a few questions


I did a search but......so,

1. What's the deal with soy milk? I already used fat free milk. Should I switch?

2. For those who eat dark chocolate, what kind do you get? Does any dark chocolate work?

3. Green tea - If I add a tad of honey, does that make it a mute point?

My personal thoughts...

Soy is not as good as was once thought. Personally, I cannot stomach it. I don't do 100% great on a lot of dairy, but some is ok and I would much prefer dairy to soy any day of the week. As a note: I am careful to buy dairy that is organic and that comes from a humane farm.

Dark chocolate is great. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the better. if you get in the 90s, it can be a little bitter. I prefer 60% at the very least up to 85%. I also like organic chocolate from farms that are free trade if possible. That said, Dove makes a good dark chocolate that has a some of the good properties of dark chocolate.

Honey has great properties. If you eat locally produced honey, it can be beneficial to you for allergies...at least that is what is believed. You can't get more natural than honey - it has calories and sugar, sure, but a little would not hurt. It can also be good when you are sick - hot tea and honey - great for a cold, sinus problems, etc.
Thanks for the response. I almost bought some soy milk yesterday but wanted to get opinions here first. I also bought some dark chocolate but it isn't Dove. I thought theirs might be too much on the "bad for you" side of things. I'm going to go back to drinking green tea at night. It doesn't taste good to me so that's why I asked about the honey.
Kim- certainly there is better chocolate than Dove-that is just one that there was some research on. And it does taste good too. There are much higher quality chocolates out there for sure. There are also some good green teas that are bottled/canned; I get them at Whole Foods. I love plain hot green tea too. Tazo has some flavor combos of greens that you may like. Other brands too but those don't come to mind. How is the running coming along??
The running was coming along ok. I was up to 2 laps :eek: at a time but had to slow it back down because I started getting sinus stuff. Now it's cold in the AM and still dark so I started spinning. I plan to sign up for a 5k in a few days and will try to start running again on Friday. Thanks for asking. :)
I also read that adding lemon to green tea exponentially increases your body's ability to use the antioxidants in the tea.
I like Sharffen Berger chocolate (all percentages). It's made in the USA, and is probably the first that rivals well-known European brands. My favorite now is the 70%, but the 82% sometimes seems more appealing (less sugar, more bittersweet). Tastes can change with time though...the 62% used to be my favorite (though I still like that now of course), and the 82% was too bitter. Anyway, it's terrific for eating by itself (a small portion can be more satisfying...and calorie-conscious...than many other desserts...and there's that whole antioxidant flavonoid thing going for it, if you need an excuse!!). I also use it for baking. Valrhona 64% Manjari is another terrific one...more pricey. I don't like the other Valrhona ones as well, and some (like the 55%) I don't like at all. Having the same brand name in that case does not guarantee a consistent general flavor, in fact they intentionally make each type distinctive.

A lot of grocery stores have the Scharffen Berger chocolate now. Whole Foods also had Valrhona. It's all available online too of course. HTH!
Green Tea

The only green tea I can drink is Bigelow's orange flavored green tea. I think it is great.
green tea with jasmin in it not only smells incredible, but tastes much better than plain green tea. we have a coffee chain in california called Peet's Coffee and they see a jasmin green tea that is so good. you can also order it online from their website. i like the organic dark chocolates that you can get in some grocery stores, and the higher the percentage the better. i can't even eat milk chocolate anymore because it tastes too sweet to me (i guess that is a good thing). i dont personally like plain soy milk, but i have been getting a chai flavored soy milk that is delicious especially heated up. i have it as a treat in the evenings sometimes.
I just wanted to add that if you want to switch from dairy milk, nut milks and rice milk are great ways to go! I use rice milk mostly, only because of the cost, but I adore nut milks. They all taste great! Hemp milk is a favorite, and the hemp protein is very easily digestible.

Besides not being great for you, soy milk does cause gastrointestinal distress in a lot of people (me, included!).

Also, the combination of lime or lemon with honey in hot water is suppose to be very healing. So adding those two things to your green tea is probably a great idea. It tastes great, too.

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