A Few Butts & Guts ?'s


A few curiosity ?'s re: B&G.

1 - I see you change tops 1/2way through the torture, I mean wo. Did you guys break the taping up or were you just really sweaty? ;)

2 - Are the outfits black/red or a deep navy/red? Towards the end they start looking more navy to me. Maybe that has something to do with the stars I am seeing also? :rolleyes:

3 - Pants or shorts? How do you decide which to wear? It seems to me that the shorts would be so much cooler in the studio during taping! :p

4 - Last but not least - what was your frame of mind when you decided to do so many sets of those walking lunges? :mad: If it was me I could say maybe it was "cranky week". :eek:

Thanks. I do love this wo! Always offers great DOMS!
I never really noticed the top change. I think I am too busy trying to keep up. But now that I really think about it, Cathe changes from a sports bra top to a tank top, right?

I always thought the outfits were black/red. I figured they fit the "devilish" nature of the workout. All Cathe needs is a set of horns to go with the outfit:p

Oh my Word!!! Those are to funny! :eek: I would have to say my favorite is the 1st one with the pitch fork. Thanks for bringing our visions to life.
Nan...this is too funny!

Some people are like Slinkies. They are not really good for anything; however, they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.:p

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I never really noticed the top change. I think I am too busy trying to keep up. But now that I really think about it, Cathe changes from a sports bra top to a tank top, right?

I always thought the outfits were black/red. I figured they fit the "devilish" nature of the workout. All Cathe needs is a set of horns to go with the outfit:p

Hi Tami!

1) Hmmm, I know in Body Max 2 I changed during the upper body weight segemnt because I was soaked. Now I know I had that same style long top for B&G too. As to why I changed, I can't recall anymore, but I probably put it on for the Ab portion to differentiate between the "Butt" portion and the "Gut" portion.

2) The outfits are black and red :)

3) Yes, shorts are way cooler under those lights but long and short pants have advantages and disadvantages. Shorts allow you to see the movement better, but you also sweat a lot and sweaty bare legs are slick on the mats and balls. Long pants obstruct the view and sometimes make it hard to see exactly what the legs are doing or position they should be in, but when you sweat you at least don't slip on your surface (therefore, there are less retakes :)).

4) Ohhhh, I dunnooooo, I guess I just lost count :eek: ;)

Have a great day :D

A few curiosity ?'s re: B&G.

1 - I see you change tops 1/2way through the torture, I mean wo. Did you guys break the taping up or were you just really sweaty? ;)

2 - Are the outfits black/red or a deep navy/red? Towards the end they start looking more navy to me. Maybe that has something to do with the stars I am seeing also? :rolleyes:

3 - Pants or shorts? How do you decide which to wear? It seems to me that the shorts would be so much cooler in the studio during taping! :p

4 - Last but not least - what was your frame of mind when you decided to do so many sets of those walking lunges? :mad: If it was me I could say maybe it was "cranky week". :eek:

Thanks. I do love this wo! Always offers great DOMS!
I have to say Butts and Guts is one of my favorites. The main reason is of course that my butt and gut are looking fabulous.

I have to wear long pants exactly for the reason Cathe mentioned. The one time I wore shorts, I couldn't keep my legs on the ball without it sliding away. I guess that shows how rigorous the workout is and its ability to get me sweating up a storm.

All the best,
Have you noticed Cedie's hair changes too? I thought Cathe changed before she started abs while I was still doing standing exercises but I could be wrong. I always figure if they have time to change then I shouldn't feel so bad when I take a short water break.

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