday. I know I'm blunt and rude at times. No one has to tell me that. I'm 46 years old and at that age a person should be aware of how they come across to others. Unfortunately, most are not. But some forums are places designed for people to sit around all day and pretend to have "intellectual" (and I use that term VERY loosely!!) conversations about workouts, etc., and some forums are not designed with that purpose in mind. I'd like to see you go on Tracie Long or Anna Benson's forums and pull something like this. You'd be tarred and feathered. I can't tell Cathe how to run her own site. She's a class act and always gracious, no matter what's posted. I could learn some lessons from her, but at least I know who I am. At least I'm the same to everyone - everywhere. We can't all say that, can we?

At any rate, it's not much of an explanation, but at least it's the truth. I do apologize for the pole in the rear end comment, but honestly I do seriously think you should lighten up. You don't seem like you're ever happy about anything. They're only workouts, after all. They don't affect the state of the world.

I'll leave you alone. We all have our demons to wrestle with.

I gotta say that I only noticed that mistake by Cathe maybe once and I think that's because I was working too hard to care about it. I think if you are working out as hard as you should be this stuff becomes very minor. We all know what Cathe meant and if you didn't you'd figure it out eventually. I mean it's common sense to think there will not be 12 more sets of anything. Cathe gave her side and to me that's good enough. Very few, if any, videos, or movies for that matter, are perfect. If I play something enough times and become nit-picky I can probably find flaws in just about everything that has ever been put into my dvd players or vcrs. Hell just in this thread there is a misquote from an ACDC song that I, being a huge ACDC fan, have to put up with every time that person posts. And that's fine. Just deal with it. Because in the end it doesn't matter.
The thing that makes me chuckle is that now that some people have defended Cathe, I expect a new thread will open up on another forum ragging on us for running to Cathe's defense. Whatever.....you can't please everyone in the end.
Of course, me being a guy means I only watch Cathe's videos to get my fix of soft porn. At least according to one poster at the other site. I think with something like this, where the original poster is very concerned about what she sees as major mistakes being made, that that should be handled via email to Cathe. It comes off like you are trying to embarrass or knock her down a few pegs on her own site when you post something like this in a thread. Like she didn't watch her videos before releasing them or doesn't know the difference between sets and reps. I am sure Kathryn didn't mean it that way but the tone of the post kind of comes off that way to some.
Just my opinions. I know I am blunt but you can take it or leave it.
It's always so very interesting to me how people interpret the writings on this forum. I for one did not see Kathryn's request as that critical, I think it was because she said something like "please take it from the spirit of professionalism from which it was intended".

Cathe's misuse of terms doesn't bother me cause I'm so busy doing what I'm doing, it doesn't register with me. But, that doesn't mean it wouldn't bother someone else who is a trainer themselves or puts a high price on terminology, which I believe Kathryn does. I know I have been on the other forum she speaks of and Cathe's misuse of terms is mentioned a few times but I just think to myself, "Man, going through the motions herself, making sure she's using perfect form, instructing us, remembering right from left..."

I've always respected Kathryn's posts and never have seen her behavior as out of line. She is always there to help other members. I do think the timing was a bit off though because Cathe has just lost one of her dogs. I can't imagine how difficult that loss is for her. But, Cathe is a strong woman and it appears she can take care of herself.
Well I just can't help myself here--I didn't see the original post as critical but I did see it as somewhat trivial. You do the video once or twice and whether there's mixed up terminology or not you pretty much know how to follow along. With all the time Cathe spends in front of a camera, there's bound to be a minor mistake or two, and frankly it's nice to know she's human just like the rest of us (I know I certainly have my own share of screw ups at work, & some of them are a thousand times worse than something like this!). It seems a little silly to bring up something that's pretty much irrelevant if you do her videos on a regular basis.

I'm not trying to be part of a "gang mentality" or anything, it's just that Cathe's are the best cardio workouts I've ever done, in or out of a health club, and I'm surprised that anyone would have anything but positive things to say about her. Not to speak for everyone, but she's an inspiration & a role model for a lot of people, & IMO that's the only feedback she deserves to get.
Decided to lock this thread

Hi Everyone! Thank you for sharing your input. I'm chosing to lock this thread simply because I feel we have shared our thoughts and I'd kindly like to move on :)

Have a great day!
>Hell just in this
>thread there is a misquote from an ACDC song that I, being a
>huge ACDC fan, have to put up with every time that person
>posts. And that's fine. Just deal with it. Because in the end
>it doesn't matter.

Oh give it a rest already! If it doesn't matter why bring it up? If you feel like my mistake is something you 'have to put up with' then skip my post. Its not like I post on this board every hour of every day. Jeez!
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