Woohoo! I think I might have a few days off!
Maybe even longer who knows...I could have to go to work tomorrow but as of right now there is nothing on the schedule...I am so fickle that by next week if we are not working I will be jumping out of my skin but for right now I am going to try to plan to enjoy it...haha I am such a planning procrastinator...I think that is one of my downfalls...I am a sucky planner when it comes to vacations and projects...And even meal plans if I am home all week. Now isn't that weird...I am better about planning meals if I have very little time to waste. The more time I have the worse I am...
I am hoping the weather stays good and we can do some more mudroom prep. I like to get a lot of this stuff done now while it is too cool for spiders...I don't mind a spider as long as he or she is not crawling on me but we are going to have to do a little work under the porch and right now would be the time for that. I wish yall could all help me decorate it when it is done...of course we are a ways off from that!
Well tomorrow is the big day...40/20...I am wondering if I have built up any endurance...I hope so. At least tomorrow I will be able to really wake up before I go in there and get to it so maybe I will be fully awake and energized...keeping my fingers crossed!
Kim-You are right about the intense week...I have not tried Athletic Step or Circuit Blast so this week should be interesting...
We did not get any hail damage thank goodness, but our county had several tornadoes. Some were really bad. So we were really fortunate in that respect for sure.
I think boys are so much better at the technique than girls are on the majority. Not saying that girls are not good at it but I think it comes more naturally to the guys. Dh still amazes me...He doesn't work out on a regular basis by any means and he is still pretty spry. lol
Mary-Do keep us posted on how you think the nutrition guide works for you. I always wanted to hear some feedback about it. I am sure my score would be atrocious if I were to try it. Like Cendrine, I know I eat better than almost everyone I know, if not everyone, but I know I do not get the vitamin intake and the variety I need. It is hard to prepare a lot of different veges for one though...and DH is just not coming over to my side on that one...My hardest move to get in the MMA Fusion is where you come up from a triangle hold and then kick out into the squat. I am sure I do not look very graceful when doing that...but I am trying to be better.
You will have to post any good healthy soup recipes...I am always in need of something to freeze!
Cendrine-I know exactly how you feel about going to the baby shower and not really knowing anyone... I am not a social butterfly...Of course until I have a glass of wine which I try not to do that often esp...not appropriate probably for a baby shower..haha. When I get invited to stuff like that , I want to say " Really it won't hurt my feelings if you do not invite me" Is that terrible?
I think you are taking a really smart approach with how you are increasing your weights a little at a time. I know you have probably said this before but I do not know if I missed it or how I might have missed it. But how did you injure your back? Sorry if I missed that.
Jo-It sounds like you had a full day of shopping or looking...whichever you did more of!
Did you come home with anything you couldn't live without? I wish we had more kitchen stores here. We only really have one but it is my favorite place. It is a kitchen store in the front and a cooking kitchen in the back. They do cooking classes there and then you get to eat what you cook. Dh and I have went a few times and it is my favorite thing to do in town. It is so much fun. It is only big enough for about 16 people and they bring in different kinds of chefs from all around. I am telling you , I just love it. I think after this post I am going to go see if they have anything fun coming up!
Well I am off to see what I can get in to. I hope yall are having a great day!