A reminder please

This is probably a waste of time because too many people will chime in anyway and answer questions meant for Cathe. It happens all the time. Take the hint, folks, please.
I think bumping this post whenever we see a non-Cathe post is a good idea. Also, the recommendation that if you want the educated crowd to also chime in, do not do it on this forum but instaead post again in the open discussion forum is a good idea. We want Cath'e help when needed and she is more likely to find our question if it is not buried in a pile of general questions.
However....this post IS 2 years old and more recently, Cathe has thanked others for chiming in when she did not have time. So, somewhere there is a balance.
I'm glad someone bumped Cathe's old request up. Many questions posted here are not directed at Cathe & should be on one of the other forums. The current discussion of "Firm" workouts is a good example.

As for balance, Cathe doesn't seem to mind that others respond to questions addressed to her. But I suspect that her old request to use the other forums for questions/comments not addressed to her is still valid.

what a great reminder! so we should only be seeing ONE response to most posts in this section.... which would be cathe's... then possible a follow-up or thank you post from the original poster...

i always wondered about the "i'm not cathe but" posts.... i did find myself guilty after seeing all the other folks posting... from now on.. other than this post here in this thread.. i will stick to the other areas for posting...

maybe posters could post a crosspost of the question in one of the other forums if they want our opinions and suggestions??? then cathe and ONLY cathe could answer here.. and the rest of us can discuss and offer our opinions in the other thread/forums!

of course... i did notice that there were several posts to threads in this forum even AFTER cathe asked people NOT to post here...

>I'm glad someone bumped Cathe's old request up. Many
>questions posted here are not directed at Cathe & should be on
>one of the other forums. The current discussion of "Firm"
>workouts is a good example.
>As for balance, Cathe doesn't seem to mind that others respond
>to questions addressed to her. But I suspect that her old
>request to use the other forums for questions/comments not
>addressed to her is still valid.

I agree!
No, Desertbriez, I don't think Cathe is asking others not to respond to the original post. She is just asking that the original post not be placed in this forum if it doesn't belong here. For example, a post called "Who does both the Firm and Cathe?" should probably not be posted in this forum at all. But if the educated crowd feels like answering a question directed at Cathe, I think that can take some of the burden off of Cathe. That's just my opinion though, and it's possible that Cathe might not agree with me. But that's the way I understood it.
I think it would be more appropriate for an "educated crowd" member to pm or email the poster, so that the threads don't get long. I would really prefer to see none of the qeustions on this particular forum answered by anyone other than Cathe. I even hesitated to post on this thread for that reason, but decided I wanted my opinion known to all :)

ditto wendy.... i asked a question of CATHE a while back and even said i wanted only CATHE to answer it cuz i've read all the non-pro responses here and at other forums... and guess what.. yep... all sorts of responses with nothing new from what i've already read... *sigh*

the non-pro or so called educated crowd has several other forums to post in... this one says ASK CATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cathe has never seemed to mind if others weigh in with a comment on a question directed to her. In the past, she has even said things like, "exactly", or "I couldn't have put it better myself", etc.

All she's asking for, IMO, is that we don't post to each other under Ask Cathe. The original question should be directed at Cathe.

Sorry for bumping all the HC workout details but I was trying to make some comparisons and it was easier to have them on one page for a while. Besides, I thought the firm thread was getting out of control for this forum. Especially the post about TLP. Sorry but I just enjoy this forum being used for the current description of ask Cathe.

Sorry but I just enjoy this forum being used for
>the current description of ask Cathe.

the current description being:

This is a forum to ask Cathe Friedrich a question.

we have OPEN and VIDEO & DVD QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS where we can post to our hearts' content....

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