a "decent" hi/lo video


Hi guys,
Just wanted to report in on a "decent" hi/lo video I did this morning. Okay~it's not Cathe, but until Cathe blesses us with an hour of high intensity hi/lo floor aerobics, I'm forced to supplement with "as close to Cathe" as I can get.
It was Charlene Prickett's "Rev It Up-The Sequel" video, it lasts an hour, the cardio portion is pretty high intensity. Lots of jacks, heals to the side and forward, jumping forward and back, power lunges, at least 1,000,000 knees up and variations on kness up, and I've got to say, it surprised me, she never dropped the intensity for more than about a 1 minute or less recovery time.
So if you're looking to add some hi/lo to your rotation, and want intensity, also I should mention high impact, lots and lots of jumping, this is a decent little video!
Now! Clearly there are some "cons", so here they are:
1. this chick NEVER, EVER shut up! She talked the entire video!
(although it was impressive considering the high impact!)
2. the background people never shut up either!
3. the workout clothing is so busy it's almost distracting! But hey, this is an early 90's video.
4. she and her crew are a tad goofy!
But, as I said before, it is a high intensity workout, so really, I can't complain, I wanted a high intensity floor workout, and this fits the bill!
If you're interested, you can find it at her website:
www.charleneprickett.com and again it's called: "Rev It Up-The Sequel" and it's $15.
Anyone else come across a good hi/lo, let me know! :)
I remember watching Charleene on ESPN. She was a chatterbox! I don't think I could workout with her tapes more than once for that reason.
I wanted to tell you that many of your posts tickle me. I read more than respond. Your personality is cute and the post re: overeating fruit was great. I binged on Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream last night. When I went back and took the pint out of the freezer, I thought of you binging on oranges. I was thinking, why can't I be like Donna and overeat low-fat fruit vs. high-fat ice cream. lol... When I blow it, I blow it all the way. Anyway, I just wanted to share that thought with you.
Hi Donna,

I'm actually trying to find a good hi/lo video so this might fit the bill. I kind of wanted something without alot of jumping though because there is so much jumping in IMAX, which I typically do once a week. And I've also started running once a week, which is high impact on the joints too. Do you know if any of Charlene's other videos have less jumping?

As far as her chatiness and goofiness, that wouldn't bother me a bit. A good workout is all I'm really concerned about.

Thanks for the info Donna,
Kristie S
One high/lo without a lot of jumping that I know of is Gilad's Fat Burning Aerobics. The video is 45 min in total, 7 min warm up, 30 min cardio workout, 7 min cool down. It does have some jumping, but not a great deal, and you could easily modify the jumping that is too intense. I still use it every few weeks, I just wanted a few longer hi/lo choices, but it's still a sweat breaker for me, and a fun hi/lo. And he just cracks me up, his personality is just too cute!
p.s. I think I found it at Amazon.com for like $9.95
Ben & Jerry is my middle name!

Hi Carol,
Binging on the oranges was only 3/4 of the time! The other 1/4 of the week was shared with Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, and Ben & Jerry's One Sweet Whirl (insert Homer Simpson drool here!)
I took a long look at the Cookie Dough flavor tonight, but I've never tried it and thought, "better not, it may not be good" but clearly this is an omen! And it was on special!
I think we need to get a petition going and plead with B&J to make half pints of their decadent delights! Then we could cut the fat and calories in half even when we scarf down the whole container! It's a mental thing for me~as long as it's there, it just calls to me like a siren song! :)
But thanks for thinking I've got it together, but I go all the way on my binges too, that's why the fruits thing last week just messed my mind completely up! Ice cream I understand, but who the he** binges on fruit?
Hey Donna, have you ever tried doing step tapes without using the step? If you are looking for basic hi-lo, non-dancy stuff, I would think doing a basic step workout without the step would get you what you're looking for--less impact, less knee bothersomeness ( ;-) ), etc. I do step tapes without a step all the time.
I would also HIGHLY reccomend Christi Taylor if you haven't tried her yet--can't remember if you said you had or not. She is pretty dancey, but I know you would like her stuff. Still Jumpin really isn't too complex, and would be a good one to start with. Serioushomefitness.com carries good tapes for a good price.

I have heard so many great things about Christi Taylor, but many reviews say that her stuff is fairly dancy with alot of difficult choreography. I'm just not into tough choreography. How would you compare her stuff to say the hi/lo in MIC and Circuit max?

Kristie S

Thanks for the tip on the Gilad video, but I'm also interested in longer cardio videos. I like to do at least 40-45 minutes if possible. I've heard that Charlene has some videos that are low impact but high intensity but from what you're saying there is some jumping in that video. Hmm I wonder which videos they were talking about. I'll have to go to videofitness and check it out.

wondering about Christie Taylor too!

I haven't tried her only because I've heard her choreo can be quite complex, and I have trouble enough learning Cathe! There are still some Cathe combos that give me static and force me to modify, someone dancier or even more complex would just sit in my video crate and make me mad!
How does she compare to Cathe? As complex, more complex, or less complex overall?
Let me know what you find, I've heard Charlene Prickett has quite a few that are low impact, but high intensity, my only question would be is it intense enough? I've read the reviews for a few: "Oxygen In,Calories Out" and "Cruising Altitude" and the reviews seem like they may be pretty good, but "Cruising Altitude" is $30., and I'm not paying $30. for a video until someone from here who I know has similar cardio taste says, "go for it, it's a great workout!" I try to buy wisely, so recommendations mean a lot to me! So far, you guys have given me only good advice on videos, and every purchase has been a good one!
So if you come across a "goodie", let me know.
She's just so d--n talkative! Yak yak yak the whole time! But it's kinda cute in an odd way! :)
RE: wondering about Christie Taylor too!

Hi Kristie and Donna,
Well, I just hate to say it, but I guess Christi probably isn't for you if you are really not into tough choreography. Darn! She is so fun. I hate to tell someone to NOT get her stuff.
Some background on me: I got Step Works and Rhythmic Step the first time through. MIC hi lo bores me to tears (sorry Cathe) Christi is MUCH dnacier and more complex than Cathe.
HOWEVER: I just did her new DVD and she has a Move Master section at the end, in which she breaks down the complex version of each move. I think it would be helpful to anyone who has trouble with choreography, but I also think this may not be the video to start with, so that's really not helpful anyway!
I also would say that becuase Christi relies on her advanced choreography for the intensity, whereas Cathe relies on jumping and other power moves, you may not be able to get the intense workout you're looking for from a Christi tape.
Shoot. You should get a tape anyway, and just sell it on ebay or trade it on VF if you don't like it!
i have three of charlene's tapes and am planning to order more from collage in the coming months...once i have some $ :)

low impact, high intensity is just as the name states. i like it for days when i am not up for jumping, but still want to work up a good sweat. it is filmed outside which is also a nice diversion. (warm 6.5, hi/lo 40, cool/stretch 11.5)

cruising altitude has a routine that is very similar to the low impact, high intensity. the set is fairly boring...but a good low impact workout. (warm 6, hi/lo 46, cool/stretch 10)

get the fat off is a cross trainer with 2 separate 30 minute workouts on the tape. one is hi/lo, one is step. i have only done this one once...i bought it because of the versitility of the short workouts. (warm 4, hi/lo 21, stretch 4) (warm 4, step 22, stretch 4)

i got all three of these from collage video and they were $19.95 each.

charlene tapes on my wish list are:
we love step
living proof
return to slender

hope this helps.
Thanks Darree,

I've been reading alot about Charlene's videos and I think I am going to try Low impact, high intensity first. Thanks for the info.

Kristie S

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