6 Month STS Almni Jan 9-15

I forgot to tell yall. I ordered some of those Vibram Five Finger Shoes...I should be able to do a lot of Cathe's work outs with them. I will have to let you know how they turn out! Excited.

Hi all! Quick note:

The onion bread finished but...I got a revised recipe so Cendrine don't make the one I posted! What I made is good...and VERY oniony but after talking to several people they all cut back on all the ingredients which explains why mine took so long.

I did CCC today! I realized before going to bed last night I forgot to preview. It was a good workout! I struggled with a couple of my normal challenging manuevers: air jacks, tuck jumps, etc., but overall did pretty good for first time through. This was one that was very doable without previewing though I'll still be better next time!

Cendrine, the raw restaurant sounds awesome!

Oooh and Rachel - chicken pot pie! Yes in deed I'd love some of that! I'll have to go check out the shoes!

Hello Kim!

Okay, I'll BBL, off to a meeting...
Hello all, sorry I didn't post yesterday after my workout yesterday I got sucked into TBL and the American Idol.

Oh, I went and scheduled laser surgery for my eyes for February:confused: Anyone ever had their eyes done? I have glasses with a very weak prescription to see distance. I've had the same prescription since I was 11 years old. I really need new glasses but I only wear my glasses for driving, sports, movies,etc just for distance not usually in the house or at work. So I'm seriously thinking of just getting the surgery and not needing the glasses anymore. My sister had it a few years back and was very happy.

Yesterday DH and I did disc #5. I let DH have the pull up bar since I can't really no pullups anyways and I just did the modification with the band. I feel a little DOMS in my back.

Today was supposed to be CCC but that's the disc I was missing and it hasn't come yet so I switched it with the kickboxing one. The kickboxing was fun not super hard though. Hopefully CCC is here by Friday.

Jo So the onion bread was a success and you were allowed to keep the dehydrator? I was waiting for your review on CCC today since I couldn't do it.

Rachael What kind of shoes?? I'll have to google them. I guess some of these strange weather patterns are due to global warming. It's about freezing today, feels like spring, very unusually for us in January.

Cendrine That's great that you feel that you have lost some weight. I have to admit that I'm very frustrated with my weight. When I stop and think about it I've gain about 15 lbs in the last 2-3 years. It's been so gradual that I haven't thought too much about it. But I want to stop this creeping weight gain and take some of it off. I haven't really change my eating patterns so I think it's probably to do with my age as I'm 40 now.

I am having trouble not snacking at night! I eat a healthy breakfast,and pack a healthy lunch to take to work. Then I get home about 4:30 and prepare a fairly healthy supper for the family, we eat at 5:00. I usually relax and watch the news and then workout from 6-7 pm. After that I go on the computer/tv/reading and that's when I start snacking. I'm really not even hungry and I always say that I'm not going to. I've tried little tricks like brushing my teeth, gum, drinking water etc Any suggestions??
I do so well all day and then ruin it in the evening.
Jo, I'm so glad your onion bread is done and yummy! Please do send me the revised version of the recipe. You must have some really healthy friends, to be able to run this dehydrator recipe by them and get several responses! I don't know a single person who is my friend and owns a dehydrator, except for you!

My dehydrator got here yesterday and of course it was up and running with a batch of flax-veggie crackers before the hour was up! It smells great in the house, I had a crunchy end piece to try and it is yummy, my family decided it tastes like pizza crackers...! They won't last long! It's amazing how long it takes though, these crackers have been dehydrating for 22 hr right now!

Kim, I have heard that 40 does something to a lot of people weight wise, so not fair! I have to say though, 15 lb over 3 years is not all that much comparetd to what some people gain. But it always seems to take longer to take off than it is to put on, doesn't it?
As far as the evening snacking goes, I hear you. My snacking issue is the mid afternoon one and I used to just grab whatever, which was not ideal. But The last few weeks I have saved a little bit of my green smoothie to drink when the snack attack hits. It has worked for me on most days. THere are those days when I'm simply not in the mood or too cold to drink a smoothie, but most days it tides me over without the calories until dinner. I'm not saying you should start keeping a smoothie in the fridge for after dinner, but find something that works for you. Maybe some carrots and dip you can prepare while you are making dinner for later, or portionsized nuts or fruits, even a homemade fruit sorbet could work. I freeze pureed fruit in ice cubetrays and when I want sorbet I blend it up in my blender with a litte agave and juice or water, just enough to make it blendable. If it's salty you are craving, how about some lowfat popcorn or a cup of high quality veggie or chicken broth, drinking it in a mug like tea. I'm not sure what your food cravings are at night, so I am not sure if any of this helps. Someone told me once that if you don't eat enough nutrients with breakfast that it comes back to bite you later in the day. I'm not really sure if that is ture, but I thought I'd mention it.

Rachel, your pot pie sounds wonderful and it is certainly perfect weather for it! Enjoy your break while you can, I know different routines are hard to get used to, hopefully you'll enjoy the slower pace! If you need something to do I can always send you my albums and pictures to scrapbook for me! LOL!
I'm sure you'll find something to do!

I took the day off from working out, because I'm trying to really listen to my body and ease into exercise slowly and gently, but I do want to start using weights next week. Sometime this week I will be trying a run again.
Hi All! I'm back for a quick minute!

Rachel, I will be very interested to hear how those shoes work out!! They look crazy FUN! :D:p:rolleyes: Let me know how the support and cushion are in those. Isn't it great being back into a solid rotation? You're probably stiff from raking! LOL!

Cendrine...22 hours and counting huh? LOL! It's fun though isn't it? Yes, there's a couple of people here at work that have dehydrators and then DH has a couple of friends that dehydrate for hiking and stuff like that. He really wants to make jerky! Glad you're feeling better!

Kim, so I really like CCC - you know I hadn't looked at the clips or anything so wasn't sure what it was going to be. In some ways the drills reminded me of Drill max (but without the weights) but it is still very different. You don't use any equipment. I think I actually may like this better than the HIIT's (haven't done Pyramid yet though). But as always, she has a few moves my body just won't do!! And, a couple of the core moves left me with plenty of room to improve! I think you'll like it! Oh and it clocks in around 50 minutes with the stretch. It was very fast moving so I felt like I had only been working out about 30 minutes.

Oh and I'm finding I have mild DOMS and aches in my butt and thut from the HIIT! I don't know what move caused it...but this morning, I was thinking I felt like I'd done a mild leg workout and I realized it was from 30/30!

okay, break over!
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OK Jo, I have racked my brain and still have not figured out what a "thut" is...You said you had minor DOMS in your butt and thut. Please enlighten.:D:p:eek:

Well I think we are going to have rain tomorrow so if we do I am going to dig out my huge storage bin of pics and see if I can start organizing them...Cendrine, you inspired me with your scrap booking comment;)...Of cours I am not a scrap booker . I am in no way that organized but I would like to have them in some sort of order. They are all pics from way back before digital cameras around here so it has been a good while since I have looked at them and it should be fun.
I did a few odds and ends around here but not really too much today. DH was gone so I took the opportunity to watch a girl movie I had in from netflix. He normally watches them with me but they have to have some draw for him and this one didn't. haha

Kim-I hate the you have not got you CCC yet but maybe it will be in before You are supposed to do the kickboxing in the rotation and then you can just swap them out. I have not even previewed that one yet but am so ready to do it. I love the kickboxing ones.

Jo-I will let you know about the shoes. DH and I went to the only store within a 50 mile radius to try them on before we decided to get them and I think I am really going to like them. DH got a pair that are more geared toward just wearing around and I got the sprint version which you can do just about everything in. They are good for water too so they may be right up your alley for kayaking. They specifically say something about hiking, canyoning, kayaking and a whole load of other things.

Cendrine-YOu have totally opened my eyes to the advantages of dehydrating...Of course Jo too. I just never thought about crackers. I love crunchy things and it is my downfall because you just can hardly find unprocessed food like that. I am going to have to look into it more now. Is it really easy to do? Yall both will have to let me know as yall get more adapt to it.

I am looking forward to CCC tomorrow. I had done this one once before so I am going to try to really get into it tomorrow! Have a great night.

This just in...

Check out this recipe!!! A GF brought these in today and they are delicous!

Spicy Corn Tortillas

3 cups fresh or frozen corn
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
3/4c. golden flaxseed finely ground
1TBS lime juice (fresh)
1 TBS chili powder
1/4 teas green jalapeno chili powder
Aprox 1 teas sea salt
2 teas. ground cumin

In a food processor chop up the corn and bell pepper then add the rest
of the ing. whirling (and pulsing) until almost smooth

Using a med size offset spatula, divide the dough onto two dehydrator
trays fitted with a Teflex liner. Spread out to edges until smooth
and thin.

Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 3-4 hours
Flip the sheets and carefully peel away from Teflex and turn over
Dehydrate a further 2 hours or until dry but still pliant

Remove and cut into shapes triangles, squares, or circles (for tacos)

This one I probably won't try until I have a food processor - these were awesome!
Rachel, THUT is that area right below your butt where your thigh and butt meet! LOL! I don't believe they use the term in hospitals! Just us fitness girls! :p:D:cool::eek::confused::rolleyes::p:D
Rachel, thank you for making sure Jo was clarifying the 'thut' thing, I was wondering too!:D

The cracker recipe I made was really easy, Rachel, I think you would like making it, you could adjust it with spices and all to fit your own tastes, make it taste more southwestern or what ever you'd like.

Just a quick description, you grate carrots and a pepper in a foodprocessor or by hand, in a blender you puree tomatoes, celery, garlic, soy sauce, seasalt until smooth, in a bowl you mix everything so far together with ground flaxseeds and sunflower seeds, then you spread it on a Teflex sheet place it on the dehydrator tray and set the timer, once it's dry on one side you flip it and keep running it until crispy, very easy. The kid were all over them this afternoon!

Jo, your recipes both sound delish, and I added them to my recipe collection to try later! Thanks for sharing!
Cendrine, the crackers sound yummy!

Kim, I wanted to clarify about CCC - I didn't mean it was like Drill Max, just that the drills reminded me of some of the drills in Drill Max. I really really liked CCC. There are 5 rounds. You do 3 cardio drills in each round, repeat all the drills once, then do a core drill - next round...

We're watching Predator right now so I'm surfing... :cool: DH is still under the weather. After dinner I also made him a Vitamin C, immune system booster juice. And, he said he Zicamed all day like I told him to. He's still not feeling too good. The juice had: kale, romaine, collard greens, orange pepper, apple, pear, ginger and beets. It was very good!

Okay, enough talk from me today! Disc 6 tomorrow!
Good Morning Everybody!

I got to work a few minutes early, so thought I'd check in and say HI! I have the CCC workout scheduled for tonight. I did this workout once before, so hopefully I will be able to do the core work with a little better form since I know what's coming. I have the travel band workout scheduled for our lunch hour workout today. I previewed it briefly yesterday and think the ladies in the office will enjoy the workout.

Jo- I love your word "thut". I may tell my DH I need a massage in my thut tonight and see what he says :D! He may think I'm talking with a lisp!!! I don't have a dehydrator, but I do have a juicer that has been sitting dormant for the past year. You've given me the incentive to dig it out and start using it again.

Cendrine-I read your success story and you should be so proud. Glad to hear your back issues are improving. My DH and I bought a new sleep # bed about 3 months ago and my back pain has completely disappeared. I wish your back remedy could be as easy.

Kim- My sister had the eye surgery several years ago. She wore glasses ever since she was in her teens. She no longer wears glasses since the surgery, and has been incredibly pleased with her results.

Rachel - I love reading your posts, you seem so full of energy and spunk. Good luck with the picture organization. I have so many pictures that need to be organized. I have a sister that scrap books, and she has all of her pictures in order by years. Mine are thrown together in a huge box.

Well it's time for me to start my work day. Have a good one!!!

OK all I have to say is ooops:eek::p I Just thought I had done CCC. What I had done was go through each circuit just once. No wonder why I remembered it being not so intense.:eek: This morning when I turned it on it clicked and I remembered that and I thought eh oh! hehe
I do not know about you Jo...but those kicks at the end just about did me in! The weird part is that I did better on them the second go around. That does not make any sense at all but that is why the body is a mystery to me , I guess! Cendrine, I can't wait for you to do these work outs so I can hear how you feel about them too. I love getting everyones take on them. I know after I was done with this one I had a big smile on my face. I like the idea of the whole work out working your core. I guess that is why I like the boxing and kick boxing ones so much.

Well it is rainy here but not really pouring so I will see how the day goes on digging out the pics. I need to do a little cleaning now that the dogs are back out and I can reclaim the living room.:p

Mary-Thanks for the compliment. I love that you find me spunky. That means I am sending out some good energy. That's what I think about JO! She keeps us all going!
My pics are in a big storage bin too. I really want to get them more organized. I do have one problem though. For some reason back then when I got pics. developed, I seemed to get a lot of doubles. I have no clue what to do with those. I would hate to throw them away .

Jo-I am adding Thut to my vocabulary and hope that I get to use it often:D Come on Cathe bring on the thut DOMS!!!!
I hate to hear that your dh is sick but it sound like you are doing a good job trying to get him well and it also sounds like he is being a good patient! The patient part is the trouble I have with dh but the older he gets the more he is willing to try.
The white bean and kale soup sounds great. I love any kind of bean. Oh and the 'tortilla chips' my mouth was watering. I could really overdo something like that! haha

Cendrine-I was glad I was not the only one wondering what thut was and I am glad I could get it cleared up for us! You must be a good planner. It sounds like you always have what you need for all the projects you are doing. And now with the dehydrating. I guess the good thing about that is that you can just stick your stuff in there and leave it. I just remembered that I think my MIL might have one that she is not using. Maybe I can borrow hers and see if I can get the hang of it!
How long do the fresh crackers and things like that last after you have made them. (not how long they last in your house...lol)

Kim-I think I would have to agree with Cendrine on the late night snacking. I think that maybe a little preplanning is the key. I know you are so busy. I can not imagine trying to plan with you hectic life style but I know that when I started having things in the freezer for me to eat then I started really being able to maintain a good eating plan. I do snack here and there but it is a lot less often. So maybe if your snacks were planned out, you could at least get some extra nutrients in your day and still get to have your snack.
The shoes are the Vibram Five Finger shoes. When I looked at them, I thought they would be very uncomfortable. That is why before ordering , I wanted to try some on. They were completely different than I thought they would be. You just have to try them on. But they are kind of hard to size , another good reason to try them. They are in European sizes but I found that it does depend on your toe size. I have big long toes so I had to go a size bigger. I am so excited about these shoes!

OK I think I have rambled to each of you enough..haha. I am off to start straightening the house.
Have a great day!

Oh...my legs are quivering from Disc 6! Cathe really knows how to GET us! For the bonus legs today I used my firewalker band - soooo nice! Just think we are already 1/2 way through Meso 1!

Rachel, those shoes look and sound just plain crazy! I can't wait to hear your review when you actually use them! Oh and YES, the kicks were killer! I found too that on all the rounds I did better on the 2nd round EXCEPT I think I struggled through all of round 4 (I forget what it was now!) Yes, like I posted yesterday, this workout may be one of my favorites - more so then the HIIT's! I really like the flow! I commend you for organizing pictures! I really need to do that - I don't even know where 1/2 of ours are! (Bad huh?)

Kim, I got nothing for you on the eye surgery. I don't know anyone that has had it done (just cataracts removed!). I forgot to comment on the late night snacking. If you can't "not" snack, then try to snack on snap peas or mini peppers. Another trick is to eat a hard boiled egg. That will usually squelched munchies. Did you get Disc 6 in today?

Mary, I haven't previewed the Travel Fit workout yet so please let us know how it is! I love juicing! I haven't done it as a hard core plan, but am juicing some to compliment my other eating. I really love making juices!

Cendrine, how's the back today? Hope you're feeling tip top! I was looking at the SD road trip and so want to go...boohoooo! I wish we were going!

Okay, got to get busy! CBL! ENJOY THE DAY!~~
I had a good interval run on the treadmill today and felt like my body was still burning higher levels an hour after! Woohoo! Now I only hope that my back will be ok with it, sometimes it acts funny later, so I'm hoping.

Mary, thanks for your encouraging words after reading my story! How fun that the girls at work get to do travel fit. I am sure they will love it! I hope you get some good use out of your juicer not that you got inspired again. Fresh fruits and veggies are so good!

Rachel, I'm glad you survived the workout even if you did think it was going to be a breeze and it wasn't LOL! I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it when I do it for the first time! Hopefully sooner than later. The crackers need to be kept in the fridge unless you think they will be gone within a week of making them. ( I had to laugh about your comment that you were not interested how long it would last in our house! :D) I would feel comfortable with them in the fridge for probably two or three weeks until I have gained some experience on the subject....LOL

I stopped at an asian food market yesterday to look if their coconuts are cheaper and boy were they cheaper! I got them for 99c per coconut, wholefood wants almost 4.- I think. So I grabbed 6 and we drained them and scooped the flesh out for later. The coconut water was extremely flavorful, which surprised me because I had bought coconut water at the store before and it tasted like nothing at all. It made a wonderful smoothie base for us today! Yum, and it has lots of potassium

Jo, we are battling bugs in our house too! Not sure what is going on, so we are definitely doing the Zicam, the GSE and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I think it is not hitting us as hard because of our healthy eating, but being almost fine is a drag sometimes too, you know? LOL!

Kim, a friend of mine did the lazer surgery as well and has been happy with it as well. Dh is considering it but is a bit afraid (his family all worry way too much about everything there is even a possible chance to worry about) He could really benefit from it as he is practically blind without glasses. He can't find his way out of the bedroom if he is not wearing his glasses. He wears contacts during the day. Maybe one day he will try it.
Ok well so far I have managed to make a mess of the dining room. It seems I have done some sorting before and I do not know how I was sorting them. (the pics, I mean) This is going to take a lot of time if I am going to do it right ...:eek:

Jo-Do not feel bad about not knowing where your pics are. I know I have lost some along the way and it is frustrating but I guess that is the way it is.
I agreee that this is going to be one of my favorite work outs. I just felt so much of an accomplishment when I was done. I am determined to get some of the more challenging moves down too.

Cendrine-I am keeping my fingers crossed on the interval run not affecting your back! I am glad you were still getting your energy boost. I love that!
lol I know if someone were to ask me how long something yummy would last I would tell them not too long in my house!

I hope all is great with everyone. DH is preparing to start a major project outside:eek: So we are on our tip toes around here. He gets stressed when he starts something new until it gets going! This one is going to be a long process though.

Have a great day!

Good Evening Ladies,

I thought I would do a quick post before heading off to bed. Regarding the travel band workout, I LOVED IT!!! Lots of new moves with the band that really worked the whole body. The length and resistance of the band really play a big part in making the workout intense. I had to switch bands a few times before I found the perfect fit. The ladies in the office definitely noticed the increase in intensity with this workout, but I think this will become one of their favorites! This will be a great workout when going on vacation. There are a few sections of light hopping, but no heavy jumping to disturb others if staying at friends or in a hotel. I was pretty tired when I got home tonight, but I ate dinner and took an hour to recharge then headed downstairs to tackle CCC. I did better with the core work the 2nd time through, but it sure wasn't pretty. I always like to picture myself as somewhat graceful when working out, but that just wasn't happening with this workout. I'm a little hesitant about Disc 6 tomorrow, but I'm hoping to get a good nights sleep and then it won't be so intimidating.

I have a fun day schedule tomorrow with a haircut, shopping, going out to dinner then to the circus. YES, the circus is in town and I'm taking my son and his girlfriend and we are going to watch the clowns, elephants, trapeze artists and just act silly. WHY NOt????

OK, time to hit the bed!!

Yeah, I got CCC in the mail yesterday so will be doing it today. It didn't mess with the rotation too much as I only had to switch Kickbox and CCC around.

Thanks for all the advice on the evening snacking. So I had been trying to do no snacking after supper most of you seem to suggest that I snack but just on healthy stuff. Maybe that is the key, have a planned healthy snack.

DH and I did disc 6 last night and goodness it was hard. I am finding the legs in Mesocycle 1, really hard. DH had to take a few breaks and he was making a few comments to Cathe.:rolleyes:

Jo You have me all excited about trying CCC today! So what's next in the dehydrator??

I'm so glad that you were able to do a run! How is the back feeling today??

Rachael So what is the big project that DH is doing outside? Are you spending the day doing pictures? I scrapbook ( very simply not fancy like some people do) I do keep up to date with pictures. It's a activity that I really don't like doing but my obsessive-compulsive nature makes me as I hate having my pictures unorganized. I have yet to do our Disney trip and Christmas but will do it this winter.

Mary Good to see you back with us. Travel Fit would be a good workout for a group of people, I could see it being a great lunchhour workout. Did you do Travel Fit and CCC in one day?? So your ds has a girlfriend?? How is that going?

Good morning!!!!!
It was disc 6 for me this morning and I was really looking forward to it. This never happens to me with leg work outs these days. I think because I know how hard it is going to be or something but this time I was planning last night how I was going to be really tough today:p. haha Remember how last week I said I thought I remembered the second week of legs being easier...well I think I know why now. Our first week we were getting used to the pace and since we did each disc twice we had two weeks to get used to it and by the third week I think we had gotten that part down. So that made it seem easier to me anyway. Well this time since I knew the pace, I did not have that to make it easier. So needless to say...I was just as hard as last week..haha! That being said though I am really enjoying pushing myself through these work outs. I think it might be because I know exactly what weight I need and it makes every work out a challenge. No guess work. I am going to have to find the post where Cathe gave a percentage for all her weight work outs. Did any of you see that one?

Today I think I am going to head to town and just do some window shopping. DH will be gone all day helping his dad and I am ready to be out of the house for a little while. Normally dh is with me in town so it is hard to lollygag if you know what I mean.:rolleyes:

Mary-You have made me want to do the travel band work out! It sounds like an interesting one. I hope you have a great day shopping and having your hair done! I love hair day. Stay out of the way of stampeding elephants at the circus!;)

Kim-It is funny how you said you hate doing the pics but have to. I am hating doing these right now but I want it to be done. But I have yrs to catch up on. What do you do with the pics that you do not want to throw away but you do not think they need to go in a scrapbook either? That is my hardest problem to overcome right now.
I am so glad you got CCC in just in time for the rotation swap. This way now you can keep on going with the rest of us.
DH is starting a Mud room on the front of the house. It is going to be a big deal and take a while. We have to time it just right to fall in our down time because once we start it we are going to need to at least get it dried in since we will be removing some of the front of the house. I am very ervous about this one. It is our first addition.:eek:

Well I am off to get ready to head to town. Jo and Cendrine- I hope you are having a great Friday!

Hi Everyone!

Today was MMA KB! I thought this was a good workout! I had a problem with the 3rd combo though because I can't quite pivot like they do on my mats. (I would think that move will be hard for people on carpet as well.) So...did the best I could and maybe can figure out slight modification for next time be that hopping some or finding a different pair of shoes to wear! I LOVED the core conditioning segment in this!!! That might become one of my new favorites for core work! (Or maybe I liked it because it was so different!)

Rachel, sounds like all of us thought Disc 6 was tough! I know what you mean about lollygagging without dh! LOL! When he shops with me I can't touch, feel, ponder and explore! ;) Oh and WHAT fun on the addition! Good luck with that! Tell us more about the mud room. Is it one where the dogs can be in or for shoes and coats? Or is it something completely different? What a fun project that will be!

Kim, I think I'm going to maybe make the tortilla chips next. I'll let you guys know - I am definitely dehydrating something again tomorrow (or maybe tonight!) I'm thinking the same as you about Meso 1! I forgot how hard those endurance workouts are - especially the legs! I'm excited to hear your thoughts on CCC! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Mary, you've got me motivated to try the Travel workout! I have a GF coming over tomorrow so maybe we could try that! (Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day!) And, the circus! What fun! That reminds me...

Okay, I forgot to tell you guys. One of my goals this year is to go to circus school and take a trapeze class! You can take a 2 hour class for about $50. There is a school in Seattle. I checked it out and really want to do it but have yet to find someone to do it with me! DH definitely won't and 2 of my GF's that probably would both have back issues right now. I WISH you guys were here - I know ONE of you would go with me right! Cendrine...get well...and next time you're here...! :eek::confused::D:p:cool:

Okay, CBL!

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